

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

The Feeling Of Freedom

(Rahma's pov)

School was over today and most students made their way towards their cars to leave hurriedly, why so? Because it was raining non stop and the wind was pretty strong.

It didn't look like it would get any better, Victoria and Margaret already left me in school again as usual, I was expecting that maybe they will have a change of heart just for today and take me with them and not leave me alone looking for my way back home in this weather but I was so wrong when they laughed at me and said.

"See you at home black" I could still hear their voices clearly in my head mocking me.

Almost every student was gone and I was the only one standing outside the school, looking up at the sky.

Though it didn't bother me to be in the rain, cause I always found peace in being drenched, as weird as it might sound, it always felt like every drop of the rain kept on telling me that we're here for you and I love the rain so much.

Looking around me I noticed that no one was there, everyone was gone, just like how they've always been gone but then I decided that

yes, I'm a black, yes I'm Muslim, and they might not want me but they have no idea what they're Missing out on, I know my strength and capabilities and I wasn't brought to this life just to sulk, get beaten and abused, I'm done being hurt by their words, from now on I'll fight, I'll fight with my words, what's the worse that can happen.

It's their lost it has always been because I am Rahma, a black melanin and I'm proud of it.

Noticing that no one was around, I slowly removed my hijab and let my beautiful curly dark hair flow, yes they call me ugly but I'm just realizing that I'm far from it.

It's funny how long it took me to realize my worth, yes that's right, they hate me because of how beautiful and perfect I am and they want to hide my beauty from the world and if they can't see the beauty because they're beast then they'll keep being in the dark.

I also took of my shoes, leaving me in just my jeans and blue top.

"So this is what freedom feels like" I softly whispered as I spread my arms wide and twirling in the rain.

I kept running in the rain while giggling alone.

"My name is Rahma, and I feel happy and free." I said while looking at the sky, I played like a child inside the rain, and at some point I started dancing which I suck at.

Well I've already planned my future this year and once I'm eighteen, I'll fight to live alone, no one knows but I created a website that's very popularly used this days by million of people and I'm getting good money from it.

I just wonder if people will still use the website if they knew that a black created it, well fuck them cause nothing they do is ever going to affect me now.

I was still dancing and playing in the rain when I heard a voice from behind me which startled me.

"Don't you think you're going to catch a cold."

I turned around me to find a drenched Asif looking devilishly handsome, the way his clothes hugged his body due to the rain and the vains in the arms, his messy hair being even more messy, his perfect jaw....

"It's rude to openly eye rape an innocent handsome boy and not answer his question." He said.

I found myself snorting to what he said and before I could stop my mouth from replying I heard myself saying.

"Oh please, if anything then you're not innocent or handsome." I said all the while looking into his green orbs and trying not to get lost in them.

I couldn't comprehend what was happening when I found Asif standing close to me while bending a little to face me, our face were mere inches apart which cause me to stop breathing for a while.

"You really think I'm not handsome?" He whispered with a smirk, I found myself being bold when I said.

"No, not handsome or attractive." Although I immediately regret my words when he moved his hands and removed the hair that was on my face tugging it behind my ear.

For a moment when he did that everything went into slow motion, it was just a mere touch but my body still shivered due to it, it was a different feeling, being under the rain, with the breeze blowing softly against my skin while his hand felt like they were meant to be at my face.

I broke out of my thoughts when I heard him laughing, and that's when I realized that he wasn't standing so close to me anymore.

"Jerk!" I said

"You should have seen your face." He said while laughing, "you were literally frozen on the spot even after I backed away" he said while his laughter died down.

I wanted to be angry with him but I found myself smiling at how handsome he looked when laughing.

"Why are u still in school anyway?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"Yh I should be asking you the same question." He said.

"But I asked you first" I pointed out the obvious.

"I answer to who I want to." He said and I couldn't help but notice the big jerk he is.

"Rude much?" I asked him.

"Well only to pretty girls." He said while making me blush, although that didn't make sense I had no idea why I was blushing, lucky me my skin is dark.

"You're blushing." He pointed out making me surprised.

"H-how did you know?" I asked and soon realized it was stupid to admit to that.

He chuckled before saying.

"I didn't, I just guessed and seemed I was right." He said.

For a few more minutes I found myself talking to Asif who I doubted knew my name.

And when the rain stopped, he offered me a ride back home, which I accepted after threatening to cut his dick if he tries doing anything funny, and his reply was.

"Hey, if you're trying to murder me then you could just tell me now so that I could save myself, but don't worry I have a strict mother who taught me to be a gentleman."

And true to his words, through out the drive he was actually well behaved and wasn't a jerk.

For once I actually truly felt happy, it was like the moment I stopped caring about how others thought of me, that was the moment I started smiling, the moment I believe that black is beautiful, that's the moment I knew my worth and I actually made a new friend.

Wait Asif and I are friends now, right?.

Well I might just have to go with the flow and see what happens next.