
life of a extra villain

when an 20 yrs old Kevin Bartholomew flash a rising light novel editor dies in a freak accident gets transmigrated as a extra villain in a novel which was dubbed as the worst novel in 2023 by the fans. follow the wonderful journey of Kevin flash in a beautiful but deadly world called eden ____________________________________________ this is my first novel so pls ignore any mistakes

Jackson_frost · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

chapter 2

alice pov

as soon as i heard my own son call himself a bast$rd for the first time in my life i felt angry not at my son but at myself for not giving enough happiness in his life . I know i am not there at most of the time,i know he has to walk himself home every day , i know the dinner we eat every day is the leftovers of restaurant i work at, i know that he want to have a pc as a gift for his birthday but knows we don't have enough money and asked for a hoodie instead.

i know he is a smart and mature child but i dont want him to grow up so soon . I went to all the stores in E city but all of them was sold out or out of stock.

so i brought a superman one instead as i know he loved super man too

Just as i am about to exit the store i got a phone call from dr.miles he said " Alice are you there , you see the other day when you came to hospital for check up , we have noticed that the cancer has swelled up " at that my breath stoped i knew of my cancer about two months now.

I went to the hospital when i was caughing some blood but soon found out i have cancer , i was terrified at the taught of leaving behind my son in this crule world . but for its treatment it in is going cost more than my life .

so i worked more jobs to stock up more cash for my son to live on .

i know if someone was in my place they would have taken the surgery and fought for their life but i cannot do it , i cannot leave my son behind.

" so i dont have much time ha" then sighing dr.miles replied " why don't we try the surgery the rate of success may be less but at least you can live a little longer" . Then alice laughingly replied " ha ha!! why to stay in the hospital for my rest of my life , didn't know that you like me so much ,well enough of that how did the donation going on do you need any more signatures "

" no that's already completed so you don't have to worry about it " then alice replied "thank you for all the things you have done mr. miles thank you very much " then the doc replied " its okay alice take care " click!!

then alice walked into the room with the wrapped gift in her hand

Kevin pov

after the slape hit my face i didn't know how to feel about it. after looking down on the floor for a sec i felt angry but didn't know at who .

So with tears rolling down my cheek i went to my room and locked the door and fell on my bed thinking nothing but after some time i heard mom knocking the door ,calling my name, coughing? but after a few tries she gave up .

soon i too fell asleep. After few hours i felt hungry and woke up and when i opened the door what greated me was one thing that broke my life into a million pieces

alice pov

after watching my son running towards his room i sat there for a few minutes and then went to his room and knocked on the door few times and called his name but seeing no reply

i gave up but then i started coughing harder and harder each time but not stoping .

I thought I have more time but seeing blood coming out and slowly loosing my conciseness i kock the door weakly but they were so week there was no sound .

I thought " hmm i thought i could have at least said goodbye but i guess its over . I pray to god who i don't believe and abandoned me pls

look after my precious boy and save him from any danger , pls don't make him a loser like me " coughing alice had her final though " gess the life insurance will be of use i also looked at some orphanages for him to move out. and the money from the donating organs

and 60k in bank will it be enough? coughs!!

haa i ho.pe soo....

with that the life of alice Levi flash came to an end and then this incident started the journey of one fellow who fainted infront of his mother's dead body


haaaa man!! this is depressing. pls comment so that we can share our ideas and to correct

any mistakes ....

bye ^_^