

the world seems to revolve around me , as I look around in midst of sorry , pains and torment, my only source of joy left without a word, without a proper goodbye either, it hurts way too much when you are unexpectedly left behind.

my name is miracle but am called mi mi by all , a final year student of syntax in the university of Ignatius ajuru .

being left to suffocate with my step mom after the sudden death of my dearly mother.

my step mom Mrs Kelly as I do call her was my dad secretary, and now my step mom wow wat a misery,we were living happily at home after the sudden death of my mum,on a faithful day ,I call it faithful cause it's one of the days in my life I vowed never to forget .

Mrs Kelly came back home from work looking like a piece of wasted trash,I couldn't help but ask why to no one exactly but myself,her face looked so tattered, her eyes red and her breathing not steady,I figured it out it might be a problem between her and my dad .

around two in the noon my dad came back feeling exhausted with a young lady besides him wow,it seems the time to harvest the planted fruits is on,I smiled to myself and went upstairs.

a loud voice woke me up from my tender sleep , coming down stairs I could not behold what I saw ,miss Kelly had beat the life out of the lady that came along with my dad .

my dad was just breathless having try to separate the fight between the two ladies,I quickly went to him and started fanning him .that was the moment Mrs Kelly realized she just killed a soul , she looked at me scared but I never showed an atom of concern , knowing the kind of person she was , my dad directly told her she was going behind the bus for killing his secretary.