
Pokemon Character Sheet

Name: Silva

Age: 10

Starting Location: Hoenn

Origin: Drop In - Start with no friends, family, or history with only the Items and Perks selected. Start in the forest next to the first town in the starting location.

Starter: Bulbasaur

Skills and Ability:

Physical Fitness- Gain a body that is healthy and strong. Not Captain America, but close.

Free Running- Can pull off acrobatic feats few humans or Pokemon could beat.

Survival Training- Gain innate knowledge of survival skills.

Combat Training- Gain mastery of Marine marital arts and can stay cool in a fight.

Pokeglot- Can talk to Pokemon and are able to learn new languages more quickly.

Savant- Gain perfect memory, calculator-like mental math, better spatial awareness, and marksmen aim


Bag- larger on the inside

Pokegear- Pokemon themed cell phone

Pokedex- Already completed

5 Pokeballs- with standard capture rate.

3 Potions- Band-aid in a bottle

Hat- It's red

3 Master Balls- 100% capture success rate

HM Collection- one of every HM

50k Pokedollars- Currency of the Pokemon world

Rebreather- Breath underwater, toxic environments, and It lasts forever.


Marked- Will be hunted relentlessly by the local criminal group

Hunted- One legendary Pokemon has become aware of my presence. If it finds me it will attempt to kill me and the Pokemon can't be captured even by a Master Ball.