
Letheon: Forget your Past and Play the Game of the Future.

Lethe Online is a virtual reality game that has been around for over a decade. It is the most popular game in the world, and players from all over flock to it to escape their real lives. Aiken Clinton is a 12th grader who recently started playing Lethe Online. He is known for being the stupid rich kid in school, but in the game he is Czeill, the 13th strongest player in the world. One day, all of the top 15 players in Lethe Online are suddenly erased from every server. This causes chaos both inside and outside the game, as the players behind the avatars are also missing. Aiken woke up inside the game as a level 1 villager, with no memory of how or why he got there. He had no recollection of anything prior to an accident he couldn't quite remember. He had to start from scratch, but he was determined to find out what happened to the other players and get his old life back. Will Aiken be able to solve the mystery of the missing players? Will he be able to reclaim his old life? Or will he be trapped in Lethe Online forever? cover photo by: 藤ちょこ(藤原)

feat_rungaw · เกม
18 Chs

People change? No, Mask falls off .4

As the sun began its descent on that particular Thursday, the seventh month of the Calendar, an intriguing tableau unfolded within the expanse of Orion Woods. This forest, characterized by towering trees and inhabited by formidable creatures, stood sentinel beside the Walls of Orion. It was a domain reserved exclusively for the crème de la crème of Letheon's user base – the echelons of top-level players who had earned the right to tread upon its hallowed ground.

Perched upon the gnarled boughs of a tree, a cloaked figure observed intently, his eyes locked onto the central figure below. The moniker "Cziell" echoed through the air, signifying a presence that held the attention of the enigmatic observer. Amidst the verdant realm, Nemean, a man of spontaneous spirit and unyielding courage, sensed the third party's gaze upon him. A subtle exchange played out, a dance of silent acknowledgment amidst the rustling leaves.

Nemean, renowned for his indomitable character and unshakable resolve, had earned his place as the sixth-ranked player, his name etched among the elite. His leadership extended to a guild known as 'Guise', a collective emblematic of his fearless ethos and the inspiration he instilled in his followers. After a fierce bout against a colossal World Boss, Nemean sought respite among the branches, endeavoring to replenish his depleted mana reserves.

In this charged moment, words were exchanged between the two figures. "Just chilling," Cziell's response hung in the air, evoking an incredulous laugh from Nemean. This exchange, though seemingly light-hearted, carried an undercurrent of tension, a subtle acknowledgment of the gravity that permeated their interaction.

Nemean, no stranger to the intricate dynamics of their reality, remained vigilant. The weight of the situation was palpable; he recognized that Cziell's watchful gaze was driven by an unyielding intent. Like a predator biding his time, Cziell awaited an opening, a chance to seize upon any hint of vulnerability, however faint.

Cziell's annoyance manifested in a telltale click of his tongue, a gesture that betrayed his underlying sentiments. In the midst of this interplay between two formidable figures, Orion Woods bore witness to an unspoken duel of wits, a symphony of calculated gestures and unspoken truths, poised to unfold against the backdrop of a realm both virtual and yet profoundly real.

"You got me," Cziell conceded, his form descending with a graceful leap that brought him face to face with Nemean. The abruptness of his descent elicited a surge of panic among Nemean's guild members. Swords, bows, and staffs were gripped with an instinctive readiness, the atmosphere thickening with the anticipation of an impending clash. It was as if the Guild of 'Guise' stood poised for an all-out war against the formidable Soloist, 'Cziell'.

But against all expectations, Cziell exhibited an unexpected twist. His steps drew him nearer to Nemean until he lightly tapped the latter's shoulder. The commotion that had poised on the precipice of chaos seemed to waver, suspended in the tension of the moment. Cziell's words carried an urgent cadence as he confessed his predicament.

"I find myself in a quandary," he explained, "I'm lost and need to get back to Orion quickly. Tomorrow at 17:00, I have a scheduled fight. In a hurry, no time to play. Goodbye,"

As Cziell's figure receded, Nemean chuckled quietly as he watched Cziell fade into the distance, heading in the wrong direction. The bone-chilling aura that had enveloped them dissipated, replaced by a sense of amusement at the unexpected encounter.

Yet, despite the levity of the moment, Nemean was acutely aware of the potential storm that had loomed. Cziell, a veritable monster in his own right, possessed an aura that bespoke of a lethal prowess. The mere notion of the havoc that could ensue, should his attention waver from his objective, was enough to send shivers down Nemean's spine. The concept of a "Dirt Nap," a player's demise that resulted in a hauntingly tangible corpse, bore testament to the gravity of this realm.

In the wake of this encounter, Nemean's perspective was both enriched and sobered. He understood the perilous precipice upon which they had teetered, a hair's breadth away from descending into chaos. Cziell, a figure of awe and trepidation, had etched an indelible impression – a chilling reminder of the ferocious world they inhabited.

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