
Letheon: Forget your Past and Play the Game of the Future.

Lethe Online is a virtual reality game that has been around for over a decade. It is the most popular game in the world, and players from all over flock to it to escape their real lives. Aiken Clinton is a 12th grader who recently started playing Lethe Online. He is known for being the stupid rich kid in school, but in the game he is Czeill, the 13th strongest player in the world. One day, all of the top 15 players in Lethe Online are suddenly erased from every server. This causes chaos both inside and outside the game, as the players behind the avatars are also missing. Aiken woke up inside the game as a level 1 villager, with no memory of how or why he got there. He had no recollection of anything prior to an accident he couldn't quite remember. He had to start from scratch, but he was determined to find out what happened to the other players and get his old life back. Will Aiken be able to solve the mystery of the missing players? Will he be able to reclaim his old life? Or will he be trapped in Lethe Online forever? cover photo by: 藤ちょこ(藤原)

feat_rungaw · เกม
18 Chs

Smile! Tomorrow will be worse .2

The warm embrace of the spring sun that had bathed the world around him was abruptly extinguished. It was as if streams of ethereal light had filtered through the canopy of tall trees, accompanied by faint, distant chimes. Aico's tearful eyes spoke of emotions long suppressed, cascading down his cheeks as the weight of his past sorrows bore down upon him. He wiped away his tears, his awareness returning to his virtual surroundings – Letheon, the game he had immersed himself in. With a determined gesture, he tapped his wrist, summoning his status window to display the details of his current situation.

Aico's attempt to log out was met with an unexpected outcome – a string of perplexing codes greeted him instead of the familiar disconnection process. His mind whirled as he contemplated whether his earlier encounter was rooted in reality or a product of his mind's overwhelmed state.

Now, his focus had shifted to the present moment. With an intense gaze, he stared at the adversary before him, the battle they had planned now unfolding. His opponent was eerily familiar, a sense of déjà vu washing over him. The eyes that locked onto Aico seemed to consume all light, akin to a boundless abyss. The same emptiness that had dwelled within Aiken's eyes after their parents' tragic demise was mirrored in this man's gaze, an expression that harbored the same depths of grief and sorrow.

"Maine, we must cease this battle now. Letheon is not a mere game for our Eves. One wrong move, and their lives will be lost for real," Althea's urgent telepathic message resonated within Maine's mind. Maine, refraining from utilizing Magic Integration, understood the gravity of the situation. Sco, their Eve, had limitations on the use of magic, unlike Aiken who could manifest his abilities without restraint due to Althea's Magic Integration with Cziell. However, Cziell's Villager class imposed a significant obstacle as they were originally devoid of magical proficiency, possessing only a limited connection to magic within a seemingly futile class.

"Do not underestimate my Eve, Althea. Unlike your Eve, who resorted to trickery, Sco-sama earnestly awaited this moment," Maine confidently declared, countering Althea's concern. Telepathy was an exclusive power of the fairies, enabling communication among themselves and their Eves— Sco and Cziell in this instance. While in their fairy form, only the Eves and those blessed by the Fairy Queen could perceive them. However, in their human guise, anyone had the potential to see them.

Aico, undeterred by his numerous disadvantages, boldly seized the initiative to initiate the battle. "Mio, step aside. This is my fight, I challenged him to a duel, and I intend to see it through." Mio hesitated, torn between the conflicting energies of the two Eves before her. Meanwhile, the swirling black sand vortex continued to shroud the battlefield, obscuring the view for everyone present. Despite inhabiting the body of a twelve-year-old in the virtual world, Aico's determination drove him forward. Ignoring the odds stacked against him, he launched a swift and fierce attack. With rapid, controlled leaps, he surged from his constrained position, intent on making his mark on the battle.

Aico's avatar had undergone rigorous training, honing his abilities to perform with exceptional speed and precision. In a matter of days, he had achieved the ability to defeat monsters much larger than himself using only his bare hands. However, his current opponent was a human, an entity with a mind and consciousness far more unpredictable than any mere code-based creature.

Aico, using his smaller stature and agility, adeptly evaded Aiken's attack by deftly shifting his shoulder aside, causing Aiken's strike to miss its mark. Aico had spent considerable time training his avatar, honing his skills and combat techniques to a level that surpassed ordinary players.

Reacting quickly, Cziell skillfully employed his left knee to counter Sco's assault to his stomach. With his right foot, he unleashed a powerful kick that sent Sco hurtling through the wall, creating a gaping hole that offered a view of the outside world, now cloaked in the shroud of night. As a practitioner of dark magic, Cziell's abilities allowed him to perceive even in the darkness, granting him an advantage. He observed as Sco struggled to rise, seeking support from a nearby tree to steady himself.

For Cziell, offense was the primary mode of defense. Despite his aggressive stance, he remained acutely aware that Sco was no ordinary adversary. Sco's prowess within Letheon was well-known, having established himself as one of the game's top players. Aiken contemplated his next move, torn between the desire to engage further in the battle before him or to abandon the conflict and resume his journey toward Orion. Time was of the essence, and he was hesitant to squander it on an extended skirmish. As he weighed his options, the sense of urgency grew stronger, pushing him to make a decision that could shape the course of his adventure.

Mio, Mimic, and Neon remained immobilized, their movements suspended by a mix of shock and awe as the battle before them escalated into a brutal contest of wills and power. Their attention was irrevocably fixed on the unfolding clash, captivated by the raw intensity emanating from the combatants. The air itself seemed to thicken with tension, the impending clash of forces mirroring the conflict that raged within Aiken's heart.