

No one came forward except for 2 students - Pansy and surprisingly Penelope Clearwater. Ela had expected as such. After resorting both of them and adding 2 new members to Hufflepuff, Ela again opened her mouth.

"Now some good news. It has been decided that the student who earns the most point in a year will be handsomely rewarded and his/her house will have a slight advantage over other houses." Now tuck in. And so the second dinner of the year began but with many many changes.

Everyone was eagerly waiting for the next day to experience the change. Many Muggle born and half-blood senior year students were very excited to feel the change that is happening.

Classes began the next day normally. Students who had classes went to their respective classes and many of those that had some free periods visited the new clubs.

Except for Slytherins, many students from other three houses paid special visitations to potion and defense clubs. specially house Hufflepuff seemed to be the most enthusiastic about these clubs as many ravenclaw felt that Flitwick being their head of house they do not need charms club.

Ela was seriously not bothered about it. She knew that the results will speak for itself. Many books explaining the charms, transfiguration, potions, herbology, runes, arithmancy and about various beasts were placed in every clubs library.

Bree made a series of 7 books that each year students can use. It had every spell from students current curriculum with many extras in great detail like its history, its different uses in practical life and the way to learn it the easiest way. Of course all it only includes is the knowledge that is commonly present around the world.

Ela enchanted the library so that no one can take any book directly. No spell will work on the books and neither can they be damaged physically. Those who master all these knowledge can easily be at the same level as the various experts around this world.

Suddenly her communicator rang. " Sister, They are going for their first DADA class."

"Got it Bree." Keep an eye on Snape also. Ela had told Bree to inform her when Harry goes to attend Quirrell's class.

Ela walked towards the dada classroom. Reaching there, and saw the students pinching their noses and a very unpleasant smell assaulted her nose. Looking at Quirrell's lousy acting of stammering, Ela frowned in disgust.

She boldly stepped inside causing Quirrell to flinch and the students to sit straight. "Professor Quirrell, I want to know the reason that you are spreading this foul smell all over the class." Ela asked clearly showing her displeasure.

"Th.. th.. th.. that.. " Quirrell started his acting of stammering.

"If you cant even say your words clearly then how are you going to teach students. You are not paid to waste students' time. You either get your stammering under control or you can quit teaching.

I am giving you this week's time to get yourself cured of your stammer. An advice to you- Our new mediwitch can cure your stammer easily so you can visit her and also ask her to teach you the spell to clean your surrounding air clean, fresh and scented for the duration of whole class."

Without sparing him another glance, Ela looked towards the students. "For this week, you all will be attending classes for dada with madam Bia at defense club. Now dont make noise and wait for her here."

Ela then went to defense club to supervise it in the absence of Bia after telling her to teach that class.

"Hello. Can I talk to Madam Bia for a moment? " and look who do we have here.

"You are..? "

"Madam Amberheart, I'm a 7th year Hufflepuff, please call me Tonks. I wanted to talk to madam Bia for her to introduce me to auror Aulis or Marlene."

"And your reason for wanting to meet them...? "

"I want to become an auror after Hogwarts. So I was wondering if they will agree to teach me personally."

"Dont you have your NEWTs this year? how will you manage everything? "

"I will work harder and arrange for 1-2 hours of free time to learn from them."

Ela stayed silent considering her options before looking at the front again.

"Tonks, I have a proposal for you, I dont know if you would like it."

"Please tell me about it."

"Okay. So here's how we can do it. You see this club has the most diverse group of students attending it. Now look at that library.. -" Ela said pointing at the library causing Tonks to walk towards it.

"You see those series of books from part 1 to part 7?" Tonks nodded

" That, my dear girl, is what you would want to learn to become an accomplished auror. You will spent all your time here learning from these books. Start from part 1 and speedrun it once. When you find some new knowledge pay attention to those. If you want to understand something and needs some consultation and guidance just ask any of the new staff that I brought with me.

Bia will teach you the spells and tactics and you will have daily training with Aulis and Marlene."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Tonks smiled happily but suddenly her smile dimmed.

"I dont think I will be able to manage the timings. and I'm what people call a klutz, I'm afraid I will mess up."

"Hmm. You are free to skip any and all classes. I will write a permission for you.

As for being a Klutz just go visit Madam Naomi, she will help you with your metamorph powers.

As for time.... " Ela took out something from her space pouch(just for the show), and said to Tonks seriously.

"Do you know what this is? "

"No.I have not seen it even before."

"Have you ever heard about a time-turner? "

Tonks' eyes widened. "is it really...? but isn't it regulated by ministry, I will not be in trouble right? "

"This is my family's property so as long as you do not use it to change someone's past or future, you are free to use it for this year. Just dont tell anyone, I repeat anyone, about it. Well again the exception being the new staff I brought with me.

This is the 'how to' book for this time turner as it is built differently than any other time turner."

Ela shooed her away after finishing her words and giving her a permission slip, indifferent to her many thank yous.

Of course that time turner is very safe as the person using it will only be able to interact with those that have injected that time turner with their unique magical signature when they go to the past. There will be no alternate timeline or anything.

"Bree, inform my wives about Tonks and make some good multiplayer games for us."