
Letheon: Forget your Past and Play the Game of the Future.

Lethe Online is a virtual reality game that has been around for over a decade. It is the most popular game in the world, and players from all over flock to it to escape their real lives. Aiken Clinton is a 12th grader who recently started playing Lethe Online. He is known for being the stupid rich kid in school, but in the game he is Czeill, the 13th strongest player in the world. One day, all of the top 15 players in Lethe Online are suddenly erased from every server. This causes chaos both inside and outside the game, as the players behind the avatars are also missing. Aiken woke up inside the game as a level 1 villager, with no memory of how or why he got there. He had no recollection of anything prior to an accident he couldn't quite remember. He had to start from scratch, but he was determined to find out what happened to the other players and get his old life back. Will Aiken be able to solve the mystery of the missing players? Will he be able to reclaim his old life? Or will he be trapped in Lethe Online forever? cover photo by: 藤ちょこ(藤原)

feat_rungaw · เกม
18 Chs

People change? No, Mask falls off .3

Aiken Clint sat in his classroom, his gaze intently fixed on the math equation illuminating his computer screen. Although he excelled academically, his reserved nature made him shy away from being the center of attention.

The tranquility was abruptly shattered as the professor's voice pierced the air, singling out Aiken for an answer. Startled, he jolted from his thoughts, causing his desk to shake and his belongings to tumble to the floor. Swiftly, he adjusted his thick glasses, their lenses gleaming, and focused his gaze on the screen before him.

Summoning his courage, Aiken rose from his seat, his heart pounding as all eyes turned toward him. Confidence infused his voice as he confidently uttered, "1," a hint of pride evident in his posture.

Unexpectedly, a pen soared through the air, finding its target on Aiken's head. Laughter erupted from his friend Henry, whose playful jest was sparked by the near-miss. "Ha!" Henry exclaimed with a chuckle, his amusement palpable. "I really thought you were about to answer Scarface's question.."

With a shared laugh, Aiken and Henry embarked on a journey to the school's bustling canteen, their camaraderie buoying their steps. In the backdrop of lighthearted banter, the duo indulged in the simple delight of seeking out snacks for their well-deserved break, forging a bond that was as comforting as it was enduring.

Scarface, their math professor, bore an imposing mark that mirrored his formidable reputation. The intrigue surrounding his presence lingered, casting a shadow that gave credence to the tales whispered about him. Among the students, Aiken was one who had already unraveled the enigma of the equation before him. However, a desire to remain unobtrusive guided his actions; he preferred the cloak of averageness, seeking simplicity and humility over conspicuous attention.

Good-natured as ever, Aiken shrugged off Henry's jesting with an air of resilience. He understood his friend's playful taunts and took them in stride. Concealing his true essence had become second nature, a shield against prying eyes and unsought attention. Beneath his unassuming exterior, a secret identity lay dormant – Cziell, the master necromancer who reigned supreme in the virtual realm of Letheon.

A subtle vibration against his wrist signaled the arrival of a distinct notification, a message that deviated from the routine clamor of his older's nagging and little sister's concerns. Aiken's discerning gaze shifted to his wrist phone, acutely aware of the significance of this particular alert. In a fluid motion, he excused himself from Henry's company and ascended to the rooftop, seeking the solace of isolation. As his eyes scanned the message, a metamorphosis seized him, transforming the modest Aiken into the resolute and strategic Cziell.

Gone was the timidity that cloaked him in the classroom. In its stead emerged an aura of calculated determination, emblematic of the master necromancer who commanded forces far beyond the realm of academia. The dichotomy of his identities – the unobtrusive scholar and the indomitable gaming virtuoso – stood as a testament to Aiken's versatility and the complexities that defined his multifaceted existence.

"Listen to this," he began, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue. "Sco, the current 12th ranked player, is throwing down the gauntlet. He's challenging Cziell to an official duel scheduled for Friday."

The rooftop was enlivened by a sudden gust of wind, Aiken's hair fluttering in an almost eerie mimicry of his online avatar's flowing presence. A subtle transformation swept across his visage, the smile that emerged harboring an unsettling undercurrent, a harbinger of intrigue that sent shivers down the spine of any who witnessed it.

As Aiken eventually retreated from his private reverie, a tense pause ensued before the door creaked open, revealing a girl whose heart raced at the scene she had stumbled upon. She voiced her concern, her voice weighted with unease. The gravity of the situation was palpable; the impending confrontation bore consequences that threatened to spiral into something dire.

Amidst a web of secrecy, the girl's wrist communicator was her conduit for communication. Urgency coated her words as she relayed crucial information to her counterpart on the other end. The words hung in the air, heavy with meaning: "The Dark Lord will engage the Little Prince tomorrow." With this revelation, the pieces of a complex puzzle were set into motion, an intricate dance of strategy and action.

The ambiance shifted, mirroring the storm that began to rage beyond the confines of the room. Rain cascaded in torrents, painting a vivid backdrop against the darkened sky. Amidst this tempestuous environment, the girl, resolute yet burdened, closed her eyes and tightened her grip on her clenched fists. A solemn vow escaped her lips, a whispered promise of determination.

Her resolve, though fervent, was tempered by the uncertainty that loomed on the horizon. As the rain continued its relentless descent, the girl's aspirations and hopes intertwined with the elements, an amalgamation of purpose and determination. The future hung in the balance, a delicate equilibrium waiting to be swayed by the forthcoming clash between forces both digital and corporeal.

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