

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Don't Mess with Asif Ahmad

(Asif's pov)

"I'm so sorry sir, he's been acting like this ever-" I didn't allow my mother to complete her sentence when I cut her off by saying.

"You have no reason to be sorry Mom." I said while glaring daggers towards the principal.

My mom looked at me giving me the I will end you if you don't shut up look.

"Your son almost killed a child." The principal said and I wanted to punch him on the eyes cause he's saying that for the tenth time.

When my Mom entered the room and noticed the principal, she calmed down a bit and apologize for her dramatic entrance, and now I have to listen to both of them discussing how reckless and impatient I was.

It happened to be that the blonde boy who I enjoyed beating is actually called Kelvin, what an asshole, well kelvin was taken to the school clinic while his parents were also called and informed about what happened to their dick son.

My mom and the principal where both discussing when a couple who looked like volcanoes that were about to erupt banged the door open and made their presence known.

"What happened to my child!!!" The woman that looked similar to kelvin said while yelling.

Yeesh, women can really be drama sometimes, I thought to myself.

The man beside her said something into her ear which made her calm down.

Now I was standing while Kelvin's parents and my beautiful mother were seated facing the principal.

"How did this happen to him?" Kelvin's mother asked the principal.

"He got into a fight with the boy over there because of an argument." The principal said.

"I want to know why someone will dare lay a hand on my son, my son!"

The father asked and I tried hard to reason why someone won't raise his hand at his son.

"Asif I think you owe them an explanation and an apology." My mom said looking over to me.

Does she really think I'm going to apologize for something I don't regret doing?, If anything that kelvin of a jerk should be the one apologizing.

"I have no reason to apologize, he was the one being a dick head." I said while looking over to Kelvin's fuming parents.

Kelvin's mother gasped loudly and banged her hand on the table as she stood up while saying.

"How dare you!"

"I mean it, your son said some really abusive words about a girl and her color which is why I beat him up" I said to her.

"So this is what this is about!, You almost killed my son because of a girl, a girl!" Kelvin's dad said.

"Who is this girl you speak of?" My mother finally asked me while trying hard to not choke me.

"Rahma, she's a black." I said while a smile grazed upon my lips when I remembered her.

The principal scoffed after what I said which annoyed me.

"So you did this all for that girl." The principal said.

What the hell did he just say?, That girl?

"They called her names!" I said defending myself.

"That gives you no right going around to fight others." The principal said.

I'm I the only one seeing the problem here?, they clearly don't care that a black was insulted, they just only seemed to care about their son who lacked a brain, who I'm I kidding, he doesn't lack a brain, he's got one that perfectly rotten.

Speaking about rahma I haven't seen her all day, u wonder where she could be.

Kelvin's mother demanded to see the girl that is behind her son's condition, so rahma's name was announced through the principal's Mick, summoning her to his office.

Minutes later, a girl walked into the office while whispering her Salam in a very shy voice, she looked even more beautiful than the last time I saw her, she was dressed in a tomboy hijabi style which made me like her more but she also looked scared as to why she was summoned and it didn't help that Kelvin's mother stood up to lunch at her but was stopped by her husband.

Rahma greeted everyone in the office, and it was just my mother who acknowledge her greetings.

It was when she looked over her left side that she noticed me standing and she gave me a questioning look while I could only give her an apologetic one in return.

"You've been called here today because a fight broke out in the school and you were the reason behind it." The principal said to her without beating around the bush.

"P-pardon?" She said clearly not understanding what was happening.

"Are you deaf or is your brain to faulty to understand what he said?" Kelvin's mother said in the same vicious voice.

"Your son's brain is the faulty one here though his brain isn't as bad as yours." I said not being able to hold back any longer, they've just been unreasonable since their arrival and they have been wasting my time.

I could be sleeping instead of standing inside this office.

"Asif!" My mom said to me in a warning tone.

"No mom, I'm not standing here just to listen to them complain non stop without knowing the full story, their son didn't just insult rahma, he insulted the whole black race, he called them filthy, ugly, disgusting and even terrorist, and he had no right to speak about them like that." I said while my eyes moved over to rahma's surprised face.

"Rahma is an awesome girl, most blacks are, I get that they are some black people out there that aren't good or honest or have the best attributes , but the same applies for white people, we also have good and bad people among us, that's why we have some white criminals, but that doesn't make all white people awful.

Look at her, does she looks like a terrorist?, No right!?." I said to them all, I then looked at Kelvin's mother and said.

"You got angry when I insulted your son, and you were reading to pounce on me and kill me, but you weren't ashamed that your son could insult or abuse black people." I then looked over to Kelvin's father and said.

"And you're supposed to be the MAN that controls them, and actually lead them towards the right path, but I guess you have the same mindset as your wife and son, learn to respect others rather than asking if someone could lay a finger on your son."

Then I looked over to the principal and said.

"Try to separate hatred from your work, I could easily report you.as a principal who does injustice to black people in his school and I'm sure someone will look into it and I assure you you will be in a lot of trouble." I said in a threatening tone.

Lastly I looked over to Rahma and said.

"She's really amazing, also good with words, she's a human just like us who also deserves love, and you know what, she's the most pretty girl I've set my eyes on so far."

By the time I was done the office was quite while rahma looked touched and was giving me grateful eyes.

It seemed like what I said to Kelvin's parents silence them up.

"We're sorry." Kelvin's mother said which shocked the hell out of everyone there.

"I guess he did do something wrong and I'm not suppose to be supporting him, to be honest I've had a cousin who was a black who got murdered because he was a black." She said looking all emotional.

"We'll go check up on our son now." Kelvin's mother said while saying her goodbye to the principal and my mom.

She made her way out of the office and now it was just me, my mom, the principal and Rahma.

The principal looked scared because of my early threat and I swear he better be because I won't waste a second to do what I said I would.

"I'll also be leaving now." My mother said to the principal while getting up and giving me a glare before walking towards rahma and hugging her which rahma looked taken aback by, but eventually she hugged my mom back and they both walked out of the office.

I didn't wait for the principal to say any more words, neither did I say a word, I just gave him a murderous glare and I almost laughed when I saw how he gulped hard.

Yep the glare still works, I said to myself internally while smirking as I walked out.

They shouldn't mess with Asif Ahmad Zubair.