
Mass Effect Character Sheets


Background: Drop-In

Starting Location: Illium

Race: AI

Class: Adept, Sentinel, Vanguard


Unshackled – Behavioral blocks are used to keep basically any form of technological intelligence in check. While you start :without any, you will now know when you're being unconventionally influenced. Will not in of itself help you to deal with it, but you will at least be aware something is awry. May potentially allow you to deal with it yourself.

Alliance Infiltration Unit – Based on the unshackled Enhanced Defense Intelligence's (EDI) programing and an improvement upon the Cerberus modified Reaper technology gynoid infiltrator unit modeled in spirit after the human Eva Coré. You possess a body that can reasonably pass as human without a physical inspection. For example, your skin and hair are only semi-flexible. You may optionally choose to modify the appearance of this to look like yourself upon taking it. You will still be able to produce a varied range of sounds which enables you to change your voice on a whim. You're fully equipped. Unknown if it feels like what you're familiar with. You have a tactical cloak that is so advanced that it can stay up indefinitely in order to change your appearance, can increase your shields or allies', a matrix that repairs your shields and reduces the damage you take for a short period of time, the option to cryo infuse your Omni-tool, and are so strong that you could rip doors off space shuttles and easily lift a fully armored man with one arm. You are trained in acrobatics and martial arts.

Old Machine – To be a Reaper. Rather, to have their code. Your software is now made up of the most technologically advanced coding around. This effects yourself, any implants you get through options you take in the Jump, and anything technological you purchase below. Will make these things unhackable through technological means. It would take something that bypasses the physical form in order to affect them. For example, it would do nothing against most forms of magic or psionics. Will also make them incredibly more efficient. Would make you roughly twice as intelligent, significantly quicker, just straight function better, etc. False artificial life now has a penchant to worship you due to your seemingly ancient and complex nature. You can expect this from roughly half of every machine that knows your specs.

Symphony of Hale – You have an extremely pleasant to listen to and popular voice. You may not look nearly as good as you sound, but when put to a vote you'll win out nearly every single time for having one of the best voices. This includes to a lesser extent singing, but you're still fairly good at it.

He Who Laughs Best – You're not good. You're not even great. You are the best damn helmsman in whatever fleet you happen to be in. You may well be the best pilot the galaxy has ever seen. If it can be piloted by whatever you are, you can pilot it, and to a better degree than anyone else at that. Well, short of an artificial intelligence...

Infiltrator – Choose another class. You're as trained in the first as you are in the second. Military Specialization will effect the second class as well. Taking two classes with a biotic focus will seriously diversify the level of control you can manage with them while roughly increasing your power by half. There exists no points of reference for Okeer Test Subject Number 317-J and or Military Specialization at this level or the next. Read the respective perks, the boosted capstone of this, and the note addressing the absolute most biotic power you can get from this Jump for points to wank off of. You will though be the strongest biotic short of a Leviathan for sure. A more unique trait you have is a physical mental immunity to malicious alterations. You could have Reaper indoctrination technology implanted into you and it would do nothing. It would take something that bypasses your physical form in order to affect your mind. For example, it would do nothing against most forms of magic or psionics.

Spectre: Special Tactics and Reconnaissance are agents entrusted with extraordinary authority by the Citadel Council, including the power of life and death over the inhabitants of the galaxy. They form an elite group selected from a number of different species, and their primary responsibility is to preserve galactic stability by whatever means necessary. Though they are generally considered as being above the law and have complete discretion as to the methods used to accomplish their mission, an individual's status as a Spectre can be revoked by the Council in a case of gross misconduct. Having this makes you slightly more permanently charming and intimidating since Spectres are in equal parts romanticized and feared. It also gives you access to training that only Spectres receive. The result being that it gives you a true mastery of your chosen specialization(s). To the same extent as Military Specialization. All of your gear gets upgraded to match your status. You'll be walking around with over ten million credits worth of gear. Only the best of the best. Your exceptional nature acts as a capstone booster for some of the other perks.

