
day whatever

exam have started .at first it was fucking easy

but now the hard badass exams have started

and im starting to freak out🤯😱 .my head is filled with nothing

nothing at all cause i never listen its just so hard and the teachers are just so boring especiallty my AFRIKAANS classes i cant

fucking understand shit especially those

dumb ass novels webnoel is the best thing that ever happed in my life .its already 23:43

and im still awake and have 2 exam papers in the morning physical science and afrikaans

loterature only the dushbags of all subjects

i am royaly fucked. i did not even study i

spent the whole day with my mom

no regrets therw. had the best time of my life.

Ohhh i forgot to mention my parents are

divorced it a real bummer i know.Nah who am

i kidding life is great .my parents stopped

loving each other 4 years ago after 16 years of

marriage thats a long time . i dont plan on getting married anytime soon but i really want a family of my own . so.e advice is appreciated . i need to sleep good night

u all rock .webnovel is awesome spread the word guys like for reals this app is bitchin



m_kaydeencreators' thoughts