
life is never a fairy tale

seonmul_15 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The begining

It was the year 763 on a cold winter evening, it was snowing heavily. Avaline stood beside my bedroom window looking at the cherry blossom tree that stood tall next to my small yet cozy cottage unaware of the future that was awaiting her.

"Ava, can you go get some more tomatoes from the market dear?'' asked her mom.

Although her life wasn't luxurious and neither were her parents rich enough to support her education, she never once resented them because the reason she had come this far in my life was because of her parent's unconditional love.

"Sure Mom!" she replied in a sweet, energetic voice. Putting on warm clothes she headed out. As she reached the entrance of the market, she noticed that there was an unusual fuss over something. She couldn't quite make out what exactly the fuss was over, from where she had stopped to observe.

"Step aside young lady if you don't want to be trampled." snorted out the rude knight as he looked down on her. He roughly shoved her aside as the carriage passed by.

she couldn't say anything and walked away as she heard their mocking laughs behind her. It doesn't matter whether one is born a commoner or a noble, what matters most is the purity of one's heart and the good we can do in the little time we have in this world, unlike those nobles who smile at each other but within their dark hearts, they held greed, envy, hatred, deception, and arrogance. It won't take a second for them to show their true selves, the animals behind those beautifully constructed masks of lies. Anyway, she went to the shop to buy the tomatoes.

"Don't you know who I am?!" shouted a girl in a red dress looking at this expensive dress one could tell that she was a noble.

"I know miss but the old lady has been waiting in the row for half an hour how can I not give her the stuff first." said the shopkeeper in a trembling voice.

She couldn't bear her arrogance anymore and stepped forward "Excuse me, lady, but do you have any shame? How can you act like this? Why are you acting so arrogant?" she said.

"How dare you?! you filthy creature!" she shouted as she raised her hand to slap her but something stopped her and she started shivering. "My lady! what happened?" shouted her guards.

"Are you crazy Avaline!" shouted the shopkeeper who was also Avaline's next-door neighbor.

"I'm sorry, I should have kept my anger in. It's just that if these nobles were not born in a noble household they would be worthless." she justified her point.

"Dear, you need to be at their level to fight and their level is something we can't reach so never do this again. Thank god the lady went away I don't even want to think about what could have happened," he replied

After all this, she went back home. She felt as if someone was following her but there was no one every time she looked back. She fell on her bed due to exhaustion as soon as she reached back. her room was small but cozy. There was a fire space and a small study table on the left. a bookshelf was placed on the right. the room was messy. books and research papers were scattered throughout the room. 'oh! I forgot the books I needed from the library' she suddenly remembered.