
The creature in the Snow

Sleeping on the couch was never comfortable, so when I do it with my head in a weird angle, waking up to a cramping neck and shoulders was expected. Stretching my arms and rolling my shoulder I get up and head for the bathroom, I needed a shower after yesterday's cleaning of the stables. Grabbing my towel and clothes I walked into my bathroom and begun running a bath, I would normally shower but I felt like relaxing today before I have to begin my chores.

Pouring some lavender-scented bubble bath into the water, I sat on the rim watching it begin to foam up and bubble, I always loved the smell of lavender, it was one of the only happy memories I had of my parents. Looking back on my memories with them ...were never fun, shaking my head I got rid of all thoughts of them and turned the hot water off, got undressed, and threw my dirty clothes into the wash basket.

I slowly slid into the water sighing in content as the heat licked away at my skin and replaced the coolness in my fingers. Relaxing was a rarity for me because I was always very busy doing something so when I got the chance to do it, I liked to relax for a very long time, but unfortunately, the hot water was already getting colder. I grabbed the shampoo and poured some onto my hand, closing the lid and started to lather my hair in the sweet strawberry scent. I scrubbed away at my hair as I thought over the times when I was a kid, and I used to try eating the strawberry-scented soaps that my grandmother used to buy, but my parents would always stop me before I could try tasting it, though the one time I did do it successfully I ended up with a terrible stomach ache.... it didn't taste anything like strawberries.

Laying back in the bath, I rinsed my hair and grabbed the conditioner bottle, I slid the top off and poured some conditioner into my hand before I closed the top again putting it back in its place. I scrubbed my hair with the conditioner before I rinsed my hair off and got out releasing the water as I did.

After getting dressed and drying my hair, I walked over to my kitchen and started my morning routine of coffee making and trying to pick breakfast if I would have any today. Deciding against it as I wasn't hungry or peckish, I grabbed my coffee and walked out, drinking it quickly I headed to the chicken coop, it was time to clean up the coop which was a lot easier than the stables. I walked into the coop and started I knew the chickens wouldn't bother me as long as I didn't accidentally step on them or poke them.

Finishing an hour later I looked over my work proudly before I put away the cleaning supplies and looked up at the sky wondering if it would snow today or not. Looking over at the stables I contemplated if I should take Nutmeg out for a ride or not, I knew this forest like the back of my hand so I knew I wouldn't get lost, well not without a heavy blizzard to block my sight. Walking into the barn I saddled Nutmeg up and headed out onto the path.

The forest was always beautiful in my eyes, I know most people would have gotten used to it by now but I knew I would never get used to it there was always something new to see or some undiscovered place to find. Looking around I kept an ear out just in case wolves tried to attack Nutmeg and me, they wouldn't normally come down this far but with deer been so rare in winter, you never knew if you would see a wolf now or not.

Stopping by a tree for only a moment I caught a glimpse of black fur behind the bushes near us, unfortunately for me, Nutmeg had seen as well, rearing up on her hind legs I held on tightly as she fled forward deeper into the woods and only after an hour of galloping did I manage to calm her down. Looking around I noticed we were in a clearing by a huge lake, I slowly steered Nutmeg to the lake as I slid off from her saddle and started comforting her.

Taking deep breaths I walked over to a tree stump and sat down only to jump back up when I felt something wet on my pants, looking down at the substance I was shocked to see a Bright neon green liquid splashed over the top of the stump looking up slightly I saw more leading in a trail, leaving Nutmeg behind I started following the trail.

Walking along the path I came to a huge clearing full of fallen trees and green substance all over the clearing, looking around I saw a huge blade laying on one of the trees I picked it up and examined it, the hilt was made from some type of bone with black engravings marked into it, the blade itself looked to be silver but darker, with gold lining the top of it. Keeping the blade in hand I look around before spotting claw marks along with the green substance on the trees while another trail leads off near it, only this time with a set of footprints alongside it.

The realization hit me hard, this was blood and whatever had happened here had left someone injured badly, and whoever had done this could still be after them most likely. Taking off with a sprint I followed the foot sprints.

Been forced from my mind by the loudest roar I have ever heard, I freeze in my place before turning around in my spot and ran off in the direction of the roar, adrenaline coursing through my veins and fueling me to run faster. Coming to a stop I watch as an invisible force lifts this monster looking thing from the ground making green blood pour down from its wounds, taking a step forward a very audible snap comes from under my foot, without even having to look I knew whatever was holding that monster now knew I was there, turning quickly I take off running and nearly stumbling when a ferocious roar comes from behind me.

