
life trails

Ayoola_Olabisi · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs

Meet the Aruna's

Amina and Amira were the children of Mallam Aruna.Mallam Aruna married Zainab at a very young age ,she was married at the age of fourteen , it was never her choice to marry at a very young age but she had no choice.

They lived in zamfara State in a rural village that was uncivilized, at first she thought that she will be maltreated in her marriage but mallam Aruna was not that type of person he was a kind hearted man who loved his wife so much

Amina and Amira was given birth after four years of their marriage, mallam Aruna was so happy up to the level that he treated her like a queen their to naming was so elaborate,he spent every dime on the naming.Amina was the replica of her father, brave, smart and kind while Amira was the replica of her mother. Their father loved them so much that he can lay his life for them.

this book is very inspirational,inspiring, interesting and educational

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