Seeing Gordon's confusion the NPC raised his hands and extended his left arm. Acting like he was pulling back a rubber string with his right hand he aimed and mimed releasing.
"Oh! No, no, I use it, ... like this ... and then like this."
Releasing the string at his waist, Gordon pulled off one of his sling shots and then loaded it with a rock from his pocket. Winding up by twirling the sling above his head he shot the rock at a much reduced speed across the room to impact between some weapons on the far wall.
"Impressive. I did not recognize that bit of string as a weapon."
The instructor said visibly amazed while also verbally criticizing the string.
"But it will not do. We need to design a new weapon for you. I like the way you are wearing more than one sling shot. May I make some suggestions?"
But Gordon didn't mind, he was the first to admit that a sling shot just would not be enough in most situations.
"Of course."