
Chapter 214 Revisit

"Come, I won't feel sorry for making you guys become the target of my self-loathing anger…" Zack thought while clenching his teeth.

When the giant eyeballs got ready to attack, Zack suddenly jumped toward one of them and kicked the monster. The attack exploded the eyeball and pushed him to the next target.

(You received 369.000 XP.)

(You received 369.000 XP.)

(You received 369.000 XP.)

Zack had become almost like lightning, moving in the air and killing the monsters without even using a real weapon. If anyone had seen that, they would only have seen the eyeballs exploding one after the other.

The creatures looked around and then used their petrifying beam to hit him, but they hit nothing. Sometimes, they hit each other, and that only made Zack's job easier. Before long, the forest was completely taken by corpses and a slimy, gross liquid that came from the giant eyeballs.