
Chapter 2: Crimson Eyes

Kharis was peacefully sleeping when she was woken up by a noise coming from downstairs where she remembered a man she gave shelter was sleeping. She sat up on the bed observing the house and another noise she heard. This time something was breaking. 'Is there an intruder in my house?' she thought to herself. She quietly walked to the door of her bedroom. She tried to open the lights but it won't work due to the thunderstorm. She slowly opens it and peeks to see what's happening but she failed to distinguish. She hears grunts and things breaking downstairs so she decided to go. She grabs a lamp and bravely went out of her bedroom, going down the stairs, she felt like her heart was pounding so loud that even the intruder could hear it. She found some words to say out loud and it was not what she expects "Ciro? Where are you?" she seeks the man who promised to guard her for the night, now that she feels unsafe. But what if that man was the intruder and just waiting for the perfect time to kill her instead? 'No, no. If he's going to kill me then I should not be alive by now' battling with her thoughts. As she explores the living room she saw broken things and glass everywhere from the broken windows. 'What happened here?!' she thought with panic. "Ciro?! Answer me! Where are you? What's happening?!" she said out loud with panic in her voice. She heard whoosh outside and someone kicked the door open and Kharis screamed at the top of her lungs. She attempted to run back upstairs but the man who kicked the door was able to be at the stairs in a heartbeat. Kharis was frightened of who this man is. There are some rumors that a pack of rogue vampires is haunting the other town not far from theirs. Vampires are not impossible to exist but rare to encounter. Human coexists with creatures of the night. Human being slaughtered are not new to history.

Kharis's mind is occupied by distinguishing what kind of creature is the man in front of him right now. 'Is he a vampire? A werewolf?' asking herself as if it would help her survive. She failed to run upstairs as the man was on her way up. "Who are you?" she asked with a faint voice. The man didn't answer. She was not able to see the man's face since she only has a lamp as a source of light. "Why are you here?" almost a whisper. Her heart is pounding so loud but she was able to hear a growl from the creature. She was startled to hear that proving that it's a vampire wanting blood for hunger. She tried to run out of the house but the creature was able to grab her long hair and throw her back in the house. The creature was so strong that it managed to throw her using one hand. She felt some warm liquid running down her face. It is her own blood. She was wounded when she was thrown back in and was slammed at the wall. Her humanly body could not withstand the force. She managed to sit up straight and lean on the wall behind her. "What a surprise. A virgin lady for food" the creature said. 'Am I going to die? Is this how everything ends? Being devoured by a vampire? It's not like I have a family but I have Lord Samuel, its a shame I couldn't say goodbye' she said to herself knowing her end is near. Suddenly she remembers what Ciro said, "Go and sleep. I will guard you for the night". Somehow tears run down from her cheeks.

The creature was delighted seeing poor Kharis in pain and tears. "I could ease your pain if you beg," he said while walking towards Kharis and laughing at her. Kharis did not answer. She occupied by the thoughts of Ciro. When she saw a handsome man, wet and cold waiting for her to open the door. A man that somehow became a part of her peasant life. Even for a little time. 'Will I see him again? Is he safe?' she thought 'Please be safe, Ciro'. She smiled to herself. She's dying but still thinking about other people's life. She felt someone grab her chin. She groaned in pain. This creature doesn't even give a damn if she's hurting or what. Kharis do not care if this creature kills her but what the creature said stunned her and made her beg to just kill her right away. "You are one beautiful young lady. I could not believe how lucky I am to find you here. I can entertain myself for a while waiting for the others to come here after they were done taking care of him" she stated while looking at her with lust in his pure black eye. Kharis shudder in fear knowing that she may be violated by this creature before killing her and not by just this creature. He said that he has companions and he's waiting for them. They were just taking care of something. Or someone rather. 'Is he talking about Ciro? His friends are killing Ciro? No, no!' she thought. Kharis doesn't have the strength to say a word anymore. The creature in front of her starting to touch her body. She's trying to stop him but she doesn't have the strength anymore since she's losing too much blood. With all her strength left, she screamed Ciro's name with her eyes closed. As if he will come and rescue her. All of a sudden the creature in front of her stopped touching her. She slowly opened her eyes. Her sight is getting fuzzier every minute but she was able to see what's happening. It's Ciro, choking the creature while slammed into the wall. Now she can see that Ciro is a very tall man. Ciro is choking the creature up high from the ground. "You dare to touch what's mine, Rogue? Have you not know my name?" saying those words Ciro's eyes went crimson red making the creature stunned.

"My---my liege," the creature said with a raspy voice and being retch by Ciro's hands. "I am not your liege. I have no rogue as my men. Not even my servant" Ciro stated. "Ha---ve merc--y" the creature begged while struggling for air. Ciro released the creature from his grip. "I did not know that this young lady belongs to you, we could have not come here at all, I will do anything, my liege. Spare me" the creature said while kneeling on the ground gasping for air. "Anything?" Ciro repeated. "Ye-yes" with a stuttering voice of the creature. "Then, depart this life" Ciro stated with no mercy on his face. "No--no!" out of thin air. The creature slowly turned into dust and blown by the wind. Erased its existence by just words Ciro recited. Kharis was able to witness what happened and whispered Ciro's name. Ciro aided Kharis immediately and he smelled Kharis's blood making his crimson red eyes more visible to see. "Is my blood smells that good?" she said. "I consent you to feed on me, Ciro" she added making Ciro stunned. "I am controlling myself, woman. Don't tease me" he answered. "You are mine. You are not going to die. I won't let you!" Ciro says. Kharis was relieved that Ciro saved her from that creature. "I guess we're even" she gave a faint smile. Ciro carried Kharis and brought him to his palace. 'I was able to hear your thoughts, screaming my name' "So you are mine after all" Ciro smiled.