

'This idiot!' Mathew opened up his eyes wide.

He noticed what Carol was doing too late to stop her. And as such, he could only watch how she raised her hands, and with an unhinged look on her face, she shoved them forward.

Following her movements, the burning stones that the girl created flew forth. They passed right through the school's barrier with no trouble only to loop around the first few rows of the zombies before crashing right into the sides of the horde.


As if someone threw out a stick of dynamite, Carol's projectiles exploded into hundreds of pieces, each of which continued to burn any and all that was unlucky enough to stay in its path.

'Does she want to burn an entire district?!' Mathew screamed out internally. Yet, rather than just whining about the situation, he turned around on his feet. "I'm leaving this place to you for a sec," he informed Daria only to bolt back toward the safety of the school's compound.