
Life in DxD Verse

This will be a story about a devil, who wishes to lead a pleasant life filled with love and adventures yet he rules over the world.

Urban_Flower_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

ChApTeR 5.

I have a hunch that we'd be meeting each other soon.


Time passed by and I am eight years old.

Even I was fascinated by my own looks, it was as if something was attracting other beings toward me affectionately.

I had silky silver hair, eyes like Sapphire, and smooth pale skin along with an icy temperament due to the influence of my magic.

Also, I started to love collecting gems and gold, It was as if they belonged to me, that's what I thought subconsciously. I told Edith about this and she said that it was due to the influence of the magic within me.

But, I started to collect these gemstones and various treasures whenever possible.

I mean why not, Although it's been three years since the establishment of the company and the mafia, our company 'Morningstar Inc', value increased tremendously with the introduction of automobiles I designed and the entertainment we stimulated in the market.

Previously we had lived in Britain, we now would be moving the whole corporation to Los Angeles. As for the mafia, it almost deals with every underground matter in Britain and half of Europe.

We introduced two cars to the public. The first one is the Morningstar Maybach class - S and the other is Morningstar URUS, an SUV. But Edith and I own the most customized versions of each one.

[AN: I like the 2023 Maybach Class -s and Lambo URUS, lol]

Although the price is high, people gradually started to buy them, and the market of the other automobile companies started to drop over the past two years.

This caused more than 35% of the population in Britain and Europe to use the Morningstar automobiles, the next plan is to introduce the public transport facilities, starting from bicycles, buses to trains.

The entertainment sector also reached partnerships with several existing giants in the industry. Of course, the first thing that we had done was to start owning several theatre lines across Britain and Europe. There are other plans to expand them into Asia and the American states.

[AN: I know it's weird just to own stuff after a couple of years, but This is a supernatural world, so this might not make any sense.]

As we are to move to Los Angeles, the mafia had already taken over the existing mafia making all the procedures more smooth.

Although I had yet to awaken my abilities, I possess the banknote ability now. I think almost 70% of the problems could be solved through money in the normal world. But in the Supernatural world, it takes both personal and financial power to establish oneself.


A year passed by just like that and today's the day we'd be moving to the Headquarters in Los Angeles.

Edith and I took off time, I had to attend the normal school although stuff was very simple as Edith wanted me to have a relatively normal childhood.

But what was gonna happen today would be far from normal.

Being in Britain, we had never got a chance to explore the country as Edith was bust and I was devising more plans, engineering better engines, and a few magic exercises.

Yup, I had officially started to practice my magic, or Mana which is more preferred to call. The main aim is to increase my control over the mana inside me, cause there were extreme cases where people couldn't control mana and died due to the instability of mana.

So, we had almost toured the whole of Britain and finally, we went to a catholic church in Britain.

Weird right?, but one of the mafia members was getting married, and as we got along Edith and I decided to attend.

We stayed until the end of the ceremony and went forward to give blessings. After giving the blessings the church served everyone with the holy wine.

I was not allowed to drink as I was still a kid.

But watching the red wine glass in my hands of Edith, I slowly took one of the glasses into my hands and started to sniff and observe the red liquid.

I could feel that Edith and already seen me taking a glass of wine but she didn't say anything.

As I sniffed, it started to itch my nose, I felt my throat go dry. I slowly savored the smell and drank it.

It felt weird, it truly had a marvelous taste to it. Bus as I finished the glass of wine, it cause my senses to blur as I felt something on my forehead and the glass fell to the ground cracking it.

Edith's reaction was fast, she could have known if the wine had any poisons but it was fine, she made an excuse of me being drunk, took me into her arms, and walked to our car.

Just as she put me in the back seat, wings emerged from my back, and tiny horns sprouted from my forehead.

I felt my vision going weird as I could see the world before in gridlines with redlines over the objects and over people.

"Oli--r!, Ca-- he --r e? OliVEr!", Edith shouted, I tilted my head to see her eyes filled with tears, I smiled and said, "It w--ll b-- ali-ht.", I passed out.

But Instinctively knew that I had awoken my abilities, and probably I am a devil with light immunity.

[POV: Edith Hendrix]

Oliver and I, finally sat in the church for the last time.

The wine was served, and I noticed that Oliver had also taken a glass of wine. Well, I would not prohibit him from anything as long as he wanted, cause he's my family. But I have to teach him that it's not good for a kid like him to drink in public.

I observed that as he consumed the wine, tiny bumps formed on his forehead, and his eyes started to become hazy as the glass in his hands fell to the ground.

"Oliver is drunk, Excuse us.", I said to the people surrounding me and talked about the business and the mafia's affairs. But in my heart, nothing is more important than Oliver.

I took him into my hands, casting magic, making us move faster, I put him on the back seat, as he groaned in pain and opened his eyes.

I noticed that the bumps turned into blueish horns and his eyes turned rainbowish. As he looks at me I instinctively felt death surrounding me.

Not only that, but Oliver also managed to open his wings, I think the awakening of his abilities had something to do with the holy element from the wine, but tears swelled up in my eyes as this wwas my first time seeing him in such pain.

As far as I know, this was the first time he had come into contact with the holy element, that must be it.

I called to his name as I felt his body heating up so much that the leather on the seats started to melt, "Oliver! Can you hear me? Oliver!".

He replied much to my anxiousness, "It w--ll b-- ali-ht", I panicked. Taking Oliver into my arms and casting a healing spell, I used magic to contact someone who had more knowledge on stuff like this.

"Old Pervert, I need help! Let's meet now.", without giving the other party a chance to reply. I cast a mass memory forgetting spell in my surrounding, just in case if someone had seen us. Then summoned a teleportation circle.

The circle lit up, covering Oliver and me, as we disappeared making the surroundings as normal as before.