

It was a normal day, the sunlight was shining bright like always.

The sounds of birds in the background.

Then suddenly but loudly in a house...

"Wake up LEON".

Leon woke up supersized and looked around in his room "Damn this room is a mess I'll have to clean it when I get back from school".

Loud footsteps came from the first floor seeming like it was leading to Leon's room.


Leon replied quickly, "Sorry mom I overslept."

Leon looks over to the clock to see what time it was 7:34 AM.

Leon jumps up in surprise "School starts at 8 AM and ITS 7:34!!!!"

Leon got up to put on his clothes which he took 4 minutes to do.

Leon gets out of his room and runs down the stairs to find his mom had made a nice breakfast and also found his little sister there already.

"Hey bro I heard mom yelling at you".

Leon annoyingly said, "Yea I overslept".

"Leon came to sit down. The food is already waiting for you but you have to eat fast and leave the rest for later on when you come back from that trip of yours".

Leon looks and says "Ok mom".

Loen sits and eats the food as fast as he could then chokes, his little sister hands him a cup of water "Here have some water bro" then he goes back to speed eating…..

Leon's mom said in a tone of concern.

"You got your bag packed?, I won't see you for a whole week you know".

Leon with food in his mouth which he forcefully swallowed "I did mom, and I will miss you but it's just a few days so don't worry too much".

Leon Picks his belongings up and heads toward the front door on the first floor.

Right before Leon leaves he says "Well mom tell dad I said bye when he comes back from work later, ok bye mom, sis see when I return."

Leon soon gets outside and remembers the bus already left and he can't wait for the coming bus which would be late so he decides to run so he can try and make it at the front gate before it closes.

"Man my little sister's lucky mom drives her to school, while I have to run".

Leon thinks while he is holding all of his packed luggage "Damn, this is heavy, well I'll just have to deal with it, come on I can make it".

Leon excitedly yelled while running "I can't wait to go on the trip today, we're going to go mountain climbing!!".

While on the way to school, Leon notices his classmate Mike running too.

Mike notices Leon as well and calls out to him in a friendly way, "Hey!!"

Leon replied "Hi Mike"

"Mike, we're late, and I can't stop right now so I'll go ahead, we can meet up at school," Leon said in a way that showed he was in a hurry.

"Bye Leon!" Mike looks at Leon "well there he goes, man, I need to get moving too!". Mike silently thought "With that big bag, it would be really strange if he made it too as well but, damn he's quick he's already out of my field of vision".

Leon went on his way to school.

Leon makes it to the front gate but sadly it was closing, luckily the teacher saw him and waited for him to make it inside as well.

Leon enters finally and out of breath "Thanks, Mr. Teke"

"Welcome Leon, the trip is at 9:30 so there's nothing to be worried about. I know how much you've been looking up for this trip as well ".

The school bell rings loudly.

"Now go up to class don't wanna be any later, oh yea you can leave your things for me, I'll take them to the bus".

"Ok" Leon dropped his bags and continued running to class.

"Oh yeah Mr.teke I saw Mike on the way here, he's almost here please wait for him!!!"

Leon came into the class in surprise "Wow I can't believe, I actually made it on time".

In the background, there are other kids talking and talking about how fun the trip is going to be.

Leon looks out the window and also thinks how fun it would be to climb a mountain as time flies by.

A figure started to appear behind Leon, It was a girl she had black hair, brown eyes, and also had on the uniform of the school but it, in fact, she wore it better than her peers.

"Hey, Leon" Febe said in a shy somewhat awkward tone.

Leon was shocked by the sudden surprises because he was in his own world dreaming "Wow what do you want, I mean hi Febe what might you want from me?"

Leon looks around and wonders why this girl who he has never spoken to was talking to him suddenly.

Febe looked at Leon with a slightly calming expression "Leon I wanted to ask if you Might well you know today's trip to the mountains and I was wondering if you had someone to pair up with?" ... "It's just that I was just asking because...because I wanted to go w.i.t.h y.o.u?" Febe's face was red and steaming, expressing shyness and being flustered.

