

life may seem cruel to many cause it truly is, we are all faced with challenges along the way and we all get hurt, either by loosing someone special or being hurt by someone you love, maybe it's when the society criticize you or when your own family doesn't accept you, the point is life is harsh and hard, you may have good moments sometimes traumatizing moments but it's just a temporary journey and this is the journey and life of a Muslim black Melanin.

Aisha_Muazu · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


(Rahma's pov)

I woke up by 4:00am, yesterday was just like every other day, and it doesn't really change, last night I decided to sleep in the store that was filled with spiders and cobwebs, well at least looking on the bright side I didn't have to be forced to sleep in the guestroom toilet, I forced my fragile body up while feeling the pain all over my body, I decided to go get ready for school before starting my house chores.

I went with my little bucket to the backyard of the house, I turned on the tap and filled my bucket, as funny as it may sound Mrs Monroe isn't poor when it comes to Money, but she is surely poor when it comes to living, yep I had to come to the backyards tap to get water, well I am only allowed to use the abandoned guestroom toilet and the tap is unfortunately not working, making my way into the toilet I quickly took my bath, and tried my best to clean the toilet without passing out.

After taking my bath, I went over to the sack where I kept my clothes in, well just eight different wears which I'm really great full for, I had three different Hijab that were long enough to cover my entire body, I brought out a leggings and a white tank top and quickly got dressed, I was about to put on my long hijab when I saw my reflection In the mirror of the guest room.

I stood there looking at a black beautiful abandoned girl, well even if I'm ugly I like to believe that I'm actually pretty sometimes, the cuts on my skin weren't really so visible due to my black skin, I looked over to my boobs and ass and it made me felt insecure, not because I am thin or flat but because I am fully shaped and well curved, but Mrs Monroe has made me believe that my shape is ugly and part of the things that need to be hidden in my body, well she didn't have to make me feel so insecure because I would've covered my body anyways, that's what my religion teaches me.

I kept my hijab aside and started off with cleaning the living room, then the kitchen, then the grand four guestrooms and....., The list goes on, once I was done it was 6:00am and the devils finally woke up, well here goes today, thirty five minutes later Mrs Monroe and her children came downstairs.

She gave me a filthy look which isn't a new thing, and I so badly wanted to look at her the same way but I don't want to loose my eyes before getting to explore the world.

"You can go over to Victoria and Margaret's room, to clean it up, then go clean my own room, Richard said he already cleaned up his room so when you are done close the house and keep the keys under the rug outside." She said while passing by me.

"Goodbye Ram, see you in school" Victoria and Margaret said at the same time in a mocking tone.

(Goodbye evil vicious unfaithful demons) my inner voice replied to them.

With that they all made their way outside the door, and I quickly went to finish up the chores not wanting to be late for school.

An hour later I'm running down the street of New York as I receive weird stares from people, well not the first time either, it isn't easy running in a hijab that covers your whole body while trying to not trip over but again I'm used to it.

Once I reached the school I find the hallway empty and I am freaking sweating right not, I quickly make my way over to my first class which I am pretty sure that I am late, I opened the door to the class and suddenly the teacher goes quiet while looking at me and every other student in class does the same.

(Am I so pretty that you all can't stop staring?) I asked with my eyes.

Mr Williams our English teacher was about to speak when I beat him to it saying.

"Good morning Mr Williams, I'm sorry-" well as usual he doesn't let me finish up my sentence when he said.


(Why thank you sir) I internally replied to him, well he just gave me a reason to not go back to that hellish house and I couldn't love my English teacher more.

I quickly went to the back of the class and sat on an empty seat, and the class continued with me being quiet and paying attention.

After having three very exhausting periods in a role it's finally time for lunch break, I went to inside the toilet and brought out the sandwich I secretly made for myself, what? It isn't stealing, sometimes a black Melanin also got to eat you know.

After having a wonderful lunch all by myself inside the toilet I quickly made my way back to class trying my best to ignore how they all stare at me, yep they stare like the haven't seen me for two years now, it's sad how they are other Muslims in this school but they also just love to gossip about the life of the Muslim black Melanin, ignoring them like I usually do I went back to my class and soon everyone was also back and Miss Marinette was teaching us physics, she is an amazing teacher and you always pick up whatever she's teaching plus she makes funny jokes in class.

The door to the class open when we were half way to through the period and that's when the head teacher Mr Harith came inside the class with a boy that looked around 18 years, everyone kept staring at the boy and I also couldn't keep my eyes off, he was about '6"2 feet tall, his hair looked so messy yet so attractive, he didn't bother hiding his sculpted Muscles as his shirt perfectly hugged his body, I can't remember the last time I saw a guy this handsome, well sadly it's just another handsome white, for a second his eyes scanned the class and it settled at me and that's when I got this warm and fuzzy feeling, but too quickly he looked away like he saw some disgusting shit, which kinda hurt but I decided to ignore the hurt

(Astagfurullah) I said as I realized that I've been looking at a boy that's not my Mehram for too long.

I looked back at my textbook, suddenly trying to remember the last thing Miss Marinette said.

"This is Asif, he's a new student and in this class." The head teacher said while looking over to Miss Marinette. "I'll hand him over to you now." He said to Miss Marinette before leaving the class.

"Welcome to the class Asif, go find a place to seat" Miss Marinette him, all the while I lowered my gaze pretending to not know what has been going on.


I'm sorry I wanted to write more but I'll have to cut the chapter short now because something came up, I hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.