
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

chapter 1 : killer or sycophath

Nearly every student in this world was a victim to bullying. Either they were the victim, bully or they had seen the act.

Well in my case I was the victim. Like other victims I had been bullied for a stupid reason. Well actually for no reason , maybe they thought I was ugly , who knows.

Day In and day out they bullied me .Teachers only glanced at me a few times and paid no mind.

'Why did you look at my girl like that you ugly motherfucker'

For the first time I responded and said,

'You're girl who got banged by the people you call "bros" , all I see is a hoe with a bigger hole than her attitude '

The pain from their beating wasn't that painful since I had gotten used to it. Life was boring. It was filled with fake people who put on a fake nice face everyday because of the fear of being mentally broken by others.

You can't tell if either this people are angry , sad or jealous of you . One may think they are close friends but they are actually enemy's.

Life is also filled with parasite who like to feed or depend on other people for survival . I can keep naming and describing the types of people In life but in the end , I don't understand them . I fail to understand them because they are boring. I often wish I wasn't born in this timeline but maybe a few centuries back .

I gues that why I killed all my bullies in called blood .I really can't understand myself, that why I always ask myself if either I'm a killer or sycopath.

It was a gloomy night . At around 3a.m one would expect people to be sleeping ,but some were driving to work or different places while some were roaming the street and others studying.

They all suddenly froze dreading the feeling of death. A little girl who carried a small Teddy bear with one eye missing was walking on the road . She wore a white Rob and had no shoes on .

Cars stopped in anguish , amazed by the girl . A man disembarked his car, and as he was walking towards the girl his head suddenly burst. And everybody who was staring at the girl suffered the same fate.

People ran in fear and those who tried to attack her died before they could make a move. A man with white hair and a blue robe came in contact with the horrified mob of people and he sighs as he says,

'What foolish humans who run like a chicken with it's head cut of, now...'

'Disappear into the mist', after he said this all the people froze intoo thin ice and shattered intoo a million picies.

The two demons reached a spot were they found a demon with white hair,Rob , black stitches around his body and black wings sitting on corpes surround by a pool of blood, he took a bite of a red apple which was formed by the blood.

Two other demons appeared from the back , one wearing a kimono and the other was a demonic night.

'Sorry we're late, I head to fix Flauros up after what happened '

'Now that everyone is here let us began our preparations for war' , the little girl said.

On that night the entire nation was overtaken by demons in less than an hour and the place was named the dark kingdom . No human or hero deared to enter that place unless they wanted to start a war which ended a century ago.

I woke up to find myself in an unfamiliar place. Sitting up I looked around the room, it was a normal Japanese bedroom. I worried more about Emia as I remembered our battle.

'I hope her wound wasn't fatal ',I thought

I couldn't tell if it was morning or afternoon, the light in the room seemed to be powered by mana. I heared voices from a different secter , one of the voices came closer and closer until the door in my room suddenly opened.

I was greeted by a young woman who seemed to be blind .I don't know if it's me but she had a perfect smile as if she had been smiling all her life. She invited me to join them for breakfast.

When I reached the dining room I saw the young woman sitting next to a tall nicely built man with a kid about my age . Don't get me wrong the dude was handsome. I set next to Emia who was sitting on the opposite end of the table with Jason.

Everyone was quiet for a while as they munched on their food . I felt pretty nervous until the young woman startled me as she spoke.

'Mikel I heared you were from the organisation PHA '

My heart skipped a bit, 'how do you know that '

'Well I also used to work there until it was destroyed '

'Why smile and speak so casual about the place?',I asked

'Well smiling is said to be a natural thing so I can't help it ', she said

I unsheathed my katana and beheaded her as I said ,'you disgust me.

The nicely built man looked furious as he said ,'you come to my home ,we welcome you warmly and in return you beheaded my wife you little brat!'

The man smashed the table as he engarly gazed at me . Snowflakes fell from the room and Jason emanated a purple ora . I wasn't thinking straight so I charged at the man.

'Divine preasure', Jason said

We all couldn't move an inch . 'You think this will stop me Jason', the man said.

'Nicholas , calm down he overreacted because of trauma ',Jason said calmly.

'He's right dear, besides I'm not dead ',the woman began to speak.

The child took the woman's head and placed it on as he said ,' Are you okey mom should I kill him for you '.

'It okey Joseph it was a misunderstanding ', she said.

'Mikel as you can see I'm nolonger human. I was originally a test subject until I worked there as nothing but a puppet . I had never seen the light . My dream was to one day see the amateurs flower, but as you can see i am blind and that dream will forever remain a dream. You act like your mother child. But I'm glad her son is doing well' , she concluded.

Emia and I looked surprised. I quickly bowed down and apologised .' Mikel you're going to train here for a few days. This place does not exist anywhere in the world so the demons won't find you', Jason said.

'What would they want to do with me ',I asked.

'You are the vessel of thee Lucifer King of hell and the demons have the keys of unsealing him , so you must stay under high security kid' , he replied.

Jason was sitting alone with Nicholas and they both lighted their cigarette in the smoking room.

'Do you think the world will survive the war against the dark kingdom '

'They took over a nation in less than an hour so I'm not sure even the king of heroes and I can take them , especially if "they" are involved '