Febe thought "I've always wanted to talk to Leon but always couldn't find a way to converse with him".

Everyone heard her confession to Leon, it was most likely the fact that no one really knew Leon except a select few like Mike.

Leon replies, "Well I...I--" without finishing Mike came out of nowhere and said, "I'm going with my best buddy Leon obviously, we're in the same group".

Leon sighed with relief and thought, "Thank God, Mike saved me" was the consecutive words that were going through Leon's head.

Leon brought his thoughts back and he said "Sorry Febe but Mike and I had already made alternative plans on the mountain to race to the top". he said with a smile which was reassuring as well.

Febe left and went back to her friends she was sad and she was also mad that she didn't pair up with Leon, she just wanted to know him better

Leon thanked Mike "Thanks, Mike you really helped me, man".

Mike replied with an honest smile and says "no problem and this situation makes us friends right"

Leon smirks and says "I guess it does so will you be in my group?".

"I guess so" replied with a smug voice by Mike

"So why do you think she came to you and asked you if she can join your group for?".Mike asked in a curious way.

Leon didn't know as well "Oh I don't know if this was a surprise to me too".

In the middle of their conversation, The bell rings.

Everyone in the class knows what that means and they all started to get ready for the time to depart to go on the trip and headed down to the entrance.


In surprise, it was none other than Mr.Teke joining them.

The gate teacher was chaperoning on the mountain climbing trip.

"ALRIGHT!! kids I know you're in high school and all but still I'm on this trip so let me not say this again NO FUNNY BUSINESS ON THE BUS OR IN YOUR HOTEL ROOMS!!!!"

Leon in the background laughing "what does he think we would do?"

In a Quick reply, Mike says " Leon wanna invite a girl in the Group?" in a funny but joking way.

Leon continued giggling at the back.

"LEON!!" MR. Teke yelled, "Why are you giggling at the back with Mike".

Mr.Teke stopped and thought "I guess it was time well at least he's able to make at least one friend but I bet he'll make more he has a friendly vibe just not noticed by his peers". So he let Leon and Mike go this time. Both Leon and Mike stopped getting distracted and then focused after that warning.

In the background, a student named Nate looks at Leon with a bad but strange glance on his face.

"Nate, why are you constantly staring at Leon?" Febe says to Nate while questioning him.

Nate responds with an annoyed face "Why are you suddenly caring about Leon that you even wanted to partner up with him, what do you like him or something?"

Febe responds quickly "No, he, he, I don't like him".

Nate quickly responded "Ok find" in a tone that was relieved.

But nonetheless, Nate trusted her and said, "Well it seems we will be partners in the trip".

Nate seemed happy with being alone with Febe.

Febe glanced at Nate and thought "Hook Line and sinker, men always fall for that side of me" with a small smirk, "Now I can try to win over Leon without his interference, he just needs constant reassurance"


"Ok class 1-A Get on the bus," Mr.Teke says in an expression that showed his excitement and also at the same time ensuring his authority as a chaperone and teacher.

They drove off with four buses, into the distance with the pink blossoms shining bright in the background which the vehicles disappeared in their continuous distance.


They reached their destination, the great logs-in, this hotel was the nicest and fanciest hotel closest to the mountain and all the students had the whole hotel to themselves because of Febe's father's donations to the school.

The buses stopped Mr.Teke gets up "Everyone, make a line to get your belongings and after you retrieve them got the front clerk and ask for your room key and go to your individual class floors,

Class 1-A floor 3

Class 1-B floor 2

Class 1-C floor 1

And our honored guest, the class 2-B will get the top floor".


<The floors are ranked from the lowest grading class gets the lowest floor to the highest grading class gets the top floor>


Leon quickly reacts "Hmm, it seems that all the classes grade at matched with their floors, Lucky me".

"Now that you know your floors go get your belongings!!" Mr.Teke says with an encouraging loud voice with leading excitement.


Leon and Mike finally made it to their room "We finally made it, I call the window bed" said cheerfully by Leon.