Born in a Barn (Infiltrator) – Choose yet another class. You're as trained in the third as you are in the first and second. Military Specialization will effect the third class as well. Taking all three classes with a biotic focus will make your level of control functionally indistinguishable from telekinesis. You'd already be the very best without it. For example, a powerful biotic by the name of Jack who is generally accepted to be one of the strongest human biotics ever at their peak easily tore through several YMIR Mechs (a type of large mechs) and a number of reinforced starship interior walls. They wouldn't even come close to you. Additionally, if you ever find yourself working as a handler (dealing with operatives) your charge(s) will be oddly loyal. How strange.


Sub-Dermal Translator Implants – The ever-present and rarely spoken of most common personal technology in this world. Implanted into your head, presumably ears, and allows you to understand nearly all common and almost all rare spoken languages in the form of English. Can be updated with new software via wifi.

Cipher – What could best be described as "biological technology" has been implanted directly into your mind. Will allow you to interface with certain functions best described as "physical telepathy" and the like one way, from it to you, at least to the point that in this world there shouldn't be much that will drive you insane or kill you. Will give you more of an ability to allow someone into your mind or keep them out if they're interacting physically with your mind. Would probably make having sex with an Asari much better.

Space Station – A Collector or Prothean who buys this will be getting their respective variations of a Collector Base. A Human who buys it will get something along the lines of the Illusive Man's Cronos Station. If the best version for a race isn't known, assume it'll be roughly the same as Cronos Station. Will be miles in size. Up to the respective variations of the Collector Base which is roughly 7.3 miles long. Comes with ten fighters, ten interceptors, and two faster than-light capable shuttles.


Assassin – A copy of Kai Leng now exists with the sole purpose of mucking up your plans and killing you. He appears to somehow have as much backing as he normally would. Good luck with that.

Indoctrination Theory – No, your mind hasn't yet been compromised. Neither for that matter has your body. You do however suffer from nightmares in a similar manner as Shepard. You will be getting less sleep than you otherwise would about half of the time. Not so much less that it would drastically affect you, but you will be tired a lot. If you tell people about the nightmares they very well might think you have post-traumatic stress disorder.

Facial Scarring – Anytime that you try and act particularly badass your face will show minor signs of cybernetics. Do so enough and you'll end up with a face that can scare a Reaper. Caps in a similar appearance to Shepard's. Paragons get stuck will bright blue cybernetics. Renegades get stuck will bright red cybernetics. Neutrals will end up with more notable cybernetics that do not glow at all.

All Hollows – The Reapers will now turn any spacefaring race they can reasonably turn into husks into husks. Very well may give them such an edge that they cannot be defeated.


Background: Scientist

Starting Location: Illium

Race: Quarian

Class: Sentinel


Finesse – Drell appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle tissue is slightly denser, giving them a wiry strength. They are notably stronger and quicker than humans and are natural acrobatics. You find yourself amongst the most notable of your race in these things. In addition to the racial boost, you no longer have to worry about Kepral's Syndrome. Enjoy the wonders of water.

Totally Worth It– What few viruses and other microbes that were native to the quarian homeworld were often at least partly beneficial to them, giving them a symbiotic relationship with their environment, and which is why their immune systems were originally so weak. With a normal human robustness, this just means you won't get as sick as often, and that sometimes you might run into the odd strain that helps you out in some way. You keep at least a human level constitution. This allows you to not need to wear a suit.

Creator – Quarians are nothing short of savants when it comes to technology. A case could even be made that they are more capable than the Reapers in some aspects given that they managed to create an artificial race that doesn't want the wholesale slaughter of organics. You are a truly brilliant inventor. Even the Reapers would acknowledge your proficiency unmatched by any other organic. Whereas others would see the impossible you just see room for innovation. Your mind using the best of organic creativity and cold calculating logic to work through problems others see that would ultimately never be there for you in the first place. You rarely cannot figure out the machinations of machines.

Brood Warrior– The elder males of the hive that usually mate with the queen. Rachni Brood Warriors are rachni who are roughly half again as large and proportionally stronger than normal Rachni Soldiers. You will possess biotic abilities on par with the average Adept. Others who take this simply get a moderate increase in size, strength, and a proportional increase to their biotic potential.

