
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

chapter 2 :Freedom

I often gaze at the stars and wish silently to be like a free bird which is hunted by none. A bird that goes wherever it want to go and do whatever it wants to do. But my wish was neglected like a kid wishing to be superman.

I followed Nicholas as we went for training. The kid suddenly came infront of Nicholas and he asked ,'hey dad can I come to?'

'You need to gurde the house and protect it from enemies'


'My word is final Henry '

Henry grumbled as he walked away, glancing at me he stopped and said ,'hey wassup the name's Henry , you are Mikel right'.

I noded. 'Well nice meeting you let be bros',he said as he extended his hand for a fist bumpe. I gazed at him a moment as I wondered if he knew the meaning of "bro" , I wondered why he would want to be my bro after just knowing my name. Nonetheless we made a fist bumpe as I said ,'sure'

After we went outside the gate I looked at Nicholas and asked,'Why aren't the any demons here?'

'That you're first lesson. Normally heroes can see demons without having to concentrate mana intoo their eyes but since your mana reserve is small I gues you're an exception. Try concentrating you're mana into your eyes and let it become one with them',he replied.

I closed my eyes and concentrated and when I oppened them I saw swarms of demons some small as ant and some huge as elephant.

'When people walk into forest they may see beautiful ever green trees and animals small and the like living peacefully, but this is what we see',he said.

We went deeper into the forest looking for two strong demons to train with. Nicholas suddenly stopped and said take the one behind you I'll take on this one ',he said as a demon emerged from the huge tree infront of us.

I looked behind me to see a huge demon emerging from the ground. I deflected the demon's attacks as I glanced at Nicholas who was staring at his opponent .

'You're weak ', he said as he swiftly drew his katana and moved past the demon he sheathed it as the demon's head suddenly burst.

I focused on my opponent as I dodged it attacks and tried to retaliate.

'If I can focus my mana in my eyes I wonder what would happen if I focused it at certain part of my body ',I thought.

I focused all my mana at my feet and charged at the demon and right before I made impact I focused it at my katana and slashed the demon. I did this over and over until the demon left a huge opening , moving swiftly I slashed through the demon and it's body burst as I wiped the blood away.

'Not bad ',Nicholas said.

I grinned as I made a thumbs-up.

'Kids this days',he sighed.

There was a sudden explosion at the main gate . Nicholas and I looked surprised as we glanced at each other in disbelief. 'Someone found this place even though it was hidden from the face of the earth',we thought.

'This place wasn't as hard to find as "he" thought ',a demon said.

'No human can escape my dark magic', another demon replied.

Snowflakes fellf from the sky as Emia and Henry made their way to the demons . 'Abaddon take care of the girl and I'll deal with with the boy', the demon said.

'Roger that Amon ',Abaddon replied.

'If you give us the man with Lord Lucifer we will make your deaths as painless as we can', Amon said .

Henry and Emia wilded their katanas as they said,'we're not as merciful, wether you leave this place or not depends on how fast u can run!'.

Abbadon speed-blitz in front of Emia and slightly touched her stomach, she went crashing and got impailed by the anti climb spikes of the main wall.

'When did he...',Henry thought as he glanced at Emias blood painting the wall.

Amon threw the explosive orbs around her body and Henry tried slashing them with his katana but they exploded on impact.

Henry coughed up blood as he dropped his katana , he could smell his burnt flesh as he looked up at the sky and said ,'sorry for not keeping my promise father'.

'So much for big words human, I prefer raw meat so disappear ', she threw a few more explosive orbs which exploded.

'Henry!, his mother shouted as she could not sense his mana'

'What do you think you're doing to my family, stupid demon!',I said as I pointed them with my katana overflowing with mana.