
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

A Dark twist

'I feel weak I've lost a lot of blood , I can't see clearly but I can hear the scientist scream in aguany. I gues this is how I die ' , I said. ' I won't let you kill my son no matter what you demon , Mikel I promise that I 'll protect and set you free to see the world and live a normal life like a child should ! ' , my mother shouted.

I woke up and went to the kitchen where I found my siblings chatting , while mom was preparing breakfast , that when my mother began to speak , ' Mikel you look rather pale is everything alright '. ' No mom I'm great it just that I'll be late for work ... so I think I should be going ..' , I said cheerfully. ' oh! my children have grown up and you are working very hard Mikel I hope you will find a nice wife to support you ' , my mother said with a smile. ' Thanks mom we should be going ...let's go guys ' , I said.

We took our equipment and went deep inside the jungle towards the beast teritory to hunt bears.' Mikel I think we should stop lying to mom and tell about what we really want , we can't keep saying we work at a restaurant whilst we are the famous beast hunters .I know you are not happy about the mariage thing ' , my younger brother said.

' I want to become a hero and protect people , but mom want us to live a

normal life after what we went through ,I don't want to make her sad or worry of us I think you understand Boru and Emia ' , I said.' yeah ' , they replied.

We hunt and sell bears in order to earn a living ,my younger sister Emia covered herself in fish so she could have a gamy sme that would lour the bear .she acted as bait because she could run realy fast .She successfully loured the bear and run .Boru was on top of a high tree which gave him a bird's eye view of the bear , he wasted no time in shooting thirteen arrows at it back .

This only made it run even faster , Emia swiftly hid in the nearest bush while Mikel was at a distance staring at the bear . It ran towards him and it had not noticed the trap set for it , the bears claws cutted a string which triggered a large spike boulder to pierce the bear giving it several holes .

' your plan worked Mikel if it hadn't we would both be dead by now , so much for you're arrows Boru ' , Emia said.

' If I hadn't shot that bear you'd both be dead by now ' , Boru said.

'Oh yeah prove it ', she countered .

' Now , now we all did a grea - ' my sister pushed me.

As I fell down I saw my sisters blood oozing out at an amazing speed .The bear which we assumed was dead was still alive charging at me , it had a dark ora and red eyes .Boru rushed to help me but was to slow . Just before the bear killed me a katana blocked it path. It was my mother , she pushed the bear away with her katana.

' Boru treat Emia with this herbs Mikel stay down ! ' , my mom shouted .

I stood up next to her and said ' I won't let you fight all - '. My mom striked me with the back of her katana and I fainted.

I oppened my eyes and to my suprise the bear was behaded , my mom's body was on the ground covering my brother. Blood was everywhere. I quickly ran to my mother and was shocked to see a massive hole on her stomach.