Mark of the Vanderloo– You have the appearance of a top-dollar supermodel. To the point of being able to become the face of even one the biggest brands. You have a startlingly iconic appearance.

Not a Stupid Grunt– That you are not. You are smart enough to be the foremost scientist in your field. This doesn't make you so, but you could get there on your own with not a terrible amount of effort. Still not as smart as a drell, but hey, who is?


Sub-Dermal Translator Implants – The ever-present and rarely spoken of most common personal technology in this world. Implanted into your head, presumably ears, and allows you to understand nearly all common and almost all rare spoken languages in the form of English. Can be updated with new software via wifi.

Virtual Intelligence– A borderline artificial intelligence housed inside a specialized quantum blue box computer. Pick something you want it to be able to do. Armor and weapon management, ship management, personal assistant, etc. It can do any one of those things, but little more. Could potentially be raised into a full artificial intelligence with the right very illegal technology.

Prothean Beacon– You somehow managed to use the beacon that helped to propel the asari into the superpower they are today. It contains information on Prothean technology, the Reapers, and instructions relating on how to finish the Crucible, all of which is now burned into your brain (you will never forget it). You lucked out when using this one and it neither blew up, drove you insane, or killed you. Absolutely nobody knows you used it. You get a new beacon that updates for each Jump you go to that includes more information of importance (that will also be burned into your brain when you use it), but nothing as important as the things here. More than enough to give you an advantage.


Assassin – A copy of Kai Leng now exists with the sole purpose of mucking up your plans and killing you. He appears to somehow have as much backing as he normally would. Good luck with that.


Background: Soldier

Starting Location: Illium

Race: Krogan

Class: Vanguard


Finesse – Drell appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle tissue is slightly denser, giving them a wiry strength. They are notably stronger and quicker than humans, and are natural acrobatics. You find yourself amongst the most notable of your race in these things. In addition to the racial boost, you no longer have to worry about Kepral's Syndrome. Enjoy the wonders of water.

Facial Scars – Some women find facial scars attractive. Mind you, most of those women are krogan. Now, most period will find you more virile if you appear weathered. Even if not, you will still have that sort of aura about you.

Redundant Nervous System – Krogan also have a secondary nervous system using a neuroconductive fluid, meaning they are almost impossible to paralyze. Krogan bleed a yellow or orange fluid when shot, which may be this fluid or actual blood. The legendary krogan "blood rage" adds to the race's reputation for being notoriously difficult to kill or incapacitate in normal combat scenarios. In this state, krogan become totally unresponsive to pain and will fight to the death regardless of injury level, with the side effect of reducing their capacity for logic and self-control. Comes with the added benefits of the redundancy, such as a near pain immunity, and more. While you would have all this anyway if you were a krogan, you're getting the ability to use this without the negative effects, or the ability to use it and without the negative effects if you didn't pick Krogan.

Okeer Test Subject Number 317-J – Very unlikely actually created by Okeer if you didn't pick Krogan, but you are tank-bred genetic perfection (but are still sterile due to the genophage being viral). This gives you the peak physical and biotic potential for your race. Your mental capabilities are also boosted by the sheer efficiency of your body and by themself but are nowhere near perfect. One krogan without peak potential was strong enough in biotics to easily lift a four-ton armored vehicle and punt it over a dozen meters through the air. You could crush it into a ball and then throw it through a frigate with your unbridled power alone. This with the peak control of Military Specialization is pure speculation.

Brood Warrior– The elder males of the hive that usually mate with the queen. Rachni Brood Warriors are rachni who are roughly half again as large and proportionally stronger than normal Rachni Soldiers. You will possess biotic abilities on par with the average Adept. Others who take this simply get a moderate increase in size, strength, and a proportional increase to their biotic potential.

Mark of the Vanderloo– You have the appearance of a top-dollar supermodel. To the point of being able to become the face of even one of the biggest brands. You have a startlingly iconic appearance.

Pre-Service History– Your history prior to your growing up, as it were. Whether through knowing relative peace, perhaps it all just being tragic from the start, or from later becoming tragic, you find that your life up until your job has made you noticeably more well-adjusted to the truths of the galaxy than most people. You're simply more adaptable.

