
Chapter 115: Marriage?

One guard came forward and said respectfully "Sir, you don't have to wait in the queue as you are a ruler Profound Stage Artist and have these privileges. But do understand that we need to know who you are because of the current situation in the Empire."

In response to guard's words, John just took out a Jade medallion and showed that to the guard. The jade medallion had a drop of water engraved on it with black colour, with a red coloured feather at the bottom of the drop.

The two guard men turned frightful as they bowed while saying "We apologise for any inconveniences as we didn't know your identity."

One guard then said respectfully "Please you can enter first."

John nodded and gestured Aurora to enter. Aurora nodded and began walking to the entrance gate.

The guards didn't dare to check Aurora as she was with John.

When the guards saw John and Aurora entering, they heaved a sigh of relief while wiping the sweat from their forehead.