

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

You Have No Right to Judge Blacks

(Asif's pov)

Playing soccer for the past week has been awesomely great, it's always been my passion and love and it always will be.

After try outs I got choosen into the team and after three days of playing coach made me captain, we boys got along really well on the field but not so we'll off the field.

I didn't mingle with the boys on the team because I didn't like their ways of thinking.

The hall was filled with students from different level as I walked in, I ignored most of the stares I received from girls because you know, Haram.

Going to my locker, I opened the passcode to it and was taking out some few notes that I'll be needing.

Yep I'm starting to be more organized thanks to the kind of mother I have.

I was about to close my locker when I heard the conversation between three boys that weren't far from where I stood.

"I know man, she's so ugly." The first guy who was a blonde said, he looked close to my height, I'm probably just taller than him with few inches

"To be honest no girl ever scares me like she does and she doesn't even do a thing." A guy with a blue bag pack said.

"I don't feel good talking about rahma like that, the girl hasn't done anything to us." A guy with dreads said and the other two looked at him like they were disappointed in what he just said.

Wait! What the fuck so they have been talking about rahma?, I've only know her for a week and she's hella amazing, I tried ignoring the boys and I was about to walk away when I heard the blonde say.

"She's a freaking black bro, a black!!, They are disgusting and dangerous."

"I don't think you should judge people without getting to know them." I said to them with my voice being all grumpy.

Seriously who thinks like that?, Just hating someone because of their color, the two boys that were talking with the blonde seemed taken aback by what I said but the blonde seemed angry that I interrupted their Convo.

"And why do you care?" He says matching my grumpy voice.

"Because you don't just judge people and talk shit about their lives when they fucking did nothing to you" I said to him, he seemed arrogant and I hate people that are arrogant.

"How will you feel if you were created a black?, Could you do anything to change that, even if you bleach you'll still be the same fucking black that God created, do you think God asked them if they wanted to be black or not while he created them, NO!, God didn't ask them, and they're humans too, they deserve to be treated like humans."

I said to him all the while doing my best to control my Anger, I expected him to at least understand what I was trying to saying but instead he started laughing like I was giving a comedy show.

By now alot of students have gathered around us and were videoing us, but I couldn't care less, this wasn't just about rahma it was about how people saw black skin as, those people are fucking amazing.

"Exactly bro you said God created them and didn't make us black, it's because he knows that we aren't disgusting like blacks are." He said.

"You don't seem to get what I'm trying to say so just forget it." I said while convincing myself that I should walk out before I end up doing something I'll later regret, I bearly took three steps when he said something that made me loose it.

"If this is about the girl that we were talking about earlier, then I'll say it a million times, she's disgusting, filthy, ugly, and a terrorist."

That's it he has crossed the line

And with that I couldn't contain my anger any longer, I lunched towards him and gave him a hard punch on the face, which took him by surprise, but he recovered early and used his right hook to hit me by the jaw, and with that we kept on fighting.

I didn't realize it but next minute I was banging his face hard on the locker which caused him to bleed but I didn't fucking care.

He wouldn't bate an eye to insult or abuse a black so if words can't get to him then maybe this will.

Everyone kept whispering, some gasped loudly at some point, while some people kept saying.

"He's going to kill him."

Soon a teacher walked into the scene and five students had to drag me back and stop me from finishing my job.

The teacher was shocked and horrible, the blonde was already laying unconscious or maybe dead on the floor in his pool of blood and that's when I realized that I let him get to me and I wasn't able to control my Anger again.

Next thing I know I'm being summoned to the principles office and receiving lectures while my parents were called and asked to come.

Well I did good didn't I ?, At some point I asked myself why I got pissed off easily, was it really because of how they spoke about rahma or was it because of how they shamelessly talked about blacks? Probably both.

I was still seated inside the principles office and he was looking at me with smoke literally fuming out of his ears, he said he needed to see my parents immediately and that's what we were currently doing, waiting for them to arrive.

And it was just my luck when I saw my mother walking like an angry mama bear through the door of the office.

She didn't even notice the fuming principal when she said.

"Asif Ahmad Zubair!!" She said ready to pounce on me.

Well here I go again!.