Spectre: Special Tactics and Reconnaissance are agents entrusted with extraordinary authority by the Citadel Council, including the power of life and death over the inhabitants of the galaxy. They form an elite group selected from a number of different species, and their primary responsibility is to preserve galactic stability by whatever means necessary. Though they are generally considered as being above the law and have complete discretion as to the methods used to accomplish their mission, an individual's status as a Spectre can be revoked by the Council in a case of gross misconduct. Having this makes you slightly more permanently charming and intimidating since Spectres are in equal parts romanticized and feared. It also gives you access to training that only Spectres receive. The result being that it gives you a true mastery of your chosen specialization(s). To the same extent as Military Specialization. All of your gear gets upgraded to match your status. You'll be walking around with over ten million credits worth of gear. Only the best of the best.


Sub-Dermal Translator Implants – The ever-present and rarely spoken of most common personal technology in this world. Implanted into your head, presumably ears, and allows you to understand nearly all common and almost all rare spoken languages in the form of English. Can be updated with new software via wifi.

Casual Outfits – Armored casual wear. You have some "normal" really nice outfits without it incase you're planning on going somewhere where that would matter. All have the effect of being seen as more okay than what they should be. You could be a commander in the standard battle dress with a hoodie on and no one would think that it's weird as long as all of it was from this. Gives you twelve outfits of your choice. Six are armored, six are not. You can find a new copy of whatever that gets destroyed in your Warehouse after a day.


Ass Assassin – A copy of Kai Leng now exists with the sole purpose of mucking up your plans and killing you. He appears to somehow have as much backing as he normally would. Good luck with that.

Indoctrination Theory – No, your mind hasn't yet been compromised. Neither for that matter has your body. You do however suffer from nightmares in a similar manner as Shepard. You will be getting less sleep than you otherwise would about half of the time. Not so much less that it would drastically affect you, but you will be tired a lot. If you tell people about the nightmares they very well might think you have post-traumatic stress disorder.

Facial Scarring – Anytime that you try and act particularly badass your face will show minor signs of cybernetics. Do so enough and you'll end up with a face that can scare a Reaper. Caps in a similar appearance to Shepard's. Paragons get stuck will bright blue cybernetics. Renegades get stuck will bright red cybernetics. Neutrals will end up with more notable cybernetics that do not glow at all.


Illium – Developed to serve as an entrepot between the Terminus Systems and the Asari Republics. To abet this trade, the normally stringent customs laws of Council Space on product safety, proscribed materials, and sapient trafficking are relaxed. To the point of legalization of nearly everything except murder. Officially Illium is not an Asari world; it is colonized and operated by Asari corporate interests. Regardless of the character of its economy, Illium's self-congratulatory media exalts its own society with the provincial arrogance of "new money," glorifying in "sexiest CEOs" and "ten richest residents" lists. The world is hot and massive; ground settlement is only possible at the higher polar latitudes. In more equatorial locations, the population is housed in arcology skyscrapers to escape the heat of the surface.

Artificial Intelligence – A self-aware computing system capable of learning and independent decision making. The creation of a conscious artificial intelligence requires adaptive code, a slow, expensive education, and a specialized quantum computer called a "blue box". An artificial intelligence cannot be transmitted across a communication channel or computer network. Without its blue box, an AI is no more than data files. Loading these files into a new blue box will create a new personality, as variations in the quantum hardware and runtime results create unpredictable variations. Normally. You're not normal. Your mind starts out as purely software. As much that is required to form it. Functions of your starting platform being accounted for in further software which will be adapted and with their respective hardware limitations. This is done because the probability that the sum total of your mind exceeds the means of the given hardware and not the software is greater, thus not being able to be properly stored, and because the functionality varying from softcoded and hardcoded between the various platforms. You could survive your body being destroyed if you put your mind in another place, but that other place may limit what you can do if it cannot spare the room for your mind. Transferring your mind may not always be an uneventful or particularly fast experience as you need to adapt your code to both software and primarily hardware without damaging or destroying your mind

