
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
504 Chs

[277] Hidden Intentions

Chapter 277: Hidden Intentions

They've made up their minds to make Hikigaya-kun their son-in-law.

At this moment, Mr. and Mrs. Hiratsuka had firmly decided.

In their original plan, as long as their daughter brought back a so-called boyfriend who satisfied them, whether it was true or not, they would proceed with the marriage. However, they didn't expect Shizuka to bring back a genuine boyfriend, and such an outstanding one at that.

Since Hachiman was so exceptional, they had no intention of giving up.

"Hachiman, in the future, you'll have to take care of Shizuka a lot," Mrs. Hiratsuka said with a friendly smile.

"This girl has been spoiled by us since she was a child, so her temper is a bit bad, and she also likes to hit people."

"But don't worry, if Shizuka dares to lay a hand on you in the future, just tell Auntie, and I'll help you give her a good lesson."

Seeing Shizuka's mother's demeanor, Hachiman raised an eyebrow.

It seems he has been preliminarily accepted; otherwise, Mrs. Hiratsuka wouldn't have such an attitude.

Hachiman felt pleased with himself, giving Shizuka a somewhat triumphant look.

Listen carefully, if you dare to hit me in the future, I'll have Auntie deal with you.

Seeing Hachiman's smug expression, Shizuka was furious and complained to her mother.

"Mom, am I really your daughter? How can you say such things about your own biological daughter?"

Unexpectedly, Shizuka dared to retort, which angered Mrs. Hiratsuka even more.

"What are you saying, Shizuka? Look at yourself now – smoking, drinking, and even enjoying hitting people. What kind of girl acts like this?"

"After finally finding a man like Hachiman who likes you so much, you should cherish him. If you scare Hachiman away, I won't spare you."

Watching as if Shizuka's mom had already accepted Hachiman, Shizuka felt a bit uneasy. After all, she and Hachiman were just pretending to be a couple. But she certainly wouldn't dare to say that, or she'd be met with a tag team match from her own parents.

"But... but, Mom, there's a significant age difference between us," Shizuka thought she could salvage the situation.

"What's the problem with a little age difference? You know, as long as there's love, age is not an issue. Besides, Hachiman doesn't mind you being older, right, Hachiman?" Towards the end, Mrs. Hiratsuka smiled and asked Hachiman.

Hachiman nodded in agreement, "That's right, even if Shizu is a few years older, I still like her."

"Did you hear that, Shizuka? Hachiman doesn't mind at all. You should cherish him, you know," Mrs. Hiratsuka reiterated.

"And Shizuka, you should start learning how to take care of yourself. After all, you're almost thirty, and your body is definitely not as robust as before."

Again, Hachiman nodded in agreement, "That's right, Shizu indeed needs to take care, considering the stress she faces as a teacher."

"I think Auntie, you take care very well. You look like you're in your thirties now."

Every woman loves compliments, and with Hachiman's praise, Mrs. Hiratsuka covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Oh, you flatter me, Hachiman. I'm over fifty, so don't worry, I'll personally teach Shizuka about skincare."

Watching these two harmonizing so well, Shizuka was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Hachiman, the scoundrel, was trying to win over Shizuka's mother.

Feeling desperate, Shizuka had no choice but to seek help from her father.

"Dad, say something to Mom. I'm your biological daughter; how can you side with an outsider like this?"

Unfortunately, Mr. Hiratsuka did not respond as she hoped.

"Your mom is right."

Upon hearing this, Shizuka almost wanted to spit blood.

She had made a mistake relying on her dad for help. Despite Mr. Hiratsuka appearing strict on the outside, at home, he was under the thumb of his wife.

Seeing his wife's expression, Mr. Hiratsuka directly sided with Hachiman.

"Hachiman, I'm counting on you to take care of Shizuka in the future."

Although that's what he said, Mr. Hiratsuka's gaze was somewhat elusive.

Because he had a feeling that he had heard the name Hikigaya Hachiman somewhere before and was suspicious about his age.

"Don't worry, Uncle, I'll make sure Shizu is happy in the future." Hachiman nodded and turned to Shizuka with a smug smile.

Little did Shizuka expect her parents to sell her out like this. Seeing Hachiman's triumphant smile, she almost bit her teeth into pieces. She turned her head, ignoring them, and sulked on her own.

However, Mr. and Mrs. Hiratsuka completely disregarded her and continued to engage with Hachiman, showing genuine interest.

If you feel wronged, just tell them; they'll take care of Shizuka...

And if there's anything you think Shizuka should change, just say it directly. If she doesn't want to change, tell them...

In any case, the goal is clear: make Hachiman their son-in-law.

Despite the cheerful conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Hiratsuka and Hachiman, they also have their own plans.

Their current favorable attitude towards Hachiman is ultimately based on their understanding of their daughter.

Given Shizuka's personality, pulling Hachiman in as a so-called boyfriend indicates a prior acquaintance, not just a random person.

Mrs. Hiratsuka noticed a hint of excitement in Shizuka when Hachiman expressed his liking.

Knowing her daughter well, Mrs. Hiratsuka understood that Shizuka harbored some feelings for Hachiman, though it was unclear why she had suppressed them.

After enduring numerous unsuccessful blind dates before, finding someone who could stir her daughter's heart was rare. As a mother, she was determined to facilitate this connection.

However, before proceeding, they needed to investigate Hachiman's background. As parents, they couldn't casually entrust their daughter to someone of unknown origin.

On Hachiman's side, he didn't naively think that it would be easy to win over Shizuka's parents.

Judging from Shizuka's father's demeanor, he seemed like a person accustomed to high status.

Although the original work didn't provide details about Shizuka's family background, judging from her Aston Martin, her family status was undoubtedly high.

While Hachiman was financially comparable to some family forces, he recognized certain gaps, particularly in intelligence gathering.

He feared that his identity might be uncovered before long.

Therefore, Hachiman decided that after the wedding, he would proactively confess to Shizuka's parents.

After all, there was a difference between confessing voluntarily and being exposed by someone else. Voluntary confession provided more control over the situation.

With both sides harboring their own thoughts, the wedding ceremony officially began.