"Ok" replied Mike in an annoyed manner.

Then Mike hastily said, "I call TV ownership".

Leon says "alright TV MAN".

"Wanna go visit the 1st-floor people I bet they are coming up with something interesting," said Mike in a curious voice.

Leon replied with an outgoing voice "Alright I don't wanna be bored let's go".


When Mike and Leon got off the elevator going to the boy section of the first floor they noticed a couple of five other classmates with masks and body covers that were garbage bags from what they guessed 1-C students.

One of the Covered boys suddenly said "Guys Mike is here we might succeed now".

"What you guys talking about," asked the confused Mike, "Mike my old buddy, my old friend would you like to join our cause to see the unexplored world that us poor folks have not yet to see or even placed a foot on".

Mike's expression after that speech would look like he knew what was happening. also, he seemed like he was an acquaintance of these five students.

One of them says, "We trust you Mike but this friend of yours is not ready to know us. He will join but he can't know our names or faces, understand?".

Mike replies "Thank you, sir, for letting my friend join. He won't let us down in our cause".

Then they preached a pledge.

"Snitches get stitches we got dirt so don't snitch or you get evicted" they preached this loud and proudly that made it sound like actual soldiers out on a mission.

Instead of telling Leon their names they all decided to call out by number.

There was 1,2,3,4,5

1 was the plan maker

2 was the handyman

3 was the heavy-duty man

4 was the supply man

5 was sneaky man

And Mike was the brave man

But sadly Leon was still clueless of these actions but he's soon about to get awakened to what is about to go down on the first floor.

"Here put this on Mike and L"

<Mike kept Leon's name disclosed as well>

So Mike was 6 and L was 7

"Operation begins" shouted 1"

1 was giving out orders "4 hands out the black bags",5 go-ahead to the location and notify if anything is abnormal".

Then a quick flash hits Leon and he finally understands, "There going to steal something!!".

5 came back and his report was a green go, 1 said "6 it's your time to shine, go out there, man".

Mike thankfully had a bag already so he was able to sneak into the kitchen quickly to be ready to pick some of the high-quality food.

5 and 4 soon after followed 6 and made it close to the doors but 3,2,1,7 stayed back a little long so nothing bad would happen If a big group goes then 1 active the walkie talkies and radios "all numbers copy?"




All was well now it was time for 1,2,3,7 to head out.


They made it in the kitchen somehow but it seemed Leon was lagging back but he still kept chase.

A few minutes later "We made it now look at the glorious reward we gain for going through such hard troubles to make it here".

They seemed to have entered the kitchen and met up with Mike and at the glorious location the food that they saw seemed to have a glow to them and then looked closer they noticed a figure Leon shocked and shouted "It was Febe!".

They all paused and waited to see if Febe noticed luckily she didn't.

In the background, Febe did actually notice and properly heard Leon but didn't react.

Febe slightly turned left looked in the same direction as Leon and acted as if she didn't notice then she got up and came closer and kept the act of being Oblivious, all in all acting as if she didn't know a thing about them being in the kitchen and her being in there as well.

The group soon started to think, "Wait, Febe is here in the kitchen, so is she stealing food as well?".

They then thought, "Her dad sponsored this whole thing, now way, right?".


The group took lots of food and were ready to go back to their rooms. The group of five boys ran to their rooms to stash the food away and rushed back.

Febe had already left shortly after they spotted her while they were in the kitchen a long time ago, the group stood by the elevator to say their goodbyes to Leon and Mike.

The elevator door opened and Febe came out and she pointed at Leon "I got something to ask you to come with me".

Everyone didn't have a doubt in their mind that Leon got them noticed, even Mike but they all have the same question going through their heads "Why is she asking for Leon and not all of us?".

Febe took Leon outside "Why were you in the kitchen by yourself, don't tell me you were stealing food or kitchen appliances?".

Leon replied 'Hey, I wasn't there alone you were there too".

Febe then looks at Leon, "Well should I assume, you're saying I was stealing too".

Febe says, "Well, I was hungry at the moment so I went down to get a snack".

