
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · แฟนตาซี
223 Chs

The Blood Dawn Rising. (Part 1)

Like the flames of Uria,

Like the vision Herastos,

Like the songs of Rana,

Like the end of Onimbus.

As I quickly wear my helmet, my armour starts covering my whole body before my vision returns, I ask "What does that even mean sis?"

"A short poem my friend wrote at school, she said that it's a warning a day before we begin our exa- Dammit!" she stops midway and summons more Firebirds.

The night sky turns purple from the fire, the sound of stampeding monsters can be heard from below as they breeze their way through the streets and buildings. Leaving dust clouds behind their wake, with no end in sight. The firebirds Yuwei summon, circle around us as they protect us from the flying monsters, killing and burning those who dare come close.

The weirdly good smell of barbequed meat and roasted birds give me a sense of hunger even in this sense of urgency. The scene becomes more horrid as we get closer and the density of the monster increase as we pass, bodies piled up high like mountains as if someone was once fighting down there and the other piles are being devoured as we went.

Yuwei begins to slow down and the blurred scene becomes clearer. I saw toad-like monsters with a huge glowing sack on its belly and horns protruding near its eyes. Its cheeks suddenly get bloated when I realize it's going to shoot.

"Sis Y-Yuwei dodge!"

Yuwei looks at the frogs and makes a spin, dodging the array of green liquid with minimal movement. When the water almost hit me, I lift my legs to dodge. A little bit of the liquid hit my pauldron, luckily it didn't do anything but the rest hit one the bird instead, the firebird suddenly diminishes, leaving behind sounds of fizzles and sparks on the hoards down below.

Yuwei dodges more incoming projectiles and makes a tailspin, sending back multiple purple fireballs at the frogs when they burn and the smell of their flesh attracts other monsters to eat it, "If this keeps going on we'll never make it," Yuwei speeds up as she holds us tighter.

Holding her arm back so I won't fall. I saw Saya twitch and open her eyes. She quickly closes them again and rubs it as in disbelieve. When she finally started to squirm around screaming, "W-what is this?!"

Yuwei losses her balance only to regain it a moment later yelling, "Don't move Sarah! Or we will fall down there!"

Saya suddenly look below screaming, "Noooo!" hugging Sis Yuwei tightly as she screams.

"Touch some wood! Is this it?" Yuwei says as she flies faster.

"D-don't give up Sis we can do this!"

"Yes, you're right. Hold on I'm going to go faster," she quickly hastens her grip.

She flies through, dodging the array of water beams from below and other projectiles like rocks. When suddenly a shard of stone flew cutting Yuwei's cheek. The blood that gushes out suddenly catch on fire and the wound disappear like it was never there.

She clicks her tongue saying, "Tch, we're sitting ducks out here. Sova holds on and coat yourself with some qi to protect your self."

As I coat myself in qi, Saya quickly cast some spells. Unlike the one I see the hunters did back then, the one she cast doesn't have any magic circles. A barrier surrounds us, Saya starts to pant saying, "T-there, that should help."

"Sarah don't use your magic just yet. You just recovered from his intimidation. Preserve your magic power..." she looks ahead saying, "Thanks," softly as she flies past the tall buildings.

Saya smirks while gasping for air saying, "Y-you're welcome."

I look infront of me when the flames that came from the palace grows bigger. We pass the tall buildings onto another, yet we are not even close nor can I see the palace just yet. A shadow suddenly looms from above, it eclipses us from behind till the far reach. A smell of something rotten suddenly fills my nose, I quickly cover by reflex just by the instant I smell it. Saya still looks okay, in fact, she doesn't even seem to be affected by it.

Dead bodies of monsters suddenly fall infront of me, Yuwei quickly responded and try to fly faster ahead while dodging the falling monster carcasses. Yet the shadow looms quicker and fly past us in an instant and I could finally see the anomaly. A mixed-up monster form from the both living and dead, it forms is similar to a winged lion with three bloodshot eyes in the right and another animal head with three bloodshot eyes in the left alongside a living tail that is moving without care. Yet that description can only just barely fit it. It's form change continuously as its body suddenly sprout out countless tentacles and grabs the monsters below. Both dead and alive, forcing the monster to fuse with it as soon as it made contact with its so-called flesh which is still moving here and there, as there are monsters trying to escape it.

