
13. Just Call Me, Dzi

Khalid was still thinking about what his mother had said about the girl named Saifi. His mind was confused. He couldn't think clearly at all.

"Ah, why is Mama always driving me crazy?" muttered Khalid, wringing his hair. His feet he stepped away from the main house. I don't know how long he was busy with his thoughts and images.

"God. If I could choose between obeying Mama's wishes and my heart's desires, I want to fulfill my heart's desire because I know the source of my happiness. But. . . if I remember all of Mama's kindness to me, I am hard to refuse. "

Khalid still walked without knowing where his feet left his house. Until the minute who knows how he reached a garden. He circulated his eyes, staring around where there were lots of children playing waiting for dusk to come, ah, to be more precise enjoying the twilight with their parents or whoever.

"If I had the choice, I wanted to be like them, Lord. Play without thinking about life's heavy burdens. Being able to laugh while running and chasing like that, I feel jealous of you. "

Khalid sits on a park bench. There are four round chairs, encircled by a cast table and above which there is a large umbrella to protect anyone sitting from the sun and rain. The gaze he directed around.

In his anxiety, he saw a girl in a blue veil, sitting with her laptop on a gazebo.


"Is she Dzi?" Khalid took a step. Approaching the girl who is still busy with her activities. The pile of books in front of her was wide open as if telling anyone to go away from her because she was busy and didn't want to be disturbed by anyone.


Call Khalid quietly. The girl turned around, then smiled. She nodded and then returned to her normal activities, typing her fingers on the computer keyboard without greeting Khalid at all.

Khalid was in doubt. He did not expect that he would meet Dzi at that time.

"Am I prohibited from approaching?"

Dzi smiles. She didn't want to answer because she hoped Khalid could understand the real situation,

"Sorry if it interferes. But this time I want to be with you, Dzi. "

"Why? Is there anything I can help?'

Khalid sighed. He wanted to tell about everything, but he was hesitant. He hasn't known Dzi for long and doesn't want to open up to anyone. To be sure at this time, he wanted to hide his own identity.

"Are you a girl who was made to linger on a gazebo-like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"This morning at the medical hospital, we met at the gazebo and your position is holding a laptop like this. Right now somewhere, you are doing the same thing. Is there nothing else that catches your eye more? "

"It's because I'm an author. I am a novelist who has to work hard to deposit daily manuscripts on an online platform. If I'm not like this, how can I get money? If I just sit there like everyone else?

"Wow, are you the author?" Dzi nodded.

"Novel?" once again Dzi nodded. Khalid reached out his hand to shake Dzi's hand, but Dzi quickly cupped her hands together, refusing Khalid's handshake.

"Sorry. I didn't know that you couldn't shake hands with men. "

"It is okay. I'm sorry "

"What for?"

"Because you can't shake hands."

"It's OK."

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Wildan? "

"Wildan? What are you doing?'

"Ah, sorry. I think you will help Wildan in selling every day. "

"Does it have to be like that?" Asked Khalid while looking at Dzi with a smile on his nose. He was surprised by the mindset of the girl in front of him. He doesn't know why Dzi thinks that way, but he doesn't want to ask why.

"Not really. Maybe because I felt that yesterday brought the food to my house, I think you helped Wildan. "

"Is that so?"

"But it doesn't have to be the same time, huh? I misunderstood. Sorry."

"It is okay. By the way, have you known Wildan for a long time? "

"Do you know Wildan? About a year or two this time, huh? If I am not mistaken."

"How come if I'm not mistaken. If so, how about it? "

"If it's true, then it's not wrong, right? Ha ha ha"

Khalid looked at the face of Dzi who was laughing, showing her dimples which made her even more adorable.

"You don't go to college?" Dzi shook her head.

"It was finished this afternoon. It's twilight now. All lectures are already off. This week I only attended two lectures. On Tuesday and Thursday. The rest there are tasks outside "

"Oh, right? What major?"

"What do you want?"

"I? What major do I want? I like it when a girl is majoring in nursing, medicine, or majoring in design. Better. "

"O, if I don't like the good ones. I like it who has the pleasure of Allah. It's just not cool?. It's more fun when Allah is pleased with us. "

"Wrong again."

