
Chapter 5

*Hyung's point of view*

I turn around and see Yoona, to give you guys a bit of a background on her so no one gets confused with me and her use to be bestfriends nothing could ever take us apart. However as we continued through highschool as friends people always had said that we were dating and I was confused and said we were just friends but unlike what I had heard she agreed to it and said we were. So one day after school I decided to ask her about it at my place. We went up to my room and we were just talking and making jokes till I brought up the dating thing at school.

"So at school people had said we are dating and that you had been saying we were…. Is that true?" I look at her from my bed as she sits on my desk chair. She gets quiet and her smile fades away.

"Oh uh yeah I have something to tell you….." she smiles nervously then runs her fingers through her hair and looks down. "I sort of have a crush on you and I had one ever since middle school but I kept it to myself… so when people were saying and asking if we were dating i just agreed and thought this would be the farthest i ever went to being with you…" I just look down in a loss of words then grab my pants nervously, usually these things never happen to me or I never thought anyone would like me because my family had called me a disappointment and just worthless so.

"Oh…..uh I'm sorry yoona I don't feel that way about you….I'm sorry" and what happened I never expected from her….

"That's it?! I love you Hyung and you just reject me!? No girl will ever want you. I'm the best you ever had. I was there for you more than anyone else!" She gets up yelling and throwing things I choke up scared and I look up at her not knowing who she was anymore.

"I-im sorry" she groans still angry and grabs her things going for the door until.

"Just wait you will realize I'm the one for you and no one would ever understand you like I did" she slammed the door and I just sit there with my head down in disappointment.

Till now I was doing fine by myself and until I met this wonderful boy at my meet and greet it was just the right one I know. 

"Did you miss me?" She smiled brightly and she had a bright red dress on and her brown hair curled and falling down on her shoulders, she changed her style very much. She usually dressed in boys clothes. I guess she just had a glow up.

"What are you doing here Yoona?" I take a step back and she smirks then places her hand on my chest and starts to flirt.

"I came to see you my darling, I missed you so much and i was hoping you changed your mind I changed for you and I know your seeing nobody so maybe we can give it a shot" she smiles then pulls me closer her face close against mine I get nervous not knowing what to do but I try to step back and try pushing away.

"Stop I told you I don't feel that way for you and I never will" she chuckles then turns my head to face her and she leans in.

"Maybe this will change your mind" she leans in her lips touching mine. I get shocked when my eyes widen.

"Hyung I couldn't find any rooms to put the boxes in so I just-" myung comes out from the house and sees us and I push her away.

"Fuckin twerp you ruined our moment" she rolls her eyes disgusted and he just smiles tears already filling his eyes.

"Sorry then I will let you guys be alone" he goes back to slamming the door.

"Myung! Ugh you ruin everything! Get out of here!" I was pissed more than I ever was even though I got a little startled, she just smirks at me then pulls out a card and puts it in my pocket.

"Call me I know you will" she turns around and leaves out to her car and onto the darkness that had fallen down.


When we pull up to his house my jaw dropped. His house was basically the size of my house and yards like wow. He removes his hand from my thigh and I turn back at him.

"Alright you can go inside and I will take the boxes inside" he smiles softly at me and I just look at him and pout, I felt bad for making him do it by himself so I would want to help at least somewhat.

"I want to help pleaseee" I cross my arms and he just laughs smiling at me, was he really thinking this was a joke and to think I was gonna actually kiss him again.

"Fine just don't give me that look I can't resist it" he opens the trunk and I go to the back seats grabbing whatever I can(mostly the light things because I haven't carried anything heavy for a really long time). I went inside and I struggled to open the door but then it opened by itself and I thought it was magic until I saw his maid opening it got me.

"Thank you" I smile and she smiles back. I looked around and his house was bigger than I thought it had marble flooring and black and white kind of aesthetic. I put the boxes down and looked around for a while but ended up getting lost, I tried to find at least a room that wasn't a bathroom or a business room but it was more difficult than I thought. How does he find his room? I just choose to retrace my steps and go ask him for help or at least help me find a room.

"Hey hyung I couldn't find a room so I just put the boxers-" I look up smiling but then I see him with another girl on him they were kissing and at that moment my heart broke…I guess I was just a rebound or something for him to mess with.

"You twerp you ruined our moment" she looks over at me smiling and I clench my fist but force a smile.

"Sorry I will just leave you two alone then" I go back in the house quickly and slam the door behind me. The maid looks worried but she turns away nervous. I ran back up the stairs to the bathroom, locking myself inside. This is why I don't try being with anyone; it will just be a waste of time and I will just end up getting played….

"Myung?!" I heard him class my name from downstairs but I chose to stay quiet because just seeing him hurts, the thought of him makes me want to burst out crying for hours, but why do I miss his touch… He knocks against the door and I just sit against the door, curling up my head in my knees trying to stop from crying even more. 

"Myung I swear it wasn't like that she was just an old friend and she kissed me. I promise you're the only one I want please…" I could hear his voice break and him slide down against the door.

"Just leave me alone, I get that you would want better just go" It got quiet for a bit then I heard him get up and hit the wall, I flinched and he left out the door slamming it. I guess it was so easy to get over it that he didn't even put up a fight, my phone started to ring and I answered it trying to talk normally but it was still shaky.

"Myung? Where is Hyung?" It was his manager and I sat up against the wall.

"He left somewhere I don't know where, why? What's wrong?" 

"Well I guess there are reporters and people who are trying to get dirt on him so go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and bring him back home, we also have a busy day tomorrow so he needs to rest now" he hangs up and I groan then get up opening the door and walk downstairs, the maid gives me a coat and I leave out to find Hyung. I guess he took his own car because mine was where it was before…. I tried not to think about it and called Hyung multiple times, but he didn't pick up. I decided to search up a few places that I assumed he would like based on his fans tweets and I guess some bar he always went to was the most popular so I drove there. 

As I went in it was loud with music and crowded with people, I tried to squeeze through asking around of park Hyung was around and one of the security to a VIP room informed me that he was inside, I explained to him that I worked with him and need him and he let me though I walk in and a group of people were drink and Hyung was in the middle already a bit wasted with his arm around another girl.

"Park Hyung, we have to go. Your manager said I had to pick you up and take you back home." he just smiles at me as the girl kisses his cheek and neck.

"Whatever you can't make me anyways it's not like you want me around you anyways" I roll my eyes sigh.

"Just come on before you do anything stupid" the girl turns to me and gives me a disgusted look.

"Hey listen get lost you-" 

"Shut up" Hyung interrupts her and gets up grabbing a drink, "drink this then I will go with you, unless you're a lightweight then-" I grab it chugging it down almost finishing it till he pulls it away. "What are you doing!? It's strong….how do you feel?" 

"I'm-fine…. Let's go" the next thing I knew I woke up in Hyun's bed and both of us shirtless and in boxers…...oh god