I tried covering both my mouth and nose so that I wouldn't puke. Yuwei suddenly says, "Sova if you can use qi... Did your sis ever teach you anything about purification?"

"No, (Urp)," holding my urge to puke I continue to say, "She just thought me some offensive techniques only and recently thanks to Rana I can use dash now, after all, I'm only learning for a year. I don't know anything about that barrier or purification."

Yuwei clicks her tongue saying, "Fine at least you know how to coat, even though that's considered defensive... Then you better coat yourself with everything you have, for I will need to do something or that thing will follow us back home. And that is not what we want. So hold on tight! Sova quickly grab her!"

"Grab wha-" before I could finish, Yuwei swing Saya in a little distance, making her look dumbfounded and Yuwei quickly swings her back to me. Sarah quickly wraps her arms on my neck and with her legs latch onto my waist like a bear on a tree.

"Never do that ever again?! You hear me!"

"Of course (Unless I have to)," her whispers become quieter with each sentence.

When the tentacles finally come for us, the firebirds around us quickly flew to it, quickly burning it in quick succession. Yuwei produces more wings from her back till there are six and summons more birds numbering probably in the thousands with her free right hand now that Sarah is with me.

When she finally gets closer, aiming her palm at the monster and I could feel an enormous surge of qi gathering in her palm she says, [Eternal transcendence phoenix technique, Immortal path: Eternal inferno!!!]

A magnificent wave of purple flame, wash over the monster below and infront of us. Turning the scene into a hellscape worse than the one when I fought Aoi. The air becomes more damp and rotten, while the monsters that shoot at us are finally distancing themselves away from us. The wave of purple flames keeps on burning as we went and grows bigger as we pass. A great wall of flames suddenly appears when the anomaly was still flying with its whole body burning with purple flames. Turning it into some kind of high-rank demons of flames from one of the fairy tales.

It raises its deform head that looks like a mix of wings and the uncountable number of claws and teeth. Soaring high into the realm of stars when it finally gazes down from ahead of us. It suddenly breathes out green liquid like thing at us and Yuwei easily raises her arm and redirect it back multiple folds the volume at the monster. The scene she directs it back takes my breath away when the birds soar into the liquid and turning it to a phoenix from the yearly firework show I see in the roofs of my apartment.

It tries to dodge yet it suddenly crashes onto one of the tall building behind it and stops its track, the fire Yuwei redirected hits it right back where it came out. Melting half of its body including its wings. Finally toppling over to the city below, destroying more than multiple houses. Leaving behind the neighborhood to burn into ashes.

When finally the burning hellscape was left behind us and no more monster surrounding our vicinity, Yuwei's firebirds disappear. We all suddenly take a breath of relief.

"Are all of you okay?" Yuwei asks us in panic.

"I-I'm fine sis, but that was amazing h-how did you do that?" I ask in pure surprise.

"I'm a Magician specialized in Fire technique of course fire won't work on me you dum dum."

"Fire? That looked like water."

"Magma to be more precise do you even know what that is? As long as there is fire, I am the ruler of it... Other than the dragon family."

Sarah still hugging Yuwei tightly and digging her face on her back ask, "M-more importantly what was t-that monster? I've never seen anything like it in the public archives."

Yuwei suddenly looks gloom saying, "It is said in my personal library. Six eyes, an unnatural form and uncontrollable convergence, it fits some of the main traits of the so-called Monster King's Vessels."

"T-that's a Monster King's vessel! I heard it only in whispers of High Ranking Hunters, it's my first time seeing it and I don't want to encounter it again. Wait a minute if what they say we're right then that means, that monster is at least champion class or even higher!"

"Whatever it is we must hurry. Who knows whatever is going in the palace."

I look ahead when suddenly a beast quickly flew straight in flash speed to Yuwei. I quickly scream, "Yuwei wa-" yet I was too late.

