
Lets have Fun with it

[Dropped :(] [How I've improved: burned out much slower, took things at a much slower pace and relaxed when it came to writing so I must say big improvement and was able to write to chapter 50 compared to 43 like my last one ] Just trying to have fun and kill the creeping insanity also this is as pure as A.i as i could get as i have a bad habbit of giving hella detailed prompts The story is a basic world hopper. World 1: prey world 2: Kabaneri of the iron fortress also don't read if I don't got atleast 15 chaps as i can easily get bored with stories and abandon them quickly

chaoticCatholic · อื่นๆ
51 Chs

Chapter 7: Discussions

"So who are you?" Alexa asked causing Owen hesitation for a moment, feeling a pang of uncertainty as he considered his response. He knew that being honest about his situation was crucial, as judging from how Alexa fingered the trigger of the shotgun in her hands lies won't pass.

"To be honest, Alexa, I don't have all the answers," Owen admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. "I woke up here without any recollection of how I got here or what happened before. It's as if my memories were wiped clean."

He leaned back in the chair, his gaze shifting from the monitor to Alexa, searching for any signs of understanding or recognition. "I've been trying to piece together the puzzle, gathering information and exploring every nook and cranny of this station. But so far, I haven't found any concrete answers."

Owen's tone carried a mix of determination and exasperation. The unknowns surrounding his situation had fueled his relentless search for answers, but the lack of information had also left him feeling adrift.

"I hope what you say is true" Alexa replied with a sigh, her gaze shifting to one of the monitors displaying various sections of Talos I. The desolate scenes showed no signs of life, except for the occasional phantom. Not wasting much time, Mark took hold of the conversation, seizing the opportunity to speak.

"So, Owen, we're trying to gather up as many survivors as we can and see if we can escape. Wanna join us?" Mark asked, his voice filled with a sense of urgency.

Upon hearing the offer, Owen immediately shook his head, a firm refusal escaping his lips. The last thing he needed was to be part of a group that would scrutinize his every move. He also couldn't bear the thought of having to hide his inventory, as the inner loot goblin inside him would never allow it.

With a determined tone, Owen explained his decision. "I appreciate the offer, Mark, but I prefer to work alone. I've learned to rely on my instincts and adapt to the unpredictable nature of this station. Joining a group would only slow me down and restrict my ability to make swift decisions."

He paused for a moment, his gaze meeting Alexa's sharp gaze the resemebed ones as if looking at a possible criminal prompting a small chill to run down his back as he spoke once more . "However, that doesn't mean we can't cooperate. Sharing information and supporting each other from a distance can still be beneficial. We all have the same goal: surviving and finding a way out of here."

Owen's words carried a sense of self-reliance and a touch of vulnerability. He understood the importance of alliances, but he also knew the value of maintaining his independence in this perilous environment.

"That would be great, but you need a suit because they're the only thing that will allow you to communicate with us, luckily The Yu's weren't cheap so we should be able to pick one up from any storage room" Jake spoke, his voice slightly mocking as he made his point clear. The group chuckled at the mention of the Yu family, but their laughter soon subsided as a somber atmosphere settled in. Owen strained to catch a whispered remark, his heart sinking at the implications.

"Bastard better still be alive, or we are all dead," Sarah muttered under her breath, her words barely audible. The weight of her statement hung heavily in the air, causing a somber silence to envelop the group.

Taking a deep breath, Owen felt a renewed sense of urgency.

The reason being the simple fact that Morgan Yu held the key to survival in the form of his arming key making the Neurmod Division the immediate most important place to head to

With a shared sense of purpose, the group began to move, following Sarah as she led them towards the Neuromod Division. Owen's mind raced with thoughts of Morgan Yu, unsure of what they would find there. But one thing was certain - their lives depended on the hope that Morgan Yu was still alive and held the key to their survival.