
Lelouch Lamperouge

AN: I'm trying a new style of dialogues more akin to a script tell me in the comments if this is better or if I should stick with the old style


Lelouch: "The council doesn't require much actual work, I guess. Beyond occasional paperwork, we'll sometimes plan school events."

Lelouch explained to Kallen as they both made their way to the main room after the incident with the wine.

Kallen: "So you mean like the cultural festival?"

Lelouch: "Yep, like that, along with the cross-dressers' ball, the absolute silence party, and swimsuit day."

Kallen: "What's up with that?"

Lelouch: "Blame our President. You'll be spending a lot of time with her. Hope you're ready."

As they came inside Lelouch heard Nunnally's voice

Nunnally: "Lelouch, it's awful."

Lelouch: "What is?"

Milly: "Prince Clovis has been found dead."

Rivalz: "They're saying he was killed."

Said his friends as they focused their attention on the recording playing on the television.

Jeremiah: Prince Clovis has been taken from us. He fought for peace and justice against all of the Elevens. He died a martyr. We must all bury our sorrow, and carry on his will.

TV: We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news. We have an emergency press conference being conducted at the Viceroy palace by Sir Leylin Franklin.

Soon the screen changed to the standard Britannian podium with Leylinn standing in it dressed in his military regalia, a stark departure from how Clovis usually appeared, quite telling of how the regime would change Lelouch thought. He had not known Leylin for long however he did leave a deep impression on him. Being the only person who could convince Cornelia and her confidante Lelouch was warry of him. Over time he had been able to realize that the game he played with Leylin was but a dud despite what he may want to believe. Lelouch had healthy respect yet wariness towards Leylin and would rather not cross paths with him.

Leylin: "Good morning, citizens of Brittania, it is with great sorrow that I must deliver to you this message, as you were told this morning Prince Clovis was killed, however, her highness Cornelia had been conducting an independent investigation on his death. It is with great sorrow we must inform you that this was caused not just by eleven terrorists but also Brittanians who decided to betray their homeland. Soon after they announced Prince Clovis' death against the wishes of her highness, we arrested many from the purist faction. It seems that some of them had conspired with the terrorists to give them key strategic information along with access to the Viceroy allowing for this to happen."

Lelouch watched the screen as his mind was thinking fast "So he wants to put the blame on the Purist faction, true they are the current biggest force in Area 11 after Cornelia, however, Leylin did not need to put the blame on them, he could have easily done something else."

Leylin: "We had captured all the terrorists part of the plan along with their leader Kaname Ohgi just a few days back. It is through them that we were able to identify the link, they themselves were not knowing who it was who gave the information. However, we were able to piece the whole situation together in time. I would like to clarify that not all purists were a part of this operation and we have been able to find all who were guilty and have sentenced them as such. The terrorists and the traitors will be executed together in two days' time. It hurts me deeply to see such traitors be a part of Brittania, however, worry not we shall not end till we identify everyone related to them and make sure justice is met."

Lelouch looked as Kallen looked extremely worried as he himself thought of how his plans seemed to crumble. He would not be able to use the terrorist cell as he planned, while he could make use of Kallen, that was difficult as now she probably assumed his alternate identity to be a Purist. Then he saw as Sayako entered the room looking tense, a departure from her usual calm look. She silently approached Lelouch and as she came to his side silently spoke.

Sayako: "My lord, there is someone is there to see you."

Lelouch: "Who is it?"

Sayako: "Lord Leylin Franklin."