
5. Little Boss

"You follow my girl wherever she goes and take care of her for me!"

Deandra, who had just sat down immediately opened his eyes wide reading the boss' orders at will. Sahal left the office for a long time without saying goodbye, while he, who worked day and night, couldn't enjoy his life at all.

There is no other choice but to answer Sahal's message with yes. Deandra didn't want to take the risk too much by refusing orders. He might be kicked out of the Khalid Shah Corp company and go into bankruptcy for life. He did not want it to happen because his parents and and his younger brother depending his life only on him.

Deandra immediately got up and stepped out of his office to follow the departure of Dzi at the Medical Hospital. while Khalid finally returned to the rented house.

After Isha, Wildan sat in a chair in the living room, calculating his trading results today. Khalid, who had just left his room, immediately joined in, looking at Wildan, who was still serious about collecting pennies and banknotes according to nominal. Khalid looked at Wildan sadly. He never thought that in this world there would still be people managing nickels. When he remembers his multifaceted life, he becomes ashamed. He rarely even counts how much money he often spends on leisure. Buying things he doesn't need, treating friends to meals and who knows what else his activities are with his money.

"How much do you usually get a day from selling?" Asked Khalid while sitting opposite Wildan.

"Not sure. Sometimes two hundred, sometimes more, sometimes less. "

"Two hundred thousand?"


"A day?

Wildan nodded. He didn't make a sound because his focus was on the count of the coins he had tied with a certain amount of plaster.

"Don't you want to work?"

"I've worked. What else do I want to do? "

Khalid shook his head. He forgot his current condition. He wanted to offer Wildan a job for a good position in his company but he refused.

"Work that makes more money."

"You mean being an employee? Like you? "

"Yes. Being an employee seems cooler than pushing a wheelbarrow every day. "

Finally Khalid relented. He prefers when Wildan says he is an employee without having to pretend.

"Just let me be uncool as long as my current position is boss. Even though it's just a little boss ha ha ha. Boss whose daily income is only hundreds of thousands of rupiah. I really want to be a little boss. Instead of being an employee, every day the energy is drained, in such a way, but the income is almost the same. "

"At least you can save a little more energy, Wildan. You can save your energy longer, if you want. "

"Then where will I work? I am comfortable and comfortable with my current condition. Don't you bother me. I will not be tempted by the persuasion of employees who have left the company. Ha ha ha. If you want to trade, I can teach you.

"Trade, huh? What trade? "

"Adjust only your skills and hobbies. If you like to cook like me, trade food, if you don't, then trade anything. As long as it's not unemployed. Besides being uncomfortable, being unemployed also makes us lazy. "

"I wanted to be like this first, Dan. Let idle first, the important thing is my heart is calm. '

"Where there is idle quiet. You will get lazier if you are constantly unemployed. "

Khalid looks at Wildan. He wanted to laugh at Wildan's words. But if he laughed Wildan would have been suspicious of his disguise. It could be that Wildan will find out who he really is.

"Yes, not continuously either. I will try to find a new company to work for. "

"While looking for work, you can help me later I'll give you a reward."

"You can also suggest. I will reconsider. "

"Are you sure you want to? It's not cool, you know. "

Khalid nodded while scratching his head. He is actually embarrassed if he has to follow Wildan. Selling around on foot must be very tiring.

"Ha ha ha, you said I have to move, work, don't be idle, right? Why are you the one who hesitated? "

"Yes, because of doubt. Someone as cool as you want to be the person I ordered? "

"As long as I can get money, right?"

"YES, don't be like that. You work because you worship. Making a living at least to prepare this life for a better life in the future. "

"Guide me, so I can be like you. Istiqomah holds the right principles "

Wildan nodded excitedly. He continued his activities, calculating the proceeds from selling and putting it in several places.

"Ah, don't overdo it. I'm not an istiqamah either. Sometimes I can be weak too. "

"Well, no matter how weak your condition is, I think I'm sure that you always go the best way for your solution."

"How do you know?"


"How do you feel?"

