
Life Mantra

Simple Easy life living mantra If You Are Sad, Depressed , alone you can read my mantra You feel better ...

AyeshaKhan · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs

Remind Yourself

Remind yourself that if you can still work things out, strive harder and if not, it's okay if you take your hands off from things that you cannot control and let go of people who wanted to shut their doors for you. If you don't belong in a situation, please know that you can leave—your peace is more important. If you cannot fill up someone's cup, know that you are not oblige to do so—you are never less of a person. You are wise enough to keep which one is more important and you are wise enough not to settle with unwanted presence and forced acceptance.

Remind yourself that you belong somewhere else—a better place where you feel wanted, feel loved, and feel valued.