
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
502 Chs

[42] A Date with Yui


-I'll edit Katsura Kotonoha's name; I didn't realize that her first name is Kotonoha. It's been a while since I watched this anime, so I forgot about it. Recently, I went to the Kotonoha wiki and discovered her parents' last names. I can't believe I made that mistake.


"Misty Hill?"

Hearing this title, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

"Are you talking about Kasumigaoka-senpai?"

"That's right, it's Utako-sensei. Aren't you from the same school?"

"Didn't I tell you before that I wanted you to help her? Then, yesterday, Utako-sensei told me that the first volume would be republished, so I wondered if this had something to do with you."

Setting aside the bowl and chopsticks, Sonoko looked at him with curiosity.

Observing her inquisitive gaze, Hachiman remained silent for a moment.

"I didn't expect that Utaha would actually act on my suggestions. Could it be that I really have some kind of protagonist aura?" Hachiman wondered.

"I did give Kasumigaoka-senpai some plot ideas for her light novel, and I also suggested that she re-release the first volume," Hachiman explained after a moment's pause.

"But I didn't anticipate that senpai would actually follow through with my suggestion."

"That goes to show that your ideas align with her desires. Otherwise, knowing Utako-sensei, she wouldn't have chosen to re-release the first volume," Machida Sonoko said with a smile, giving his shoulder a reassuring pat.


"But even if senpai wants to re-release the first volume, wouldn't she have to go through the library?"

"Don't worry about that. As long as Utako-sensei's light novel is better than before, I'll handle it at the library," Sonoko promised, patting her plump breasts.

"But Hachiman, if Utako-sensei's light novel is republished by then, you'll have to help her promote it."

"Don't worry about it, Sister Sonoko. After all, I suggested to her that she rewrite the first volume, and she's still my senpai. I'll help if I feel like it," Hachiman nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I'm relieved to hear that."

After finishing their lunch, the two left Yukihira Restaurant and paid the bill.

Sonoko couldn't help but complain as she paid the bill.

After all, it was Hachiman who had invited her to eat, yet in the end, she was the one asked to foot the bill.

But complaints aside, she didn't really mind the small expense.

The benefits that Hachiman had brought her far outweighed that, so she saw it as a worthwhile investment.

After seeing him off at the station, Machida Sonoko headed back to Kadokawa to continue her work.

As Hachiman boarded the train back to Chiba, he let out a sigh of relief.

The illustrator matter was settled, and all that remained was the appointment with Yui in the afternoon.

Hachiman hoped everything would go smoothly.


When Hachiman returned to Chiba, it was already past 1:30, leaving less than half an hour before the agreed-upon time with Yui.

He hurried to the designated meeting place and noticed that Yui hadn't arrived yet.

Hachiman breathed a sigh of relief.

Being late for the first date would certainly upset the girls.

Finding a bench in front of the station and taking a seat, Hachiman planned to rest for a while.

Upon careful consideration, this marked the second time he had gone on a date with a girl in his two lives.

In his previous life, he had many former lovers, but their dates often felt insincere.

If it weren't for their wealth, he might not have even accepted those dates.

The only time he truly enjoyed a date was when he met her.

Not to mention the original Hikigaya Hachiman in this life.

After entering junior high school, he didn't have any friends. His situation only improved after he transmigrated.

While Hachiman was lost in thought, time quietly slipped away, and it was time for him and Yui to meet as planned.

He stood up, scanned the area, and indeed spotted Yui not far away.

"Yui!" Hachiman called out with excitement and hurried over to her.

Upon seeing his approach, Yui's face lit up with joy, but she quickly regained her composure.

While in the original work she belonged to the "in-crowd," in the present, she's a complete novice when it comes to romantic experiences.

This marked her first time taking the initiative to ask a boy out.

"Hikki! Good afternoon..." Yui greeted Hachiman weakly as he approached.

"Good afternoon, Yui. You look absolutely stunning today," Hachiman's eyes lit up as he admired her outfit.

She still had her familiar hairstyle, and she was dressed in a white mid-sleeve dress.

Her fair and slender legs shimmered in the sunlight, and she wore a pair of transparent butterfly-strap sandals on her feet.

Today, she had clearly applied some light makeup, enhancing her already delicate face, making her look even more beautiful.

Her lips, in particular, had a moist allure that was tempting to behold.

"Oh, Hikki, you're too much..." Yui's face flushed with a hint of affection as she was praised by someone she liked.

"I'm not just saying that, who made my Yui so beautiful ," Hachiman said with a smile, unable to resist reaching out to tousle Yui on her head.

"Hey... who said I'm yours, Hikki, you shameless guy."

She made a playful face at him and swatted away his mischievous hand.

"Don't mess up my hairstyle, you bad guy, Hikki."

With Hachiman's playful interruption, the tension eased, and the two of them relaxed.

Seeing that the atmosphere had lightened up, Hachiman smiled and asked, "Yui, where would you like the two of us to go today?"

"Where should we go? Let me think..."

"How about going to the movies?" Yui asked nervously, clearly lacking dating experience, and she relied on her mother's advice for guidance.

"Sure." Hachiman had no objections to her choice.

It doesn't matter what they do; what matters is who they're with.

His intentions towards Yui were pure, and he was happy to accompany her wherever she wanted to go.

Is it?

"Okay, let's go watch a movie first!" Yui's face lit up with happiness upon hearing his agreement.

"Let's go," Hachiman smiled, extending his hand towards Yui.

"There are a lot of people at the station. Give me your hand so we don't get separated."

"Hmm..." Yui hesitated for a moment as she looked at the hand he offered, but she finally shyly placed her hand in his.

Her hand was delicate, with skin as smooth as cream. Holding Yui's hand, Hachiman found himself momentarily distracted.

"This is a 2D girl's hand... It feels much different from 3D girls," he thought to himself.

The two of them walked hand in hand to the cinema.

"Yui, which movie would you like to watch?" Hachiman, maintaining his gentlemanly demeanor, allowed her to make the choice.

"Well... let's go with this one!" Yui hesitated briefly while looking at the numerous movie titles on the cinema screen, but in the end, she settled on a romantic film.

"Alright, I'll go purchase the tickets." Having made a choice, Hachiman approached the ticket counter and bought two tickets along with some popcorn and drinks.

Then, they entered the screening room together.

Upon entering the screening room, Hachiman noticed that it wasn't very crowded.

Most of the moviegoers were couples, seated together in pairs.

"Well, it seems like visiting places like movie theaters can be a bit tough for single dogs," he thought, but quickly added mentally, "But fortunately, I have company today. So, single dogs, be envious."

They found seats for two, and Hachiman and Yui settled in together.

"Here, Yui," he said, offering her the popcorn and drink with a soft smile.

"Hey, thank you, Hikki," Yui replied with her trademark silly grin.

Soon, the movie began to play...