"Yes, just feeling, can be felt but hard to explain"

Wildan took the notebook. Noting the amount of money in a cylindrical bread tin, then switching to the bread cans in the shape of a cube and the fifty thousand and one hundred banknotes in a brown envelope. Khalid continues to pay attention to Wildan. In his heart he wondered why Wildan did it all.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's just weird. You separate your money in different places. "

"Cylindrical cans for alms. Cube cans for savings, if there are a lot of them I change them at the shop or gas station. As an additional investment to develop my sales and make my tuition fees. "

"Are you still in college?"

"Post graduate."

"Wow, you are great. But if you are a postgraduate, why do you have to sell around? Are you not interested in working in a company? "

Wildan shook his head once again.

"Not. If you look at me as a street vendor like this and my income is fine. The important thing is halal, I sincerely accept. What matters to me is work and earning, no matter how I earn it, I don't really care. Especially against people's views. "

"You're an educated person, Dan. I don't want to be seen as someone who can have a better life."

Wildan laughed then shook his head softly. He leaned his tired body on the back of the sofa. Her eyes caught the ceiling of her house, trying to calm her feelings so as not to get emotional at Khalid's assessment of her.

"I went to college just to study, not so that I could get a diploma and get any views from humans. The knowledgeable person is exalted by Allah. That's all. You can be surprised with me or not up to you. I do not care at all, the important thing is I have time to worship and draw closer to Allah with special "without being burdened by work time is tied like in an office."

"You don't want to have employees and grow your business?"

"Of course I Want"

"Then why don't you do it?"

"Huh, while like this is enough. I'm already thankful that Allah loves me perfectly. "

"Strange. Usually humans will prefer to be seen as luxurious by humans. He pursues anything for the sake of being able to be said to be a great person and has degrees and ranks. "

"It's them, not me. Ah never mind. What is clear at this time I want to focus on my merchandise. You can help me prepare ingredients for tomorrow right? "


"Take a blender in the kitchen then blend the chilli. I will prepare the spices so that tomorrow I can start selling early. "

"Wha. . . What does it mean? I blend the chilies? "Khalid asked nervously. At home, he never held any tools at all. Never mind blending chilies, he never even saw the blender tool. But this time, there was no other choice but to obey.

Wildan stepped into the kitchen after storing a container of money in his room. Khalid followed Wildan's steps to the kitchen, then sat on a chair not far from his friend. Wildan seemed busy preparing everything then put the blender in front of Khalid.

"Take the chilies in the refrigerator!"

Khalid nods. He immediately walked to the one-door refrigerator which is located in the corner of the room, opened the door and saw its contents. He was stunned at the contents of the refrigerator which was almost empty. There are only a few things in there. Unlike the refrigerator in the apartment and main house which is always fully stocked with food.

"Where's the chili?"

Wildan looked at the refrigerator and smiled. He approached, then reached out to take something that he wrapped in a newspaper and handed it to Khalid.

"Take it!"

"But I . . . "

Khalid scratched his head. He turned to the two-door refrigerator in the corner of the room. Slowly he took a step, approached the refrigerator and opened it.

"Why hesitate?"

"I've never blended."

"Ha ha ha, alright. Follow me! I will teach you so that tomorrow you can be more dexterous. "

"Wash the chilies first, then put them in the blender. Add a little water, then close it and you turn the on button like this.

The blender's ringing, deafening noise made Khalid recoil slightly. Wildan, who knew that Khalid was shocked, immediately turned off the blender and left the job to Khalid.

"You continue! Do not be long. Even though it's not smooth yet, try to turn it off every five minutes. I don't want my blender to break. There is no money to replace it. "

For God's sake Khalid wants to say that he is better off replacing Wildan's blender that is broken than having to work hard to get himself into trouble.

"Good. I will obey all your directions. "

"It should be. You have to follow my directions otherwise. . . "

"If not, why?"

"You will damage and harm me."

"I can compensate you."

"Ah, don't think you will compensate, compensate. Your money will run out later. You have to be thrifty, don't let you just hitchhike here because you don't have money. "

"Very well, Lord King."

"I'm not a king."

"You said you were the little boss, right?"

"Just a little boss. Not a king. "

"Ok, okay Boss."