"Ha ha ha, there's nothing wrong. "

"Please, tell me what major you are studying, so that if I have a job vacancy I can give it to you."


"What?" Khalid was completely shocked by the fact that the girl before him was taking medical school. A faculty which for him is very cool, especially at UNOC.


"It. . . Is it true?'


"So you are a prospective doctor?"

Dzi nodded.

"But I'd rather write novels than write prescriptions for drugs."

"That means you don't want to put your knowledge into practice to help society?"

Dzi took a deep breath. she knew what was in her heart, but she didn't want to tell anyone else at all. all secrets belonged to her and she did not want to indulge in public

"not like that."


"One day you will know. Now let you think that I don't want to use my knowledge for society. "

"Alright, alright. I just obeyed the prospective doctor ma'am. "

"Go if you call me Doctor. We stop being friends from now on. "

"Oh, why?'

"Just do not like."

"What do I like to call?"

"Just Call me, Dzi "

Dzi is silent. She looked at her laptop which had begun to fade, clearing the screen display. she wiped the keyboard and a photo of the scenery around the gazebo appeared. Khalid who saw Dzi's activities only sighed.

"I'm bothering you?"

She wanted to say yes, but Dzi did not dare to say her very painful honesty. Dzi shook her head. she believes lying for good will be approved by Allah.


"I thought I was interrupting your writing activities."

"If it's not disturbed, I won't rest. At least I have to thank you for making me rest, even if only for a moment. "

"You seem to need refreshing."

"Refreshing me by writing."

"Needs a walk."



"Just do not like. Afraid of being tired, I can't focus on writing. "

"If I carry it?"

"How dare?"

"No need to worry?'

"Allah is angry, you dare?"

Khalid is silent. He looked at Dzi with a questioning look.

"Why is Allah angry when we don't do anything. Don't think too much, Dzi. I just want to be your friend, suer. "

"No one is excessive. Women and men cannot be friends, let alone best friends. Some limits must not be violated. When we are both like this, there will be slander. People will think that we are lovers or we are husband and wife. "

"It's okay they look at us lovers."

"But I do not want to."

"Because I'm poor?"

"Not because you are poor or ric. I respect everyone not because he is rich or poor. I value poor but faithful men more than rich but arrogant men. "

"Wow. Is it true?"

"Don't believe it, okay? From now on leave me if you don't believe me. "

"If I asked you to be my wife, would you?"

Dzi is stunned. He had no idea why Khalid had uttered his words, while they did not know each other.

"Do you want it or not?"

"I still don't know you."

"Y yes this. Everything I have right now. No other. I am poor and uneducated. Only has a handsome face above average. Hahaha"

"Then, why do you ask me to be your wife when you also don't know me at all?"

"Because you are unique. Only you are willing to accept me to be your friend. "

"That's only natural. I usually do it to anyone, there is no advantage whatsoever in my attitude towards you. "

'But for me this is unique. You are different "

"Ok, thank you. Sorry to be your wife, I still have to think. Please don't tell because you're poor. No, that's not it. "

"Ok, I will wait for your readiness. Can I have your phone number? "


"Then? How can I communicate with you? "

"Only with Allah's permission. It will be more beautiful and fun. "

"What do you mean?"

"If Allah wants to bring us together, we communicate. If not, there is no communication. That is all. Do not overdo it because Allah does not like excessive things at all. "

"I can come to your house?"

"Should not."


"Never make any scenario for our meeting anytime and anywhere because only Allah has the best scenario."

"Good. I consider this a challenge for you to be able to conquer your heart. "


"Oh yes, this. . . what area huh? '

Khalid scratched his hand waiting for Dzi's answer who was now smiling.

"The area near Medica hospital. You don't know? "

"So Medica hospital is close to my. . . is that so? " Dzi shook her head, heard Khalid's stifled sentence then changed to another sentence.

"I'm sorry, I have to go home because soon the evening call to prayer."

"Let's go home together, OK?"

Dzi shook her head.

"Better to go home alone. Assalamualaikum"

"Waalaikum salam warahmatullah"