
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Flaptzy

Leonzky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
448 Chs

[144] Hachiman is being fought over by the Nakiri sisters

Chapter 144: Hachiman is being fought over by the Nakiri sisters

Ascending to the second floor, Hachiman entered Yui's bedroom, carefully placing her on the bed. He was on the brink of leaving, but after a moment's contemplation, he reconsidered.

"I suppose I should help Yui change into more comfortable clothes," he decided.

Hachiman muttered to himself, justifying his actions by mentioning the discomfort of sleeping in clothes, especially after a day at the seaside. In reality, there wasn't much to change into besides the swimsuit, a thin shirt, and shoes.

After removing these two items, Yui once again appeared in her swimsuit.

Hachiman couldn't help but fixate on her delicate collarbones, ample bosom, slender waist, and graceful thighs. A dryness filled his throat, and a sense of unease took over.

Her adorable sleeping face and that slightly puckered cherry-like mouth captivated him. Without realizing it, Hachiman placed his hands on either side of Yui, leaned down, and gently kissed her lips.

Her lips were soft, like marshmallows.

Due to the alcohol he had consumed earlier, there was a subtle hint of liquor on his lips.

The kiss was fleeting, and Hachiman quickly snapped back to reality. Seeing that Yui was still in a deep slumber, he let out a sigh of relief. He gracefully slipped out of the bed, adjusted the room's air conditioning, covered her with a light blanket, and departed from the room in silence.

However, the moment he returned to the barbecue area, a figure hurriedly approached him.

"Hey, you... we're continuing to drink."

With her golden hair shimmering in the darkness and that unmistakable tsundere tone, it could only be Erina.

At this point, the young lady seemed to be under the influence of alcohol as well. Though not quite as far gone as Yui, she wasn't far from it, swaying slightly as she walked.

Still, she persisted in her desire to continue drinking with Hachiman.

"We... we're continuing to drink, hic."

"Miss Erina, you can't have any more alcohol." Hachiman held onto the swaying Erina, his expression displaying a sense of helplessness.

"What 'Miss Erina'? Just call me Erina."

In her tone, there was a hint of coquettishness, a side of her rarely seen.

"You, you've defeated me so many times. You must know I've never lost to anyone my age before."

"Even if it's drinking, I have to... hic... I have to beat you..."

Carrying on like this, it was clear Erina would soon be under the table.

Hachiman watched her struggle to articulate her words and sighed, covering his face in exhaustion.

He glanced around, hoping to find someone to assist him, but there was no one to be found.

Shizuka and Leonora had already retired to rest, Utaha was being escorted back to her room by Saeko, Yukino and Haruno were helping each other back, and Kotonoha was looking after Komachi and Kokoro as they headed to their room.

Hachiman quickly looked for Hisako, hoping she could assist Erina in getting back to rest.

To his disappointment, Hisako was in no better condition than Erina; she was slumped over the table, fast asleep. It was understandable, given how much she had consumed earlier to prevent her mistress from overindulging.


Even in her slumber, Hisako murmured her mistress's name while resting on the table.

It was a touching display of dedication.

Hachiman couldn't help but wonder if Hisako would continue to serve Erina after she got married in the future.

But for now, he had to refocus his attention on the Erina before him.

"Hey... why aren't you talking to me?"

Observing his silence, the slightly inebriated girl added a hint of coquettishness to her tone.

"Hikigaya, you're really mean, you know? After subjecting me to such outrageous things, you're just ignoring me."

Hey, hey, let's not make unfounded accusations here.

I only bested you a few times in cooking; it's not that outrageous.

If her grandfather, Senzaemon, ever caught wind of this, I'd probably find myself at the bottom of Tokyo Bay.

But before he could respond, someone else approached, firmly grabbing one of his arms.

"Hey, Erina, let go of my Hachiman-kun."

The one reprimanding Erina was, of course, Alice.

Though Hachiman appreciated her defense, he couldn't help but wonder...

Since when did I become someone's possession?

Before he could voice his thoughts, Erina reached out and secured his other arm.

"It's Alice who should let go; this guy belongs to me."

Hey, hey, hey, how did things get so chaotic?

"What?! Erina, you're so annoying! You've always liked taking things from me, from toys to cakes when we were kids. Now you even want to steal my Hachiman. Well, I won't let you have him this time!" Alice complained, her grip on Hachiman's arm tightening.

"Tsk, bring it on! You've been losing to me since we were kids, and this time won't be any different," Erina retorted, also strengthening her hold on the arm she embraced, seemingly spurred on by Alice's challenge.

Hachiman found himself in an uncomfortable situation. Both girls were dressed quite minimally, and he could only feel smooth skin under his arms. He carefully avoided any sudden movements, worried about accidentally touching something inappropriate.

"Wuwuwu, I hate Erina the most! My first kiss was stolen by Hachiman, and yet you still want to steal from me! So annoying..." Alice continued to complain, refusing to let go.

Hey, hey, what first kiss is she talking about? Is it from that time I gave her CPR? I did it to save her life!

"Tsk, what's a first kiss? This guy even took my first time," Erina boldly retorted.

Hold on, you can't just say that! If her grandfather, Senzaemon, hears about this, I might actually end up at the bottom of Tokyo Bay.

"From childhood to now, I've never lost in cooking. This guy is the first person of my age to beat me."

Phew... Miss Erina, you should've mentioned that earlier. And please, let's not get too worked up when you speak. I thought you were referring to something else.

The current situation wasn't exactly ideal either. His arms were securely entwined, leaving him with minimal room to maneuver.

As he was about to say something, he noticed that both sisters had dozed off while holding onto his arms, their drowsiness evident.

That was swift. Must be the alcohol taking its toll.

Hachiman, however, couldn't help but exhale a sigh of relief. With the two sisters no longer engaged in their argument, his ears could finally have some respite. Now, the next challenge was to figure out how to transport these two slightly intoxicated ladies back to their respective rooms for some much-needed rest.


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