
Liam's vow

Liam's vow is for Revenge. On Liam's journey he will have to face unmeasurable odds and survive. Can Liam redeem himself, and rise? or will he fail to rise to his potential for redemption?

Creepthewriter · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

The journey begins.

The freezing nights and bitter sunbeams of many nights and days wore on Liam like no other, as he walked towards the direction of the revenge he sought. Liam felt his body begin to heavy and falter. Walking with nothing but a direction having fuck all for a plan was starting to have an affect on him, as all he had seen were trees and forage. Although Liam still had supplies after scavenging his home that had been razed to the ground, he only found enough food and water for maybe a week if he starved himself between rationing himself.


 Liam only carried the essentials, still carrying his blade that he has traveled with since he was forced to return to his home in hopes that the war hadn't also taken his home. Those hopes were killed but Liam's blade still rested in his hand. Reminiscing over the past put Liam in a trace as he began to inspect the blade running his hand over the cold steel, his fingers traced over the branding on the metal at the butt of the sword. The insignia of the nation of Rasgha, his home.


 Liam enlisted himself in the military as a teen at sixteen the soonest he could. Liam was raised in a poor family of farmers, his parents were already in their late thirties by the time Liam was born. Seven years after his birth, another child was brought into the family, and that was Liam's cherished brother Alexander. However with joy at the celebration of life came the anxiety of feeding another mouth. When Liam turned sixteen his parents were already becoming elderly and having troubles with their health and struggled with money; with Alexander only being nine, Liam was forced to provide any way he could. Liam enlisted and worked for a salary that he could send home that would keep his family out of debts. Liam was left with barely enough money to live on, but having lived a frugal life had its perks, and Liam was able to make due. 


Snapping out of his spiral of thoughts, his eyes fixated on the chimney smoke rising above the trees and a second wind renewed his weary and heavy body and provided Liam with strength. His shoes dug into the mud underneath him, and Liam picked up his pace as he ran toward the smoke rising above the trees in front of him. 

Chapters will be short as I begin the story due to me trying to find the way I want to procced with the story, but I plan on atleast writing a chapter a day around similar length.

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