Yuwei looks ahead when the needle-like monster shatters the semi-transparent barrier and almost made contact, piercing her face.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!!" before even grazing her skin, a golden silhouette appears and stab the monster so fast even I can't tell what stab it. Yuwei suddenly stops and look back at the emissary.

Clad in slick gold full plate armour, each section engraved with runes of unknown symbols and calligraphy with some art. Its helm covers it's entire face as it's eye sockets shines purple, decorated it's front aesthetic makes it looks like a descending Phoenix with its purple tail make it looks like dreadlocks, with a purple mantle fluttering in the night wind as its back summons forth six majestic purple wings giving grace the drawings of flames in its mantle. It holds in its two hands a beautiful artisan-crafted polearm that makes it look ancient and historical and can only found in the deepest part of the labyrinth and fairy tales. Yet that same weapon is impaling a monster that looks like a thin pen-like bird when its blood flows through the weapon. The crystal on the middle of its blades shines in bright purple light.

A golden phoenix knight in the dead of the night. It looks at us when suddenly a hundred more appear surrounding us. Instead of gold, they all wear black armor instead. The furthest quickly form a circle around us while the closest kneel down. The golden armour phoenix knight helmet split into four parts to reveal an old man in his late fifties. Wait, that's uncle Lixue... I was wondering where he has gone, usually his with Yuwei... Come to think of it who is that old man in full plate armour back at the diner?

He looks at Yuwei from below saying, "We are sorry for our late arrival, I am captain of the third Phoenix honor guard company, Lixue. Command us as you see fit, Mistress Yuwei."

Yuwei looks at him with a surprise face saying, "Stand up all of you. Yeye Lixue, what are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in the sub-sector doing the governing?"

They all stand and the uncle says, "Our oath, bound us to the palace and you. If you are hurt we will quickly teleport to your aide immediately. Right now we arrive at the palace as quickly as possible, and the Grand Master of the Phoenix Honor Guard with five other companies are holding the line as we speak."

"How many times can your armour teleport now?"

"N-none," he replies hesitantly.

Yuwei quickly looks at the mountain of fire saying, "Touch some wood, we're heading home quickly. Guard me as we go."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" they all salute.

Yuwei quickly flies ahead in fast speed still carrying us. The surrounding was eerily quiet with only the sound of flickering flames that burns ahead.

The old man wears his helmet again and flies on her right side saying, "My mistress I'm sorry once more, for arriving late."

"Save your excuses when we arrive home. We have bigger problems to deal with now."

He nods saying, "Y-you are right, but if I may ask who are those two that you are carrying in your arm? Could it be you manage to recruit one of those legendary Silencers my Mistress and one of the Bihai?"

Saya clicks her tongue saying, "The name is Sarah just Sarah."

"Then what about that silencer?"

Ah right! I open my helmet saying, "It's me, Sova, Uncle Lixue."

He looks away saying, "Oh it's you... Good evening, Sova. Then, I'll just lead the vanguard for now," he quickly glances at my weapon and flew further front.

Yuwei looks at me saying, "I-it's okay Sova, his just not-"

"I know sis. The reforms are not yet accepted by everyone. Even in your home, it's okay sis..."

She raises me with her hand and gives me a pat in the head saying, "Don't worry. I'm sure my mother's dream will come true one day. I will fulfill what my mother promise your aunt and sister, I swear on her grave remember?"

I close my eyes saying, "Yea... Sis Yuwei can I ask for a request when this is over?"

"Of course Sova. So what is it?"

"When this is done can you please teach me and make me stronger."

"Huh?" Yuwei suddenly replied in surprise.

"During that whole flight all I could do was just be a burden and I wasn't even able to do anything. I can't fly like you, I can't use magic since I'm an Owlian and I'm not even that strong combat wise. I'm really what May would say way out of my league in this situation.

She suddenly lifts me up and pets my head saying, "Sure, but first we must deal with the surging problem. Cheer up, we got my honor guards with me now."

I smile saying, "Okay, thanks Yuwei."

