
chapter 15

Win and wey started squad school, it was boarding so they stayed there,they learnt tricks in fighting, rescuing ,legal training, driving skills, equipment training, firearm training, use of force, crisis negotiation, and de-escalation, among others.these training made then a very strong cadet that no one could stop,months later they had their first assignment as a cadet,they were ask to get to the top of the mountain and the stick monster are their obstacles,the 10 squad started,win and wey almost there,but they saw a girl who was down,they helped her and the three of them make it to the final mountain and the three of them we're promoted to the not elected b squad,their final test was when they told the three squad to finish 15 soldiers to make the Cang B squad,the three squad fought well,but they are too many,then wey said we can do it,he said win and sai take the rest I will deal with the leader,they agreed and they used their training skills on them it a perfective training, which wey used to take soldier down,they used it and the soldier was down,commander shaw was very happy and he said you guys have proven you learn well you will be promoted to A squad while the ones who went for war will be the leaders and they will be called the detective squad, wey,win and sai where happy, they were given inner powers,wey speed win was given strength, while sai was given invincibility, the three army we're the protectors of the city that was after 7 years their parents left,Commander shaw retired and made wey the new commander,he was very happy but so great a post comes responsibilities, his friend was happy for him,not so long after wey became the commander a terrorist, attack from with in the soldier planning to kill the commander,back to Turkey, Sonia saw he left to conquer small States,then they decide to go to Ankara the headquarters of Turkey, to warn the president that troops have invaded the turkey,when the got the air port,Jung said welcome to the headquarters of Turkey what can we do for you we have to reach the president and tell him about the troops trying to take the city, Jung said turkey

has never fought a civil war since 2016 coup attempt, and the city is safe we don't look on matters like this anymore, so we like to put you in a house that you will stay till Recep Tayyip Erdoğan confirmed their request,the armies planned and they we're ready to strike.

What will happen next will they kill wey,will the President grant their request find out in chapter 16 life after sorrow