Hiding behind a tree I draw quick breaths as I look around quickly while many thoughts run through my head. Digging my nails into the bark I force my self to calm down and take calming breaths."What the hell is this thing, what was that monster it was holding ...at least I know where the green blood comes from but still ...I get the feeling that if I don't kill this thing after me quickly ...I will not live through this " I listen carefully as not even the wind is blowing, moving quickly I dodge a huge shuriken as it slices right where I was, running I head back to the lake, it may be the worst decision I have made but I will at least be able to see this thing coming.

Running quickly I break through the bush slipping on a rock and sliding across onto the lake, I pant heavily as I rub my head slowly getting up, using the blade I had in my hand to push me to the other side of the lake and onto the snow, crawling onto the land I hear a heavy thump in front of me as the snow gets pushed aside by something landing in front of me, out of fear I swing upwards blindly and to my luck, the blade cuts easily through the creature's skin causing a deep gash down to the bone before coming out the side, throwing myself backwards I slide onto the ice and to the other side of the lake, standing up I look to the creature as it finally shows itself, it looked just like the wounded one but had a deep brown hide with white spots over its arms.

Staring at the creature, I look at the wound before at the blade and nods to my self reading the blade for if the creature moves at me again, keeping my eyes on it my jaw falls slightly when the creature jumps high landing right next to me, I scream softly and spins running back into the woods, weaving through trees I keep my head down as I try to think on a way to defeat this guy.

Been sent flying through the air because of some light beam from this creatures weapon and landing against a tree was not on my todo list today, quickly getting up I continue to run even with my muscles burning and hurting from the landing, I dive into hallow tree and stays still as I try to calm my breathing only to freeze and quit breathing when the sound of heavy footsteps approached the fallen tree I lay in.

It was the most terrifying moment of my life as time seemed to slow as I feared the worst, only to hear the footsteps move away before disappearing, I waited and waited until I was sure the creature was gone before I crawled out and headed to the lake. Looking down I looked at my footsteps and smirked as I started making a fake set of tracks leading back to the wounded creature before I used the trees to get into a good hiding spot. Now it was only a waiting game and to my luck, I didn't have to wait long, the creature landed right in front of me and started following the tracks I had made in the snow ."He is just like a hunter, a predator stalking his prey and waiting for the right moment to strike ...BUT THAT PREY WON'T BE ME!! " Leaping from my spot I land on the creatures back shocking it, knowing I only have a few seconds I plunge the blade through its neck and slicing outwards, causing the creature to roar out in pain and throw me off its back and far into the trees, landed in a tree I watch as the creature runs towards me with great speed hoping to finish me off or cause severe harm to me, Jumping out of the tree I dodge his attack and backs away before I leap forward again plunging the blade through the centre of the creature's chest before I turn and looks up to it.

Me: Whatever the hell you are, whoever you are ...you are a great hunter but you hunted the wrong prey today...

Staring up at the creature I watch as it slowly removes it mask making me stare at it before it....he slides off the blade and into the snow dead. Sighing I fall next to him and sits with my head between my legs breathing heavily as I remember the wounded creature I had so casually left when Iran away, hopefully, he didn't die yet. Running back to the trail, I follow the green blood to see the creature laying lifeless against a tree, remembering the exact spot to which the hunter had taken his mask off from, I do the same to this alien and slowly takes his mask off staring at his face.

Sharp long mandibles connected to his face, 3 long scars across his cheek, his skin a deep brown sandy orange, black stripes covering over his whole body as white dots sprinkle out over his chest and shoulders. His hair braided with what looked to bird skulls and feathers but one braid hug with what looked to be a small bracelet.

Shaking my head I whistled loudly hoping Nutmeg was still in range to hear me calling for her looking out into the woods I watched as she trotted over to where I was, I smile petting her neck gently before I turned to the alien and only now saw how he was shivering, grabbing the blanket from under Nutmegs saddle I put it over him wrapping him up in it as I look around for a way to get him home, I whistle again making Nutmeg kneel I slowly shift the alien until he was laying over Nutmegs saddle before I whistled for her stand up again, grabbing her rein I slowly lead her down and back to the woods as I kept my eye on the alien to make sure he wasn't gonna fall off.