She smiles and lifts her hand before lowering me down. Sarah looks up at Yuwei asking, "Say how much further until we arrive? I mean I could see the fire getting larger but I don't see any monster anymore."

Yuwei looks down saying, "From the speed we're going, probably another half an hour."

"Not surprising with how this city work... I mean if we go by foot, it will take days," Saya replies softly.

"Captain anomaly at our six."

I look back to see that giant monster is now crawling its gigantic body, his two legs now become the head while it grows another two arms dragging itself forward. It let out another ear-piercing screech that made me close my ears while Saya digs her head into my armour. I put my hands down when I hear:

"Another wave coming at our twelve and four Sir!"

I look to the right, clad in a coat of flames they look like small candles coming at full speed and ahead of us are swarms of black needle-like creatures zaps quickly at the guards infront. Yet will all the numbers they were all easily burned in black and golden flames. When suddenly one of the heads of the blackguard flew and its body fell down. As the body touches the ground, it was suddenly consumed by the unending tide.

Light peeks out of the wave and the flying head starts to glow, giving out grand fireworks that turn the night into day with the flames spreading in a maze-like pattern below, revealing another new kind of creature appeared in the midst of the black mist. With black carapace, thick black fur and large scythe as its hands. It's six bloodshot eyes and four-part mouth stands in the midst of the swarm of needles as it starts to take another jump.

Yuwei suddenly look ahead screaming, "Yeye Xinye! Dammit!!! Where did they come from!?"

A golden flame sweeps the swarm wiping out all the birds in one swoop. The black monsters disappear in the midst of the golden flames and landed on one of the roofs of the building with the candle monsters.

I could feel it, the qi emanating from everyone is pure rage and unceasing wrath, Uncle Lixue ready a guard stance saying, "No matter, fifty people follow Yuwei into the palace while the rest creates a path with me into the palace! In the name of the Phoenix Honor Guards, you will rue the day you set foot into this sacred grounds, you monster scum."

Fifty people surround us while the rest stays behind. Yuwei flies ahead leaving behind Uncle Lixue with the other half of the group when she turns around saying, "Yeye Lixue, you better return home safely! You hear me!"

He lifts his polearm waving at Yuwei when he was already blocking the claws of the black monster with his polearm without me noticing. The other guards quickly surround it and form a defensive perimeter against the candle monsters when Yuwei finally turn around and pulled out one of the metal rods she shows back at home.

Flying ahead quickly without looking back the rod starts to glow in purple light and another wave of monsters surround us from all side, Yuwei lifts her rod saying, "My eternal family, retribution is at our hands. We are the eternal glory of the phoenix throne. Let fury guide your weapons, let vengeance be the songs of their damnations. We are the Immortal Phoenix, we are the Emperor's wrath! Let them know, for today, they die by our blades!

Her rod shines bright and turns into a beautiful indigo hook sword, it's sharp curving edge look like talons, it's blade engrave carefully with written markings with the Runician language that roughly translates to:

[I am the Ruler of flames, I am the wrath of steel]

While each nook and cranny of the handle, the wrist guard that looks like a wave of feather made out of steel is decorated with priceless gems and stones, and writings in a position that doesn't change the grip, and finally a purple feather strap near the end of the pommel blade. The weapon looks more like a work of art than a weapon.

"Wow, Sis that's so cool! I didn't know you can give speeches like that and how did you pull out that weapon!"

Yuwei's sword catches on fire and suddenly the weapon stretches out a light enveloping her arm till her shoulders, the light flashes bright and turns into a gauntlet and pauldron with the same beautiful design as her sword. She looks ahead with a vengeful gaze, the guards infront suddenly flies up and Yuwei swings her blade horizontally clearing out a path immediately. Making another scene of hell reminiscent of the ones before.

She flies past the flames saying, "I'll tell you all of this when we are done with this problems, so now pull out your weapon Sova and defends Sarah, the barrier she cast alone will not be enough for what is to come from me."

Greetings, thank you so much for reading thus far if there is anything wrong please let me know so I can fix it and improve.

This chapter is like 3k+ words so it's kinda a bit longer than usual.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts