
Life Mantra

Simple Easy life living mantra If You Are Sad, Depressed , alone you can read my mantra You feel better ...

AyeshaKhan · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs


Three rules that I had made up for myself: First, when it rains so hard and I don't know where to run to, I will wait for it to stop. I am still holding unto these cliché words that there is sunshine after every storm—perhaps, it's worthy to wait.

Next is, whenever it drizzles and I forget to bring my umbrella with me, enjoy the rain. Maybe, I just need to feel the coldness it may bring to melt down the tension in my head. Dance under the rain, be drenched, seize the moment.

Lastly, if it is too much for me to take, and it has been raining on where I am standing longer than I expected, I should be the one to make the move and leave the place—for on that moment, I surely know, it's not just the rain that keeps on falling down; so are my tears. I should not stay on that state. I should find a place where I can learn to smile again.