

700 Hundred years ago, Demon's in the Land of 'CELESTIA' planed to over throw the humans and all the other races with them. A Grueling War took place where many sacrifices were made and they finally won over the demons vanquishing them into an eternity of darkness but were their sacrifices worth it?

Sparkle_Saffira · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

The Guests

Kingdom Arendel a land where joy, happiness and brightness are in abundance. This kingdom is ruled by the King Arthur Arendel and Queen Amelia Arendel and the first Princess Raeliana Arendel and the second Princess Sapphira Arendel. The people of Arendel love their royals and so do the royals love their subjects. The people of kingdom Arendel have full control over the element - Water. Now lets see the sparkle of this story Princess Sapphira Arendel a cheerful young girl who is as quick witted as lightning and has a hidden talent ( which you will know soon ;) )


[Sapphira POV]

I suddenly saw a bright light and I heard a voice calling out my name although I knew that is my name I'm certain it is not sapphire that I heard.

I suddenly opened my eyes only to see the bright light coming threw my windows I sighed out of relief that what I just witnessed was just a dream. "Your highness would you like me to prepare your bath?" asked my personal maid Lira to which I just nodded.

As soon as I was dressed I headed straight to the dinning hall only to realize I AM LATE yet again, "Good morning Father, Mother and sister" I greeted just slightly bowing "Take your seat" my father said in response.

As were having our meal in silence the butler Walter came into the room and told something to my father to which he arose from the table quickly and motioned my mother to follow him while saying "They arrived earlier than expected".

They all left the room leaving me and my sister to start our game of guesses as to who they could have been, I chomped down the food while having a small talk with my sister and soon hurried to my chambers.

"Lira hurry up give me my incognito" I say that when I want to dress up as a villager and sneak into the village.

The next thing I know I am all ready and successfully managed to sneak out and am in the village market just so awestruck by the beauty of the kingdom I call it a village even though its the capital where the palace is.

The first thing I do in the market every time I visit is eat the food at this particular stall.

I must also make sure to keep my powers hidden while sneaking out because only the royals have a different type or shade of power its just so obvious when I use it.

I am eating this ever so delicious food lost in my own world when I suddenly bumped into a person I noticed that he is wearing rather fancy clothes under is cloak which is quite long and has a hood covering his face although I don't have a cloak the power illusion makes me look like anybody but me to others.

I apologized to the stranger and am about to leave when he suddenly caught my hand to which my reflex is to attack him before the attack was laid I found myself on a rooftop.

"Your cover wont be down now princess and I'm sorry. My names Ashur, till we meet again princess" saying that he jumped of the rooftop I checked where he jumped but he was nowhere to be seen.

I had a feeling I must return to the palace immediately so I did, only to be attacked by maids who dressed me up for the guests who have arrived. As I entered the throne room I instinctively bowed and greeted them. My mother was about to tell me who they are but she was intruded by the door opening and the person who entered------

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