

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

She Seemed Interesting

(Asif's pov)

"Dude wake up, you're going to make us late for school again!" My annoying brother Asad said.

I have a large family if you are to count with all my cousins, aunts and uncles but when it comes down to us it's just my mom, dad, my seventeen year old brother Asad, my sixteen year old sister Aleena, and then there's me who is eighteen years old, I know what you're thinking but my mother loves having children but after having Aleena she said she was tired of us and giving birth.

My family just recently moved to New York and my siblings and I were admitted into this new school, I still have no idea what's the name of the school, I was never really the serious type when it came to studies but I always get good grades, being the nerdy type is more of Asad's thing.

I was still pretending to sleep when I felt a familiar hand tugging at my head tight.

"What the FUCK!" I said as I quickly turned to see a grinning Aleena, that evil monster.

"Language big bro" she said while her grin grew wider.

"Seriously Asif we're going to be late if you don't get ready now." Asad said to me.

I threw a pillow at Aleenas face and gave Asad a deadly glare, do they always have to ruin my morning sleep.

I quickly made my way towards the bathroom to take a shower when Aleena said,

"you better be quick or else I'll barge into the toilet when you're naked!"

Ya Allah which kind of siblings do I have, once I entered the toilet I locked the door, I knew Aleena wasn't just making an empty threat cause she has barged into the toilet while I was naked a thousand times.

Once I was done taking my bath and washing my hair, I quickly dressed up and made my way downstairs, there they were my lovely blessed family, they were all having breakfast, while my dad was reading some newspaper, who still does that?

I went over to and sat on my seat while greeting my mom.

"Did you sleep well Asif?" My mom asked and I suddenly stopped eating the cereal in my hands cause I knew the meaning behind the question.

"Yes Mom, I slept-" as expected she cut my sentence short when she said.

"When are you going to grow up and start waking up early, you don't stay up to study late but you never wake up early..." And she kept on complaining nonstop.

I love my mom so much but sometimes she could be the most scariest or disturbing person ever.

"I'm sorry mom, I'll do better next time." Was all I said when I realized that she was done complaining, my eyes settled on Asad and Aleena who were giving me a mocking look.

They always enjoy when I get shouted at, I gave them the look that said you guys are dead when I get you.

Well life is great for me Alhamdullilah, I'm in my final year in high school, I get popular everywhere I go because of my good looks, well I can't really blame them though because I'm Asif Suleiman after all.

Today I was excited about trying out for a spots that I'm very good at.

"Are you trying out for soccer today?" My father asked, while everyone's attention turned to me

"Yes, I'll be trying out today inshallah." I replied to my dad full of energy.

Once breakfast was over, my siblings and I bid goodbye to our parents as Asad drove us to school.

Once we arrived everyones attention turned to us as expected.

"I'm never going to get tired of being looked at like a queen." Aleena said which made Asad and I to smirk.

We made our way towards our locker and prepared for our first class.

The bell rang for first period and we went our various ways.

I couldn't help but wonder about a certain beautiful black girl that has been filling my thoughts, I mean she's so black but beautiful, her skin shines so bright and there's something about her like she wants to always fight but choose to be calm and the way her eyes just look around and observe just makes me curious, but she always seemed to be sad, like there was nothing in this life left for her.

Yesterday I saw her being bullied by an ugly rat, and I was wondering why everyone was just watching, seriously is this how people are?, They just watch others get bullied without doing anything.

Well I didn't really care about the black much but she just seemed interesting, I told myself that she was non of my problems and I should just focus on my soccer practice today.


(Rahma's pov)

It was lunch break and as usual I made my way towards the ladies room to spend some quality time with myself, sadly today I had nothing to eat and I was really hungry but I told myself to hang in there, I'll probably look for leftovers to eat once I get back to that hellish house.

I was currently looking at the mirror in the ladies room when the door opened and a beautiful Muslim girl with a hijab walked in.

I was wondering who she was cause I kinda never saw her face in all my years of coming to this school.

Well I just stood there waiting for her to do her business and leave but she surprised me when she said.

"Hey I haven't seen you since I came yesterday." She said with a friendly smile.

(Is she seriously talking to me?) I internally asked myself, well maybe I should just answer her back.

"Yeah, I haven't also seen you around before." I told her while being cautious with my response, she reached out her hands towards me and said.

"I'm Aleena, what's your name?" And this just surprised me even more but nonetheless I still took her hands and said.

"Rahma, I'm rahma"

"Wow a pretty name for a pretty lady." She said.

"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it, I don't think your eyes are working." I said to her while immediately regretted it as her face turned into an annoyed expression.

"What I mean to say is, no one usually talks to me, or even approaches me, much less of calling me beautiful." I said while trying to explain my earlier action.

I looked at her to find a surprised look plastered over her face.

"You're kidding, right?" She asked me while I just gave her a look that said I'm very serious.

"What! Then everyone here must be blind if they don't see the pretty girl I'm looking at." She said which made me blush.

"T-thank you." I said awkwardly not being used to compliments.

"Wanna be my friend?" She asked and I just gave her the are you sure look.

"I really like you already, so wanna be friends and hangout sometimes?" She asked again and this time I said.

"Yes, I will love to be friends."

And with that she hugged me and left making me feel 10% more important.

But I just wondered one thing.

How will being friends with a new beautiful girl affect me?.


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