Leon responded, "Oh, Febe it's ok if you were taking food too, I was there for that reason as well, hahaha".

Febe stares down, "Well, if that's all I'll go back first, see you around Leon".

Leon thinks about febe "Was it me or was she was red?" in an unreasonable expressed face.

Febe on her way back to the girl's side of the first floor though, "I held a long conversation with Leon, yay I got to know him better".

1,2,3,4,5, Mike all said, "She was blushing so hard as she came by, it was like she just got out of a hot bath, what did you guys talk about down there?".

Leon lied so he doesn't embarrass Febe and said "She just wanted to ask me who you people were because she's been getting complaints from people who say they've been hearing noise from outside their rooms also you all got those suspicious masks on, with numbers on them.

1 asks, "she didn't say anything about the kitchen?"

Leon replied, "No she didn't mention anything about it, I think she was just there looking for the source of those complains I was talking about earlier"

4 says, "Oh great, she didn't see us and we got away without being caught, luckily she didn't suspect us.

Leon finishes and ready to go up as well, "Well it's about time to go to sleep we have that race tomorrow right".

"What race," says 1, Mike responds "Oh you wanna join us tomorrow we can all have a race to the top, you guys in?".

The five students agreed to join them and decided to meet up in the lobby and for a group of seven.

"Well goodnight guys, let's go, Leon". Said Mike.

Both Leon and Mike go up with the elevator and enter their room.

"Mike so I'll be introducing myself tomorrow right?"

"Yes" Mike responds in a way that he shows it's funny that he asked that question.


"Well goodnight bro," said a tired Mike, "goodnight bro replied Leon.


The night flew by like a flash, then it was morning, there was calm suspense with both Mike and Leon quiet in their beds.

Then in a blink of an eye, Leon quickly jumped up as if he had an alarm in his head to get up, "Today's the day we can finally go mountain climbing!! Wake up Mike!!".

Mike gets up slowly and replies in a calm voice "Don't forget about the party being placed today too", Leon instantly responded, "Yeah, it's probably going to be pretty crowded too".

They soon quickly they got ready and left to go get breakfast. They passed by Febe, Mike and Leon walked and the moment before they passed Febe gave Leon a glance as she was not shy of taking food from the kitchen.

Leon knew two things that she didn't. The first was that she didn't know that I was with Mike and the five students were in the kitchen stealing food, the second was that there was a camera inside of the kitchen and she was in the field of vision.

"Mike go on without me I'll catch up," said Leon in a serious tone.

"Febe!!, wait up"

"Yes Leon," she said in a voice that was cute in some ways.

"Well you know how you told me yesterday that you know, I was stealing food".

Febe replied in a confused voice "Yes?"

Leon said in a low voice, "I wasn't alone,'' Febe replied angrily for the first time towards Leon "Say it louder I can't hear you".

Leon lost control and said "I wasn't alone out there last night!!", with silence in the hall.

Febe asked, "Who was there with you? Who saw me taking the food?".

Leon looked away and said "Mike and five of his friends".


Leon understands how she feels but he then said, "There were also cameras in the kitchen".

Febe didn't reply to Leon's question, "Just..., let's just pretend it didn't happen, they didn't see me take the food right, Mikes friends I mean''.

Febe left soon after, with an angered face.

Febe silently thought " wow there were cameras too I'll just ask papa to fix things, soon Leon and I will be good friends yay".

Shortly afterward Leon makes it to the big breakfast room that was able to hold all four classes and some more.

Leon soon afterward notices Mike and he was with five other people.

Leon soon afterward remembers the five students from last night, he said lightly to himself "So they are the ones from that night".

