
The powers from other realm

If we go deep into our past we can found ourself that incident that occur in our lives are meaningless don't you think that why do you have birth in this world and that seem rubbish! to discuss about it but I think that there are Good powers and some evil power the. mistcal things that happen with me lets start the journey of other realm dream when I am just ten years old I am always afraid of bad dream I saw a person always shouting at me and don't even like to see me and I know her name he always tell here self (rayin) but he is very unusual he always apper in my dreams and alway say to run and go away you are meaningless and the feeling from him is always to protect me but when I told it to any they always tell me you are a bad dreamer. But there is no night I haven't seen him. And it's not ordinary but when it goes on I am also thinking that it is a dream but when I see that guy in real life I am very confident that it is just not a bad dream.

Hello my friends i am sk. Affan it's my name my thought are simple and needs a stage to convey them and than I think to write something ??????

Shaikh_Amincreators' thoughts