
Life in I want to eat your pancreas

Well, I am writing this for fun as the movie ending was very painful, also i have almost zero experience in writing. HENCE, YOU ARE WARNED! There will be PLOT-HOLES, BAD SENTENCE STRUCTURES, ETC. But i will try to write a romance fanfic (obviously no harem) Thank You~

Ayanokoji_Kiyopon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 15-Discussing future plans with Dad

Inside asher's room

Asher was sitting face to face with his dad with a slight smile on his face, he started explaining his future plans to his father, "Dad, I want to make my own company in which medical, entertainment and other things will be included. I also want to venture underworld to make a foothold for me. And if possible become the king of underworld as it is important for keeping my loved ones safe."

He slightly paused looking a look of bewilderment and astonishment on his father's face as he continued, "Till my company becomes influential, i want people to secretly protect my loved ones because you might have known what happened today from your bodyguards that you secretly told me to protect."

Another shocked look passed on his father, "Although i might have known the enemy but it is still not confirmed but even if confirmed, i will deal with him myself" he said firmly leaving no hope for negotiation.

"I will build the best hospital, also a music industry, a manga center, an anime adaptation industry, film industry, etc. all under the company's name i.e. A.S.H (All Society Harmony)"

He finished his speech with a burning fire in his eyes full of determination and vigor.

Listening to his son, he experienced a turmoil of emotions, first he experienced, fear, then joy, then anticipation, then warmth, then pride.

His son's will to protect his loved ones is commendable and is a bit overprotective.

A smile graced on his slightly wrinkled face which was full of pride as he said, "Asher we parents will support in your every decision, but yeah don't tell about your underworld thing to your mom or she will lock you up in house and DON'T YOU DARE HARM YOURSELF."

Asher smiled gratefully and said, "Don't worry father, first you send top five men to secretly protect hachiman, ryoko and sakura. You can talk with issei's parents also for safety reasons."

"While i will prepare the layout of hospital firstly and yeah we will keep Dr. Ash as the founder of hospital for now and you don't need to disclose relationship between A.S.H and michell industries for now. You can secretly help me with your connections for collaborating with anime, music and film companies and we will start recruiting members as we need loyal and efficient ones only."

"I will also prepare the songs, mangas, storylines, etc. And i will enter underworld under the moniker of 'NOTE', i will go to underworld from next week. Also i will launch cure of gland cancer with the news of opening of hospital."

"I will personally test all the doctors, nurses, specialities, surgeons, etc. the matter of security i will leave to you for now."

"LET's BEGIN OUR GAMES" "Hehehe~~"

Kageyama was in awe of his son's talents, efficiency and quick approach to everything.

Kageyama rubbed his hand in excitement and anticipation as he thought, 'The world is going to be shaken'

Then he said, "Ok, I will go to prepare things." he exited the room while laughing, "HAHAHAH~~~"

Asher shaked his dad's childness and closed his eyes to prepare for next things. Firstly, he decided to sleep.

He removed his clothes and jumped onto his bed as a face appeared in his mind which took away all his tiredness and mental strain as he doxed off with a smile on his face hugging the pillow under the covers.

Next morning

He woke up feeling refreshed, done is usual training and then went to his room as he took the bath, he got ready for school and left for school.

He parked his bicycle and started moving towards classroom, when he went inside, all the students took a glance at him and shuddered as the thought of yesterday resurfaced their minds, the school authority just subdued the matter as they didn't wanted to be involved with underworld.

But, the news about Asher beating the shit out of 5 people was spreading like a fire in whole school as they discussed about it.

(In a room)

A handsome young man with evenly structured muscles and dark brown hair and eyes, was sitting on his chair as he stamped the desk that as he shouted to himself, "F**k m***k***r, how could he beat 5 men singlehandedly, now his news is spreading portraying him as a hero who saved his friend using cool moves."

"Sh*t, my men are not even capable of subduing the news, b****ds, I will f****g destroy him, how dare he covet the girl which had took this young master's eyes."

From the first day he heard about the arrival of a heavenly beauty in school, he had decided that he will make her his at any cost, he thought, 'All other b*tches are unable to satisfy me, i need some fresh materials and sakura is the best, i have never seen such a beauty like her.'