Mike notices Leon and calls him over to their table, Leon sits then mike said "Leon let me introduce the guys you Leon, as you remember from last night they always sit in order so they can maintain their order for harder missions so they won't fail and keep order, oh yea I already told them your name Leon, so they will tell you there's as initiation"

The boy sitting straight across from Mike got up in a respectful manner then reaches out his hand to greet Leon "Hi you may know me as 1 but rightfully my name is John Mitski, I'm glad to finally have a new companion to the group"

The other boy who was sitting next to john looked at lean but didn't stand up but you could tell with his body shape he wasn't as tall as John, "Hi I'm Telk Kanshi I was 2 yesterday when we had our mission, nice to meet you, I guess were comrades now, soon I'll probably call you my brother" he finishes off with a friendly and companionship laugh

The boy who was sitting on the other side of John stood up as well like how John did but he didn't reach out his hand but was by far the most toned or buffed out of the group, "Hello, I'm 3 my real name is Begs Dashi". His tone of speech at that moment showed that he was kind of a distant person and not much of a talker

The boy who was on the edge of Mike's side of the table said quickly, "Hi, I'm Han Tomio, I was 4". Han was strange, he just glanced at Leon and then looked away after saying hello showing no interest in the situation, it was rather cold of him

John who had already sat down after greeting Leon said, "Haha, Oh yeah Leon yesterday you didn't see our faces or our expressions just to let you know Han is kind of like that with everyone, he comes off as cold but he's a nice guy just get to know him"

The boy who moved over for Leon to seat next to Mike who has like a cheerful vibe towards him said, "Hello, I'm 5 the name's Reb Bradly, you probably don't remember me from last night but I'm pretty much a ninja, Haha I could be there and soon I could be here, I can't show you right now since we're in public but yeah im a ninja". Reb was by far the most talkative person in the group and seemed also exaggerated his talents as a ninja as to say he can move quickly from one location to another quicker than the eye

Leon replied in a respectful tone "Hello you might know my name but I would like to introduce myself too, My name is Leon Kirumi". Soon afterward they made small talk, laughed and had their time getting to know each other better .... breakfast ended after their long conversation.

"Hello everyone, we will be going to the mountain now so make sure you bring all the necessary items needed to be safe while you are climbing". Said Mr.Teke.

They all set up and got ready to head outside.

"We made it guys, we can finally begin our race to see who's the fastest mountain climber".

Leon, Mike, John, Telk, Begs, Han, Reb, all of them were set for the race.

Then sadly a sudden thunder erupted, BOOM!!! BOOM!!! It echoed all around them, rocks rumbled at the clash of thunder in the sky.

"ALL STUDENTS RETURN TO THE HOTEL FOR SHELTER" shouted Mr.Teke. "Come on guys let's go back inside and get to climb this mountain tomorrow," Leon said. All around them were other students from different classes rushing to go inside.

In the background Leon noticed Febe knocked down by the flush of students, "You guys go ahead I'll go get her".

"Ok, Leon but don't die on us".

Suddenly a flash of thunder dropped five feet in front of him and Febe, BOOM! Another one dropped but this time it was three feet in front of them. Leon reached Febe and then mustered up all his strength and carried Febe all the way to the hotel and running at a quick speed.

John holds the door open for Leon and Febe as they close their distance with the hotel and them

"Wow there Mr.hero you just save your class's beauty, that'll probably get you shot with h-----", BOOM!!! Mike was cut off by the thunder rumbling, BOOM!!! The thunderstruck the hotel. Everyone from the time of impact closed their eyes as an automatic movement.

Soon it became quiet and the suspense was lifted but all the other students but one were still affected with the sounds and still kept their eyes closed.

Leon opened his eyes "What the hell is this place".

The others hear Leon's voice and all open there eyes upon a big room or space with no roof, floor, walls, neither light or darkness, but a blue like substance flowing through that space, which also seemed to be flowing through them while at the same time their bodies were absorbing that strange substance, this moment lasted for thirty seconds, in that whole amount of time no one else spoke out of the surprise that this event was going on it was all to unrealistic to them or even unbelievable in their eyes.

In a quick flash, they were presented with a blinding light, then they all suddenly appeared in a room that seemed like one of those in a castle or of European medieval time design.

The doors into the room opened and a girl with cat-like qualities appeared.

The Strange Cat like lady said suddenly, "Hello, people from the other world"