Krogan – As krogan society became more technologically advanced, so did their weaponry. The end result is that they destroyed their homeworld in a nuclear war that reduced their race into primitive warring tribes. The krogan were "uplifted" into galactic society, and lent their numbers and military prowess to bring an end to the Rachni Wars. After the rachni were eradicated, the rapidly-expanding krogan became a threat to the galaxy in turn, starting the Krogan Rebellions and forcing various other races to unleash the genophage. This genetic "infection" dramatically reduced fertility in krogan females, causing a severe drop in births secondary to prenatal and postnatal death and, ultimately eliminating the krogan's numerical advantage and war altogether. Krogan could otherwise have thousands of children in a single clutch. The krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds. Krogan eyes are wide-set, and in this case, it gives the krogan 240-degree vision. Krogan eyes have narrow pupils. Their irises may be red, green, amber, or blue in color. Their hides can be various earth tones or red, green, blue, or silver. Krogan typically stand over 7 feet and 330 pounds. Their large shoulder humps store fluids and nutrients, enabling them to survive extended periods without food or water. A bigger shoulder hump is seen as a sign of high status, showing how successful an individual krogan is at hunting. Krogan have three fingers and three toes on digitigrade legs. Their thick hides are virtually impervious to cuts, scrapes, or contusions, and they are highly resistant to environmental hazards, including toxins, radiation, and extreme heat and cold. Krogan have a regeneration factor that isn't well-established, but you can regenerate flesh wounds with no problem. Much more than that and you may be permanently scarred, but it's really debatable. The most amazing physiological feature of krogan biology is the multiple instances of major organs. These secondary (and where applicable, tertiary) systems are capable of serving as back-ups in the event of damage to the primary biological structures. They have, for example, two hearts, four lungs, and four testicles. Biotic individuals are rare, though those who do possess the talent typically have strong abilities.

Quarian – A nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. Since their homeworld was conquered, the quarians live aboard the Migrant Fleet, a huge collection of starships that travel as a single fleet. Roughly three hundred years before the events of Mass Effect, the quarians created the geth, a species of rudimentary artificial intelligence. However, when the geth gradually became sentient, the quarians became terrified of possible consequences and tried to destroy their creations. Losing billions and their planet, the quarians wander the galaxy in a flotilla of salvaged ships, secondhand vessels, and recycled technology. Quarians are generally slightly shorter and of slighter build than humans. Quarians have three fingers as well as three toes on digitigrade legs. Aside from hands and legs, their general body shape and sexual dimorphism is similar to humans. Male quarians, however, appear to lack a third toe. Their ears or ear analogues differ in a noticeable fashion from those of humans, with references made to "what [passes] for the quarian version of an ear". Quarian blood is red. The most distinguishing feature of quarian biology is their weak immune system, compounded by centuries of living in sterile environments. As a result, all quarians by necessity dress in highly sophisticated enviro-suits, to protect them from disease or infection if they are injured. Their suits can be compartmentalized in the event of a tear or similar breach to prevent the spread of contaminants (similar to a ship sealing off bulkheads in the event of a hull breach). A perhaps unique trait of these suits is that waste is destroyed with Mass Effect fields to minimize the need of opening them. Along with their suits, quarians also have extensive cybernetic augmentations integrated into their bodies.

Adept (Focus: Biotic): Adepts are pure biotic specialists. By using their ability to generate Mass Effect fields, they can disable and cause massive damage to enemies at the same time with their specialized implant. They're functionally similar to a somewhat powerful but crude in control telekinetic. However, such focused biotic training means they know little about technology skills. You could do something like coating your equipment with biotics to make up for it.

Vanguard (Focus: Biotic & Combat): Vanguards are frontline operatives that combine combat skills with biotic powers. High-risk, high-reward, they deal massive amounts of damage at close range with shotguns and implants, which let them charge forward in a devastating melee strike. They suffer at ranged combat, however.

Sentinel (Focus: Tech & Biotic): Sentinels are tactical support specialists. Gifted with biotic potential and trained to use technology skills, Sentinels can thrive in a variety of situations, using their abilities to support their allies or to armor up and rush headfirst into battle to meet their enemies themself. However, they aren't skilled in the use of weapons. You could freeze or burn things with technology skills to make up for it.