
Lies Of The Heart

Zawadi is a sweet, and kindhearted young woman who falls in love with Lucas Steele. A handsome billionaire. At first it's all bliss. They enjoy each others company and treasure one another. But soon enough things begin to change. Lucas starts hurting Zawadi, he mistreats her, defame her and even cheats on her. She is however madly in love with him and accepts him back every time. But her child is murdered Zawadi swears revenge. She changes completely. From the sweet innocent young woman, a tigress is born. And she will stop at nothing to ensure that those who ruined her life pay. Just like her love is limitless so is her hatred. "When you enjoy the warmth of a fire, then it is called a mother's love. When the same fire starts to burn then it is called hatred. When the fire burns you down to ashes then it is called revenge. Because there is nothing like a mother's love. "

Angie_Odhiambo · สมัยใหม่
58 Chs

Chapter Twenty The Bet

" What... what are you talking about. " Zawadi asked.

"The bet. You know, that he would get you to fall in love with him, then dump you. Well it's clear that you are already in love with him so... he wins". the woman beside Lucas said.

" Don't listen to her, please cupcake " Lucas pleaded.

"Is it true?" her voice broke as she asked.

"Cupcake..." he was cut off by her.

"Don't call me that. Just tell me. Is it true?" she shouted anger.

"Yes. I mean that was it at first but it's not that anymore, the moment I saw you, everything changed. It's true I made a bet with my friends initially that I would get any woman I wanted to fall in love with me. But my feelings for you are real. Cupcake please,listen to me. " he went to touch her but she jerked back.

"How could you. How could you do this to me. I trusted you. I would have never believed anyone had they told me you were using me. I gave you everything I had. And never have I ever doubted you. But you, you took my heart and crushed it under your feet. " she sobbed furiously.

" Cupcake, please. You mean a lot to me. Please forgive me ".

"You don't need to ask for my forgiveness, it's my fault anyway. I thought... " she laughed bitterly " I thought that it was possible for you to love someone like me. I forgot who you are and who I am. Now I'm paying for it.

I forgot my place and I went after something that was not meant to be mine. And now that the real owner wants it back..." she sniffed. " But how do I convince my heart that none of it was true. That it was just an illusion. A dream in the middle of the night, come morning, none of it stands.

It's fine though . I accept my punishment for going after what I shouldn't have. For asking for what's not mine. At least I got to be happy, even if it was for a few days. Thank you for all the happiness you gave me. " She rubbed her swollen eyes.

"Goodbye Lucas"she said and started walking towards the door.

She turned one last time and said. "I love you. I was coming to tell you when I... And if this is my punishment then I will gladly bear it. And don't worry, you'll never see me again. Goodbye. " she closed the door behind her.

"Zawadi, wait ! " He called after her but she walked away.

He had broken her. Shattered her. How could he?

"Get out Stefanie. " he barked at the woman in the room.

"Come down I'm leaving " she said.

"Get out" he spat again before grabbing her arm and leading her outside the house forcefully.

He slammed the door in her face then went to his room. He tried calling Zawadi but she didn't pick up.

Oh what had he done.

She had made him so happy that even he had forgotten about the bet. Not that he cared about it.

He loved her too, he truly did. But he had been overcome by guilt that he had been unable to say it back to her.

Every time Stefanie had thrown herself at him, he had pushed her away, because he only had eyes for Zawadi.

He had pushed her away while they had been on a business trip and Stefanie had thrown herself at him. He knew she had heard them since the phone wasn't disconnected.

He had wanted to go to her the moment he came back, but he had been busy. One meeting after the other. And when the time to see her came, she found him with another woman on his lap.

He could only imagine her pain at the sight of Stefanie kissing him.

He had to make things right. He had to get her back .Taking out his car keys, he he left the house to see her, hopeful that she would hear him out.

He took a deep breath before knocking at her door. He stood there for a few seconds then knocked again, still there was no answer.

Just as he was about to give up, she opened up, catching her by surprise.

"Zawadi... " he whispered pleadingly.

"Why are you here" she belted.

"Please hear me out cupcake. I swear you won't regret it. Just hear me out once. Please " he beseeched.

"Why should I listen to you, you didn't say anything back at your place. If you are here to see for yourself how good a job you've done, then just know you did a great job breaking me. " she cracked out.

"Please, listen to me just once" he requested.

"Okay, I have nothing more to lose anyway " she remarked stepping aside to let him in.

"Thank you" he murmured.

"So, tell me. " she stated firmly.

"Zawadi please, my feelings for you are true. I made a bet with my friends a long time a go that I would make any woman I wanted fall in love with me. But not you. The moment I saw I was drawn to you. I wasn't after you for my friends or the bet. I was after you because of the attraction I felt towards you. I love you Zawadi, I really do. I promised to never hurt you and it kills me to see you like this because of me. "

"You are lying. I heard you, I heard you and some woman yesterday, she was in your room. You were cheating on me!"she sobbed.

"No, I would never do that. It was Stefanie. The same woman you saw today. She threw herself at me but I pushed her away. I promise I didn't do anything with her. It's you. It's only you Zawadi, please believe me. " he whispered.

"Believe you? Yesterday she was moaning while in your room and today you two were kissing. And I should believe you? " she scoffed.

"Like I told you cupcake, she threw herself at me and I pushed her away. She was the one kissing me. I swear I didn't kiss her back. I was trying to push her away when you came"he took a step towards her.

She stayed rooted at the exact same spot. He went close to her and gathered her in his arms.

"You broke me. It hurts so much" she whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry" he stroke her hair gently.