

It was a cold stormy night when Eric was sitting beside his fireplace and drinking his hot chocolate when the whole room suddenly became dark. He really did not think of it as anything strange. He thought it was something wrong with the lightening system in his house since this house was really old house. He went to spend some time in his father's old shack after he graduated from high school

He checked on the lightening system and turned all the lights back on. He returned to lit up the fire in the fireplace and continue to rock back and forth in his rocking chair. Immediately he sat down, all the windows in his house suddenly burst open and lots of wind came in. He tried his best to lock the windows and even locked them extra tight. When he was returning, he found out that he couln't move his body. In shock and fear he exclaimed, "What in the world is going on here."

Suddenly all the lights in the building went out and the tightly locked windows of his burst open again. He heard noises of glasses shattering and pots and pans banging. This made him even more creeped out. He started trying hard to move his body to ran and ask for help but his body still did not fudge. Just when he thought he was going to remain like that till the end of time, a black swirling wind entered his room and took him away. He became unconscious immediately he entered inside so did not see what happened during that time.

Immediately he woke up, he saw alot of faces staring at him with tears in their eyes. He raised his head only to find out that, he wasn't in his father's old shack but rather in a room which was neatly decorated and made up of stuff he could not even imagine. He had never even seen most of the stuff before. They started asking him how he was doing, whether he still remembered them. "Wait, wait, what is going on here, who are all of you and why am I here." The tears on their faces increased. One woman walked up to him and said, "Peter, I am your mother, Abigail and this is your father James." "I, I don't understand, you guys don't look familiar at all."

"No, no please don't tell me you don't remember me." "I am sorry. I just don't know you. Where am I anyways?" They told him he was in New York and that he was in the year 3014. He was so shocked at what he heard since at his end, he was in Cairo and the year was 2020. He then asked about what had happened before he (the formal owner of the body) had gotten into this and what he heard shocked him to the extent that he became stiff for a moment before regaining his consciousness.

It turned out that the owner of the body had jumped from the top of the building which was said to be made up of fivety floors just because he was too angry at the special care and attention he was given and he hit his body against the floor really hard when he fell. The lucky thing was that immediately he fell, some people from the healthcare agency had arrived to take him to the hospital so he did not bleed that much. The doctors told them that their son (the real owner of the body) would not be able to make it but even if he makes it, he would be a vegetable. So, when he woke up and was able to speak they really hoped that he had also had his memory back but he didn't. (They are reffering to the real owner of the body but since he was not the real owner, he didn't recognise or remember them.)

He was also told that, the owner of this body had just graduated from middle school which meant that he was now going to high school. Since he woke up in that body, he had to relive his life as a high school . He was going to live through the cruel life of high school once again. "[muttering] But I just graduated from high school." (In his formal world, he classified his life in high school as cruel so I think he is trying to say that, that fate would be the same here too). "How worse could this day even get." This was said by Peter when he asked about his academics. He also found out that there were a few months left for him to begin school so he had time to get to understand everything around him again. (They don't know that this is not their son).

Just when he thought that that was the only bad news he was going to hear, his new mum said, "And also Pete dear, you are not allowed to go outside until you regain some of your memory back" and after she said this, she left his room not allowing him to say anything more. He continued to stay with them and after some time, took them as his parents. He took his time to understand the technology of this new world and some other things which had changed. It was not long before he got used with everyone and everything around him. Though he had not been allowed to go outside yet due to his condition, it had not prevented him from researching about his current world. (They thought he had memory loss and so would be best if he stayed at home for a little while.) He also searched on his previous world and found out that there had been no report on anyone getting missen so he thought that the person from this world might have replaced him in his world and there and then, the case of how he got here and his many other questions was ended. (He no longer thought or bothered himself about those stuff.)