
The Making;

Right from the beginning of it all,she was born a star.from the people that God gave to bring her up,they had music in their stream,not being her real parents but did all they could to bring her up musically.well trained, confident and so talented. BAMBI,always knew that she would make it but never knew how.she kept on singing and signing autographs in school competitions. Despite the situation and challenges while growing up in an open society that judges a girl child like nothing, she kept her self esteem high and kept going on.went through school,and at 19,she was introduced to the outside music world. Bambi first worked with a young musician at a concert as a back up artist.Then after that job,, One day she was called by a kind of relative to make an advert for a radio program.she came through,wrote 3 adverts and recorded them.they came out so perfect that this (relative) made a call to a certain friend of his (apparently a very big brand in the music industry).he made the call to him saying "I have something you might want to hear.i have what you want right here with me." The person they called just drove and came to the station where we were.on reaching the station,they played him what Bambi had sung.he was like who sung this? And the guy told him its the other lady you see in the corner.He walked up to Bambi and stood her up,told her She was very lucky....That was the beginning of Bambi's life story..