
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Flauros vs Michael

We prepared everything and left. I went with Jason's car since I hadn't had my own. I gave the girls and boys their own separate money to chose how they spent it. The girls went to the hot springs and the boys went to a pleasure site.

Jason went with me back to the agency after I bought ; manga, merche and video games. When I asked him why he hadn't went with the boys to the pleasure site he said,'I'm kind of bored so I'll chill with you back in the agency, besides I already know all the women back there'.

I sighed regretting asking him the question and stared at the tall buildings infront of our agency which could be seen more than 2 miles away before reaching the city.' Huh, Mikel's such a gentle man for treating us like this',Olivia said.

'I couldn't agree with you more ',Charlotte agreed.

'He's just a trying to apologise for running away when we surprised him,but I don't get why he had to do our chores though',Emia said.

'It's because he's a gentleman duh , if you never had an eye on him I would have already asked him out',Amalia said said.

'Amalia he's my brother , we're not blood related but still' , Emia pouted as she went deeper in the water.

'So I can date him?',Amalia asked

'No!',Emia burst out

The girls laughed. 'Come on Emia you have gyat a nice tush and bosom but you're still single, I'm envies',Charlotte said as she grabbed one of Emias bosome's and tush.

'Stoopit!',Emia shouted.

Jason was quite for longer than usual and his eyes had a familiar glow in them, he looked serious. 'What's up with the negative energy do you regret going back to the agency?',I asked

'We're being followed ',he said finally after a while

'My heart skipped a bit as I thought, 'there's no car behind us and I can't sence any mana so who could follow us unless....'

The tall buildings suddenly blew up . 'Kid take the wheel and save the citizens from the falling debris, I'll take care of the anemy ',Jason said as he opened the car door and balance himself on top of the car.

'Michael can't see me from hear, I'm more than 10 000 meters away from him. I even blew up those buildings to discret him. Let's see how strong you are Michael ',Flauros said on top of a tall building.

'If you want to know how strong I am why don't you fight me head on', Jason said as he made a finger gun with his hand and winked.

I stopped the car, broke the window and sliced the falling rocks in such a shape that they couldn't badly injure the citizens. I breathed out and touched my sore arm.

I suddenly felt something passing, by and I felt it again but this time it said ,'good job kid'. Before I could process what had happened a little girl came and huged me with a huge smile, I huged her back with satisfaction.

'How weak and vulnerable humans are',the little girl said.

Flauros came to a stop at a valley. 'Now that we have no destructions we can kill each other to our heart content ',Jason said.

'Who are you anyway' , he continued

'My name is Flauros,I came hear to slay you're head and then kill Lucifer and ta-',Flauros came to a stop as he looked at Jason laughe as if he had eaten cannabis.

'Pause yo...ure gonna kill who',Jason tried to stop laughing as he wiped the tears in his eyes.

'How dare you mock me!',Flauros walked angrily sinking intoo the ground as he walked.

He speed-blitz infront of Jason and punched him as much as he could obliviating everything behind him. 'Why is he not moving I can't seem to be hurting him at all,is he still mocking me',Flauros infused his next punch with a great deal of mana before trying to punch Jason yet again.

Jason grabbed the punch with his finger and said,'to slow ,to slow, to slow. You're weak man',Jason said as he taped his shoulder. Flauros punched Jason threw the stomach with his other hand and laughed.

'Dude that was my after image ', Jason said as he taped his shoulder again.

'Impossible how fast are you?',Flauros asked

Flauros suddenly couldn't move as Jason placed his hand on him in a pearcing state and then removed it. Flauros's stomach extended a litte as he coughed up blood. Veins popped up on his face as he said , ' In that second I felt like I was punched a thousand times'

Flauros laughed.'I guess I shouldn't have expected this to be easy, I'll have to go all out',he said.

'Bara-Great Duke of Hell-Flauros'


sorry guys couldn't reach 1k words