He went to library to look for her but he found asher embracing sakura which made his blood boil, and then they even talked happily, so he decided to contact underworld but who would have thought that asher would have singlehandedly beat the sh*t out of them.

(In Asher's classroom)

Asher ignored their classmates's gazes at him and he looked at hachiman whose head was covered in bandages, he felt a pang of guilt in his heart as he vowed to himself to never let his loved ones be harmed due to him.

He walked towards him and asked with concern, "Are you alright bro?"

Hachiman just nodded and said, "Yes"

Then asher just sat down and started talking about different things, basically only asher was speaking and hachiman was just listening or not?

Then 2 periods went by and time for recess came, he excitedly stood and started walking towards library with a smile on his face.

On his way he was bumped with someone on his shoulder as he instinctively said, "Sorry"

But when he looked at the person he frowned and a cold expression came on his face as he said coldly, "Excuse me"

Asher then continued his journey towards the library leaving a irritated takahiro behind who just gritted his teeth and walked away.

He opened the door of library as he spotted a familiar figure of a beautiful young woman said with a warm smile, "Hello, Sakura-san how are you?"

Sakura moved her gaze to him as her face bloomed with a smile and she walked towards him, she said with a smile,"I am fine asher-san, but are you okay? I heard about yesterday" she asked with concern filled voice.

Hearing her concerned tone warmth spread in his chest making him feel bliss as he said with a bright smile, "Thank You for worrying about me sakura-san, i am fine, they were just some insignificant people who doesn't need our attention."

Sakura nodded her head and was thinking of something to say to him but then Asher said, "Sakura-san, if it is okay with you, can we exchange numbers as i know you like to read novels, so i can borrow from you and i also have a collection of some novels. We can exchange the novels and other things." he just used an excuse to get her phone number.

Sakura realized that he was using novels as an excuse for her phone number as she mumbled lightly, "You could have asked my number directly"

Asher felt that she said something so he asked her, "Did you say something sakura-san?"

Sakura shook her head and said, "No, lets exchange the numbers." she quickly changed the topic.

Asher did not pursued the matter and became happy when she agreed to exchange numbers, then they exchanged the numbers. They also exchanged their ids on messenger app for chatting.

Then the bell rang gathering both of their attention as they realized that recess was over, they both felt disappointed but thinking about numbers their mood became better.

Asher then said with a sigh, "Its time to go sakura-san bye, see you soon."

Sakura giggled covering her mouth and said, "Bye asher-san, see you soon"

Seeing her giggling while covering her mouth asher unconciously blurted out loudly, "Cute"

Hearing him calling her cute, sakura blushed upto her necks and said, "What n-non-sense you are shouting"

Seeing that he had said her cute loudly, he decided to be more bold using this opportunity.

He walked towards her solemnly as he brought his face closer to her, seeing his face closer to her, her body became stiff as she was blushing madly, he looked deep into her amber-brown eyes with his emerald eyes and said huskily sending jolts of electricity through her body, "You are beautiful sakura."

He then carrassed her soft cheek with the back of his hands, when he touched her cheeks a sudden warmth spread deep inside sakura's heart, where no such warmth has spread.

She looked at his eyes and also carrassed his cheeks feeling his tight and mellow skin, and said sexily to him making him shiver and increasing the thumping of his heart, "You are also very handsome asher"

Hearing her calling directly by his name, a sense of warmth and accomplishment was sent into his body.

Then suddenly a person's coughing resounded in their ears as they both came out of their trance, sakura was blushing madly while placing her hands on her cheeks, Asher was blushing slightly and he tried to composed himself but was unable to.

Then they both looked forward only to find a ryoko with a teasing expression on her face.

Asher then averted his eyes from her and looked at sakura teasingly saying, "see you soon sakura-chan~"

Sakura also didn't wanted to lose in teasing so she said while bringing out her tongue, "see you soon asher-kun~"

Asher just laughed and winked at her last time and then went towards his classroom.

Sakura then looked at her best friend and nervously said, "I-I-..."

Ryoko smirked and said like a sage, "I know, i know you don't need to explain anything"

(On bicycle)

Asher was laughing happily, "That were some bold moves from me~ hehe~~"


{A/N: Oh my i crossed 1.7k words hohoh~~}