

Ah! so tiresome to maintain a Tech Company, at last end of the day, lets go home and relax while watching my favorite anime "POKEMON", thought Elijah Knight.

Elijah Knight owner of 'Knight Techs', he wasn't a male model but he should have been. The lush, jet-black hair he groomed so carefully had a rippling quality, a sign of his rude health. The aquiline nose he sported complemented his prominent cheekbones. Handsome in an understated way, his basalt jaw and Spartan shoulders spoke of strength. He possessed a latent, leonine power and always walked with purpose and authority.People had always remarked that his best feature was his entrancing, wayfarer-blue eyes. Sloe shaped, they could shine as bright as the evening stars when they were a-light with joy. At other times, they could resemble two liquid-blue pools of flashing fire. Flamboyant of character, the room always filled with his sonorous, rumbling voice. He was also quick to crack a joke or fire off a humorous retort. His rakish clothes were a source of amusement to some, not least because they emanated an herbal smell.

Elijah Knight is a genius and hardworking gentleman. From being an helpless orphan to founder of Knight Techs, journey wasn't easy for him but he persevered and now he has everything at an age of 26, but a family to call his own.

Elijah also owns a restaurant and a Dojo along with his company. Going through many hungry nights and street fights, he decided to open a restaurant for people like him and Dojo where he practices his martial arts and sword arts as a hobby.

Thinking about his relaxing time while watching Pokemon, he unlocked his car and started to drive. He was about to speed up on the way, suddenly a random car with a panicked driver appeared in his sight, driver shouting to get out of his as his car's brakes are not working, but it was too late for Elijah and car crashed into his own.

After few moments Elijah jolted awake and looks around to find himself floating in white space with no doors or any end. As he was observing the space, he heard a voice behind him.

???: So, you have arrived my child. I am sorry that I cannot prevent your unfortunate demise. As it was already decided by fate itself, but don't worry due to your good deeds, I can offer you a second chance into your choice of world.

Hearing the ramblings of unknown being, Elijah was completely bewildered. After few moments, collecting himself, he focused on the being and asked.

Elijah: So I am dead and was summoned here by you? But Why? Also who are you? (is he/she the God? thought to himself.)

God: Yes, My child you are right I am that God, the God you prayed to, whenever you are in trouble or can't decide what to do ahead and the reason you are here is because of your kind deeds. You are a worthy soul, you at your lowest didn't quit and at your highest point of life didn't abandoned your morals and remembered those who helped you and contributed a lot to society by helping the unfortunate ones' so that they won't have to go through the same days as you, So I decided to give a gift, gift of second chance.

Elijah: Thank you God for being so merciful and yes I did those things because I know in this world, those who don't have any backing, will crumble and rust way in make believe society of hypocrites. So, I created my company and many other organizations to provide them a tiny bit of hope that they too can rise.

God: Indeed! you are right my child, now decide, decide what you want for yourself, what world would like to live in with what ability tell me, tell me my child!

Elijah: My lord, I use to watch an anime called POKEMON, is it possible to go that world and live my life there?

God: Yes My child, it is quite possible, now tell me your wishes, 3 of them I have given you, think careful what to wish for my child, for once you wish you can;t undo it.

Elijah: Before that my Lord, will I be able to recall my previous life and abilities and can my appearance be kept same?

God: Yes of course, now speak what you want. No need to hurry my child after all its important, so take your time and be sure about it.

After few moments.....

Elijah: OK! So I have decided what I want,

1) I want an appraisal system with inventory because that's a must in pokemon world to see the stats of pokemon and people.

2) I want powers of Jean Grey (Telepathy and telekinesis).

3) I want a starter pokemon of my choosing to bond with.

God: Hmm...All the wishes can be granted, System can accommodated, but for your powers of Jean, I have to modify your body to make it more resilient to home the powers otherwise your body will explode, anyways there! done. So what pokemon do you want?

Elijah: I want a Riolu.

God: OK! Done. I will also give you a starter pack, so that you can begin your journey right away. Now I also give a chance to customize your body, if you want that is?

Elijah: Thank you My Lord. But I am quite satisfied with my previous one, just give an excellent weapon and clothes, also make me 18 years old.

God: No problem. Regarding clothes and weapon system will help you out, also you will find youe riolu pokeball in it.

Elijah: Thanks again my lord for giving me second chance, I will cherish it and live without any regrets.

God: Its alright my child and have fun.

With a snap, Elijah vanishes from the white space to begin his adventure elsewhere.