
Cannon Starts

"I love playing against the nobility! When they lose, they always pay out of pride. By the way, 8 minutes 32 seconds is a new record!" said the student with dark blue hair.

"He also didn't have much time to move, either. And as opponents go, the nobles are tepid. They're just overprivileged parasites, that's all." replied Lelouch as he and Rivalz cruised through the streets on Rivalz's bike.

"Well then, why don't you challenge one of the Elevens? They're nothing like us Britannians…" said Rivalz as he was intercepted by the news broadcast on the side of a building. Lelouch never could tell why someone thought having a TV on the side of a building with speakers loud enough for the people on the road to hear was a good idea. Propaganda at its finest, Lelouch thought as he and Rivalz continued their conversation.

Suddenly a truck swerved past them and out of the highway into a building. Lelouch and Rivalz stopped in front of it along with the multitude of passersby.

"Hey! Over here!"

"Woah! Nasty crash!"

"What happened? Some sort of accident?"

"Probably a drunk driver…."

"It's always some moron…."

"Hey, maybe somebody ought to go help?"

"All those idiots…!" said Lelouch as he rushed down to see if anyone was injured.

"Wait!" shouted Rivalz, staying where he was.

"What is it, an accident? Did a car crash?" came the voice of a girl who just arrived.

"Look, the student rescue team has arrived." commented a guy from the crowd.

"Oh wow, I totally missed it."

"So like, why doesn't somebody call for help, you know?" came the voice of reason as people took their phones out to call the police.

Suddenly the truck moved, and Lelouch was trapped inside.

"Stop, I'm in here," Lelouch screamed, but the sound was muted by the sound of the military helicopter that came.

"Stop the vehicle! Surrender now, and you'll get the chance to defend yourself in court! Stop and surrender at once! Give up now, or we'll shoot to kill!" came the voice.

A red-haired girl left the front of the truck and entered the red Glasgow in the back. As the truck entered the sewers, the girl leaped out and into the streets to fight the incoming Knightmares.

Lelouch decided to stay put while the truck was driving, having understood the position he was in.


(You guys know the drill)


Sometime Later:

As the poison gas container opened, it released a lot of smoke. Leylin and Suzaku covered their noses, trying not to breathe it in. However, nothing happened; Lelouch opened his eyes and saw that the capsule was empty.

"Stinking monkey! Being an honorary Britannian will not excuse you!" Came the voice of the Royal Guard Captain as he pointed his gun at both of them.

"But sir, I was told this was poison gas! Now there's nothing inside. Why are we chasing the terrorists then?" said Suzaku.

"How dare you question orders!"

"This is bad." thought Lelouch as he thought about how he could save himself.

"However, in light of your outstanding military achievements, I'm going to be lenient. Private Kururugi, take this and execute the terrorist."

"But he's not a terrorist! He's a civilian who got caught up in all this!"

"You insubordinate little! That's an order. Didn't you swear your loyalty and your life to Britannia?!"

"Yes, but... but I can't."

" What?"

"I won't do it, sir. I won't shoot a civilian. I can't follow your orders, sir."

"Very well." said the Captain as he took aim and shot Suzaku through the chest.

"Suzaku!" screamed Lelouch as he saw his friend get shot in front of him.

"Well, Britannian schoolboy, not a good day to cut class. It's a pity we can't let you go knowing that there was nothing there. We do need an excuse for the urban renewal happening here. Now, shoot him."

"Yes, my lord!"

Suddenly they heard a voice.

"Death to… Britannia… Long live Japan!" said the terrorist as he pressed a trigger.