

This novel is my interpretation of life, How we as women have a variety of challenges we deal with as we grow. How I faced mine and how I started being optimistic. Being depressed is in no means a joke and affects our mindset deeply, A trauma from childhood can last for his whole life, Neglection from parent's deprive children from Confidence. Quarrels destroy you emotionally. How I faced these problems and became who I an today!

ME_WHO_ELSE · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs


A women's mind is a hard thing to understand, sometimes we say stuff we don't even mean. Very often we conceal our emotions so that we fit in in a society. Just like many other women in the world, this is my story and how I faced my challenges and how I'm still facing them. Just a tad reminder that life is not always fair, we must strive for what we want if we want to lead a productive life. Life does not have a happy ending; it is about the journey you go on throughout the years!

I was born in a middle-class family, I'm the eldest of all my siblings. My parents got married at the age of 18 and 23 something. My mother didn't even have an ID card at that time. She was in college when she had me. Her life was already hard because it is hard for one to survive if he/she has been pampered her whole life. She suffered on her part while he suffered on his. This was the marriage to impress elders but these kinds of things don't last long. Domestic violence became common. Just a little spark was enough for us to be homeless. In fact, we were homeless at least once a week. When I turned 7 my uncle from my father's side invited us to live in another city to hopefully solve some of our problems. We went there and he even paid our rent for a year. We started living in a society and going to a local school. Things went smoothly and I had a normal life for once. The prosperous family!!

Our first year in that city was in 2014. Many things changed for me. I made friends and became fluent in English. I started living a healthy life with all my focus on studies. I wanted to go into the military. Especially air force. I studied by myself without a tutor. I was in second grade at that time. Me teachers loved me and my mom soon after continued her studies. She came in my school for an internship and then started working there as a teacher, she taught us Math, but she never favored me. She never exploited us. We cleaned the whole house ourselves; we did the dishes and our homework. I was the head when both my parents were out. Sometimes I even cooked for my siblings, I was only 7 at that time. As my mother continued her studies, she had to go for workshops after her teaching job. So we only saw her in the morning at 7 and at night at 9. Father was barely home as well.